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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Summer courses in Marib...diverse activities and great demand
Summer courses in Marib...diverse activities and great demand
Summer courses in Marib...diverse activities and great demand
[Thu, 23 May 2024 18:12:30 +0300]

MARIB May 23. 2024 (Saba) - Summer courses in Ma'rib Governorate are witnessing a diverse turnout and momentum in programs and activities, with great official and community support in the various districts.

The unprecedented popular and official interaction with summer activities and courses reflected growing community awareness of the importance of summer schools and benefiting from the school holiday to protect generations and raise them according to a Qur’anic vision of faith.

Since the announcement of the start of registration for open and model summer schools, parents have raced to register their children with great care and awareness of the benefit for students and youth in investing their free time in reading the Qur’an and studying useful sciences, away from bad companions and electronic games that waste time and effort.

The great community outburst was accompanied by a great official interaction by the subcommittee for summer courses in the governorate, the local authority, and various relevant agencies and offices, which worked according to a pre-prepared plan to accommodate students enrolled in schools, and create the appropriate atmosphere in terms of providing teachers, the curriculum, sports allowances, and housing requirements. Internal for model schools.

The interaction of all popular and official components, with the summer courses, embodied the keenness to fortify youth and youth, build their scientific and skill capabilities, and strengthen God’s guidance in their souls through dhikr, recitation, and memorization of the Qur’an in a way that will achieve success for them in this world and the hereafter.

Students enrolled in summer courses receive great attention from the subcommittees of the summer courses, which worked to diversify activities this year, implementing weekly trips for students to historical and tourist attractions in the governorate, holding competitions and creative programs, and honoring outstanding students with in-kind and financial prizes. To encourage creators and motivate students to excel and excel.

Official and popular visits from the leaders of the local authority and public mobilization, directors of executive offices, directorates of directorates, and social figures, on a daily basis to the summer schools, also reflected a great interest in following up on the conditions of the students, reviewing the activities and programs implemented, and contributing according to their capabilities to supporting the summer schools and encouraging the students.

This week, the various directorates of the governorate witnessed a majestic and unprecedented student march and scout march for students of open and model summer courses, in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Reflecting the students’ awareness of the nation’s central issues, bearing responsibility for supporting the oppressed, and confronting the forces of global arrogance.

The Governor of Ma’rib, Ali Taaiman, explained in a statement to the “Saba” agency that the summer schools this year witnessed a large turnout by students, and an unprecedented momentum from the community, which contributed greatly to pushing students to summer schools. Believing in its importance in understanding youth and youth, protecting them from false ideas, and providing them with knowledge and sciences that are beneficial to them in this world and the hereafter, and in the forefront is memorizing and reciting the Holy Qur’an.

He pointed out that summer schools were opened in some districts and districts for the first time in their history, after decades and years of misinformation and teaching false cultures. He pointed out that the task of spreading Qur’anic culture among society, and protecting them from takfiri cultures, is a great responsibility whose fruits are evident in building a nation. A strong country that rejects humiliation and oppression, and preserves the nation, its security, stability, and sovereignty.

The Governor of Ma’rib stressed his keenness to ensure the success of the activities and programs of the summer courses to achieve their noble goals of teaching generations the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet - may God bless him and his family and grant them peace - in order to enable them to serve their community, their homeland and their nation. As they are the hope of the nation and the homeland.

He praised the great efforts made by those in charge of the open and model summer schools, including teachers, administrators, and workers, who provide a great message in educating generations in Quranic culture and teaching them useful sciences. He considered their work and their commitment in the fields of science as a jihad for the sake of God, no less important than what the heroic fighters are making. On the fronts of pride and dignity.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300