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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Head of Tax Authority: By 2024, electronic collection will 100 percent
Head of Tax Authority: By 2024, electronic collection will 100 percent
Head of Tax Authority: By 2024, electronic collection will 100 percent
[Sun, 10 Dec 2023 09:03:15 +0300]

SANA'A December 10. 2023 (Saba) - The Tax Authority continues its efforts to grant tax exemptions to taxpayers of small and smaller establishments with limited income, the number of which rose to more than 74 thousand exemptions until last October, at the same time, it has begun taking appropriate procedures and treatments for all tax procedures.

The electronic collection project is considered one of the most prominent completed projects that serves tax taxpayers and are gradually working to confront the negatives that accompanied the traditional manual payment process for tax fees, manipulation of supply procedures by several treasurers and recipients, and their lack of commitment to supplying the amounts that have been collected promptly.

Not to mention that a number of tax taxpayers are surprised, after time, that the fees they paid were not supplied to the state treasury, which prompted the authorities concerned with the state’s public revenues to take appropriate measures to get rid of the problem of turnover on the one hand, and to restore trust with taxpayers and ensure that they are not subjected to unfair procedures.

The Tax Authority achieved remarkable success through the electronic collection project in cooperation with business partners in the Ministry of Finance and CAC Bank, which constituted a qualitative leap in terms of the digital transformation that the authority is witnessing and works according to an easy and simplified mechanism through which taxpayers can pay electronically at any time and from wherever they are. It is available through the Mobile Money electronic payment wallet.

According to the head of the Tax Authority, Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed Muhammad, the total number of taxpayers who paid tax fees electronically through the electronic collection project during the period from January to November of the current year 2023 AD reached 31,782 taxpayers, including 27,626 taxpayers who paid the qat sales tax and four thousand and 156 income and sales tax taxpayers.

He pointed out that the digital transformation plan in the field of electronic payment aims to reach all taxpayers and enable them to use the service 100 percent by the beginning of January 2024.

He explained that revenues paid electronically in the field of income and sales tax achieved 58.31 percent of the total amounts paid electronically during the period from January to November 2023, while the percentage of revenues from khat sales tax paid electronically reached 41.69 percent of total electronic revenues for the same period.

According to the database of the Information Technology and Digital Transformation Unit at the Tax Authority, the percentage of amounts paid electronically in the field of qat sales tax reached 94 percent of the total amounts paid electronically and manually for the period from January 1 to November 30, 2023 AD.

While tax revenues paid electronically in the field of income and sales achieved 60 percent of the total amounts paid electronically and manually for the same period.

Abdul Jabbar Ahmed Muhammad pointed out that the Authority was keen to provide coverage for the operating telephone networks of the various collection centers, which reached 220 centers for collecting the qat sales tax, and CAC Bank is currently working to complete the provision coverage for three centers in Hajjah and Amran.

In turn, the Director General of Collection at the Tax Authority, Muhammad Muthanna, pointed out that electronic tax collection is significant for governments and tax institutions as it helps improve the efficiency of tax collection and reduces the time and effort required to manage collection operations.

He pointed out that the electronic system reduces errors that may occur in manual collection processes, in addition, the electronic collection contributes to increasing the transparency of tax collection operations and providing accurate reports to the relevant authorities.

Muthanna stressed that electronic collection provides better services to taxpayers by simplifying the process of paying taxes and providing information quickly and effectively, and contributes to improving the efficiency of tax collection operations.

He explained that the process of paying taxes previously was restricted to official times, while in electronic collection, the 24/7 service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays and official days.

According to the leadership and excellence plan recently approved by the Authority, all tax units and offices in Sana’a and the governorates are required to achieve a qualitative transformation in tax performance and 100 percent engagement with the various completed tax services.

The database of the electronic collection project indicates that the real estate revenue tax achieved the highest percentage in the number of taxpayers who paid electronically, numbering 1,91 taxpayers, compared to the number of taxpayers for all types of income and sales taxes.

At the governorate level, the Capital Sana'a came in first place among the total taxpayers who activated the electronic payment service in the field of income and sales tax, as well as those who paid electronically in the field of qat sales tax, as their number reached eight thousand and 528 taxpayers.

Saada Governorate came in second place for the number of taxpayers who activated the electronic payment service for income and sales taxes, as well as those who paid electronically for the Qat tax, numbering four thousand and 615 taxpayers.

While Ibb Governorate came in third place, the total number of taxpayers charged for income, sales, and qat taxes reached three thousand and 954 taxpayers.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300