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  US-Saudi Aggression
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International Court of Justice deepens Zionist entity's escalating international isolation
International Court of Justice deepens Zionist entity's escalating international isolation
International Court of Justice deepens Zionist entity's escalating international isolation
[Sun, 26 May 2024 00:13:39 +0300]

SANA'A May 26. 2024 (Saba) - The usurping Zionist enemy entity has been living in escalating international isolation since its aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank on October 7th.

In this context, the American newspaper "The New York Times" considered that the decision of the International Court of Justice deepens the isolation that the Zionist enemy entity suffers from on the international scene.

The newspaper reported that the former Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, Ehud Barak, warned in 2011 of a “diplomatic-political tsunami” of criticism that the usurping entity might face if its conflict with the Palestinians was not resolved. Today, Zionist foreign policy analysts believe that this tsunami seems closer than ever before. ".

The American newspaper said in a report written by its correspondent, Patrick Kingsley, from occupied Jerusalem: “The International Court of Justice of the United Nations ordered Israel to suspend its military campaign in Rafah, adding to a growing list of diplomatic and legal moves that undermine Israel’s international standing.”

Before concluding his report, Patrick Kingsley touched on the increasing isolation of the Zionist entity in the cultural and academic worlds. In recent months, universities in countries including Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and Spain have announced that they have severed their relations with their Zionist counterparts or are considering doing so.

The international court's ruling came a few days after prosecutors at the International Criminal Court, another international court, called for the arrest of Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Defense Minister, Yoav Galant, in a move that received support from some of Israel's old partners, such as France.

This order also came in the same week that three European countries took a coordinated step to recognize Palestine as a full-fledged state, and following widespread protests on university campuses in America against the Zionist campaign in Gaza, and after the decisions taken by Turkey to suspend trade with the occupying entity, and the decisions of Belize and Bolivia. Colombia severed diplomatic relations with this usurping entity.

The American newspaper "Washington Post" also confirmed that the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, finds himself gradually isolated from the global arena after the anger of world public opinion over his devastating war in the Gaza Strip put him before two of the most important courts in the world.

The newspaper saw that Netanyahu finds himself, little by little, isolated from the global arena, and his government cornered, amid various legal challenges and a shift in global public opinion.

The newspaper pointed to the anger of world public opinion sparked by Netanyahu's devastating war in the Gaza Strip, which put him and his government before two of the most important courts in the world.

The newspaper confirmed that legal pressure is mounting, despite the Zionist officials’ threat before the ruling was issued, and their pledge to continue the war, in conjunction with the International Court of Justice considering a case brought by South Africa accusing the Zionist entity of committing the crime of genocide.

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, submitted a request to issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu and his Defense Minister, Yoav Galant, earlier this week.

Many countries announced their support for the genocide lawsuit filed by South Africa against the Zionist entity, including Egypt, Libya and Turkey, and more than one European country pledged, through senior officials, their intention to implement any decision issued by the International Criminal Court to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant, if they arrive on its territory. At the forefront of these are German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Ede.

The former Zionist Consul General in New York, Alon Pinkas, said in press statements last night: “These are not the levels of isolation in North Korea, Belarus, or Myanmar, but they are isolation... It creates a tremendous feeling of pressure.”

Although the latest step taken by the International Court of Justice may not have immediate practical effects, these moves against the usurping Zionist entity taken together not only show the decline of its international reputation, but also the decline of American influence, says the former Zionist entity’s ambassador to Washington, Itamar Rabinovitch.

Rabinovich stressed, "There is a change in the rules of international politics, and the rest of the world's countries are on their way to bypassing the United States, as if they are saying to Washington, 'We cannot defeat you at the United Nations, but we now have two international courts and we will turn to these two places over which you have no control.'"

Thousands of artists signed an open letter last February asking the organizers of the Venice Biennale, one of the most important art festivals in the world, to prevent the Zionist entity from participating in this year’s gathering.

On the other hand, America and its allies adopted a more critical tone against the Zionist government, even as they tried to defend it against increasing international criticism. US President Joe Biden expressed his concern about the Zionist attack on Gaza, and stopped a shipment of bombs that were destined for the entity. Despite some Minor changes in positions, but the Zionist entity continues to have the ability to continue the war thanks to the great American support.

Observers believe that the usurping Zionist entity failed to defend its alleged narrative regarding this aggression, the shabby self-defense narrative, and it clearly appeared to the world that this occupying entity took advantage of what happened on October 7th in order to further its policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians.

Observers confirm that as a result of the continuation of this policy, this usurping entity has been besieged internationally, as weekly demonstrations in support of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination broke out in various parts of the world, and students staged a sit-in in most American and European universities, demanding an end to the Zionist aggression, and accusing this entity of being (an occupation and apartheid state). ) and demanding their universities to boycott Zionist universities.

As for legal and diplomatic advocacy, the legitimacy of the Zionist entity has declined internationally as a result of the genocide case against this entity, which was filed by the state of South Africa and supported by dozens of other countries, and the same applies to the announcement by International Criminal Prosecutor Karim Khan that he was seeking to issue a subpoena for Netanyahu and his Minister of War.

What made matters worse for the occupying entity was the fact that important countries in the European Union recognized the State of Palestine, namely Spain, Norway, and Ireland, so that almost a third of European countries recognized the Palestinian State.

The National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance revealed in its periodic report issued today, Saturday, that the expansion of Zionist settlement came as a reaction to the recognition of the State of Palestine, which reflects the impasse in the policy of the occupying entity.

The office said in its report: “Three European countries, namely Spain, Norway, and Ireland, announced their decision last week to recognize the State of Palestine, and this recognition will enter into force on May 28 of this year, thus bringing the number of countries that recognize the State of Palestine to 142 out of 193 member states.” In the United Nations.”

It is worth mentioning that all these international developments push us to come to one very clear conclusion, which is that the usurping Zionist entity is now living in its worst stage since its establishment in 1948, as its international isolation has expanded and is expanding more and more, and in contrast to its democratic and civilized image that it always tries to appear, it has Tomorrow, the world will face a rogue occupying entity that does not respect international law and does not comply with its provisions.

Najat Noor

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300