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  US-Saudi Aggression
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High Level Technical Committee to supervise implementation of Child Protection Plan visits Sa'ada
High Level Technical Committee to supervise implementation of Child Protection Plan visits Sa'ada
High Level Technical Committee to supervise implementation of Child Protection Plan visits Sa'ada
[Sat, 25 Mar 2023 01:27:55 +0300]

SA'ADA March 25.2023 (Saba) - The high-level technical committee concerned with supervising the implementation of the child protection plan conducted a three-day field visit to Sa'ada province, with the participation of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Where the technical committee visited AlAzqul health unit in Sahar district, which was bombed by the Aggression Coalition and renovated by Save the Children, as well as Haydan Hospital, which was targeted by the aggression coalition in 2015 and rebuilt by Doctors Without Borders in 2017.
The Committee also visited the Martyr Ghaleb Al-Tairi Basic and Secondary Educational Complex in Haidan, which was targeted in 2015 with several raids, and about 1,300 students study in it, despite the destruction of large parts of it.
In the Maran district, the technical committee visited the health center, the Martyr Ghathaiah Basic Secondary School, and Omar bin Abdulaziz Basic School, which was bombed by the aggression coalition, in addition to visiting Al-Nasr Basic School in Saqin district, in which children continue to study despite the destruction.
In the Dhahyan district, the committee visited the Dhahyan market, in which the children's bus was bombed in 2018, which resulted in the killing of about 40 children. The committee also visited the Dhahyan Martyrs' Kindergarten and viewed the remains of the bus.
The committee visited the school of the martyr Muhammad al-Durra, which was targeted at the beginning of the aggression, which led to its great damage, and about 800 students study in it, in addition to visiting the Asmaa School for Girls, which was targeted by the aggression and was severely damaged, and about 700 students study in it.
During the visit, the Chairman of the Technical Committee - Adviser to the President of the Supreme Political Council for Diplomatic Affairs, Ambassador Abd al-Ilah Hajar, indicated, during a meeting with officials in the Education and Health Offices in Sa'ada Province, that the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition committed the most heinous crimes against Yemen on land and people, and violated all norms, laws and international covenants.
He pointed out that children were among the most affected segments of society, as they were killed, their schools destroyed, and they became victims due to malnutrition and diseases as a result of the aggression and siege.
Ambassador Hajar indicated that the National Salvation Government signed an action plan with the United Nations to protect children last April, according to which it renewed its commitment to protecting children's rights.
He stressed that the purpose of the field visit is to inform the government agencies of this plan and the obligations of the National Salvation Government according to it, as well as to see the violations and war crimes committed by the countries of the aggression coalition and their mercenaries on civilian objects, especially schools and hospitals, and to know the extent of the damage and the required needs.
The technical committee consists of representatives from the Office of the Presidency of the Republic, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Interior, Information, Social Affairs, Labor, Education, Public Health, Population, Human Rights, the Security and Intelligence Service, and the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300