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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
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  About President
President Al-Mashat: Yemeni people have become role model for Arab & Islamic peoples , world free people in their support for Gaza
President Al-Mashat: Yemeni people have become role model for Arab & Islamic peoples , world free people in their support for Gaza
President Al-Mashat: Yemeni people have become role model for Arab & Islamic peoples , world free people in their support for Gaza
[Thu, 29 Feb 2024 21:51:43 +0300]

SANA'A Feb 29. 2024 (Saba) - Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, met on Thursday in the capital Sana'a with the leadership of the local authority in Ibb Governorate, dignitaries, sheikhs and social figures from the governorate.

During the meeting, which was attended by Chief of the General Staff Major General Mohammed Al-Ghamari, and Deputy Director of the Presidential Office Fahd Al-Ezzi, His Excellency President Al-Mashat stressed that the awareness and wisdom of the people of Ibb Al-Ahrar Governorate had a prominent role in thwarting all the enemy's conspiracies and attempts to target this governorate.

"You are at the forefront of the sons of this country, who had the great honor under the leadership of Commander Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip," he said.

President Al-Mashat pointed out that the culture of faith of the Yemeni people, led by the people of Ibb governorate, derived from the Holy Quran, is the safety valve that shattered all the conspiracies of the enemy, and the Yemeni people and their positions of faith in support of the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza have become a model to be followed by the Arab and Islamic peoples and all the free people of the world.

He added, "In this reality, in which the facts became more clear, and in light of the criminal Zionist aggression with the participation of America and the Western countries, the voice of this great leader, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, emerged, who said to America and the evil trio: We will not retreat from our support for the oppressed Palestinian people until the Zionist criminal aggression on Gaza stops, the siege is lifted, and medicine and food enter it."

His Excellency the President stressed the importance of interacting with the various mobilization activities and events in support of the oppressed Palestinian people and their just cause, and active participation in awareness activities and mass marches in support of Palestine.

He stressed the need to pay attention to the service and development aspect and work to meet the needs of the governorate of projects and improve the level of services and performance in various facilities. He pointed to the importance of giving the agricultural aspect priority as the main pillar of the national economy.

President Al-Mashat directed all officials, starting from the governor to the youngest official, to commit to working hours in their offices and job discipline in all branches of offices, institutions, bodies and interests of the state in the governorate, work in a team spirit to serve the country and the citizen, and pay attention to society and proximity to it and touch its needs of basic services.

He also directed attention to summer centers and pushing students to join them because of their importance in building and immunizing generations, as well as paying attention to charity, social solidarity, charitable work and caring for poor families and families of martyrs, prisoners, missing persons and Almoravids.

President Al-Mashat called on citizens to cooperate with the security side in resolving issues, maintaining security, unity of ranks and the home front, preserving the social fabric, good tribal customs, virtuous values and morals, and beware of the plans of enemies that aim to stir up strife and problems among the people of the province and not to be affected by their lies and media mouthpieces.


resource : Saba


  more of (About President)
UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300