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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Surprises of Yemeni deterrence of US, UK continues upon wisdom of Political leadership, mandate of Yemeni people :report
Surprises of Yemeni deterrence of US, UK continues upon wisdom of Political leadership, mandate of Yemeni people :report
[Fri, 01 Mar 2024 10:00:19 +0300]

SANA'A March 01. 2024 (Saba) - Yemeni positions have continue to support the Palestinian people, their resistance and their just cause, which will remain the nation’s central and first issue, especially after “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation broke the Zionist orgy in the region and defeated the so-called invincible army.

The Zionist crime supported by America and Europe exceeded and violated all perceptions and the genocide of the enemy entity and its gangs and became a terrible and dangerous title in the region.

The Nazi enemy's crime on Thursday morning when it hit a gathering of starving Gazans who have been besieged for five months as the occupation hindered aid trucks in the northern Gaza Strip becomes a trap to commit a new massacre against civilians.

About 950 victims were killed or wounded, in addition to thousands of Zionist massacres that taken place in the enclave day and night.

The war of starvation pursued by the Zionist enemy, with the support of America and Britain and in collusion with the treacherous Arab and Islamic regimes, is one of the means of pressuring the Palestinian resistance to make more concessions in order to release the prisoners of the enemy entity, who face great pressure directly from their families who demonstrate daily in the occupied cities to demand the resignation of the criminal Netanyahu and the holding of early elections.

But it seems that the world has taken the slogan “I do not see, I do not hear, I do not speak” as a means of identifying with the war of genocide practiced by the Zionist entity in Gaza and the occupied territories, and in light of the presence of submissive rulers and regimes that have turned to America and Europe and have become accustomed to the Zionist entity, it has been established for it. Other calculations, in exchange for the Palestinian blood that is shed daily by the hundreds in full view of the deaf and mute world, have accepted themselves and their peoples’ dependence and dependence on the forces of hegemony and arrogance.

The Yemeni people, amidst the rubble of war over nine years and the aggression launched by the American-Saudi-Emirati coalition, rose with all their living forces and mobilized their abilities and capabilities and harnessed them in the service of the Palestinian people and their oppression, based on their religious, humanitarian and moral duty, and their conscience and chivalry in supporting the oppressed and standing by the oppressed.

In light of the wisdom and action of the man of words and deeds, the leader of the nation, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi who taken the the authorization by the Yemeni people to enter the battle of “al-Aqsa Flood,” he gained the honor of being ahead of the countries of the Arab and Islamic world with all courage and confidence to support Palestine, champion its cause, support its resistance, and discipline the forces of hegemony and arrogance led by America, Britain and the Zionist entity occupation.

Yemen's support for the Palestinian cause constituted a difficult and important number in the international equation, as evidenced by the scramble of arrogant forces led by the Great Satan "America" on the Red Sea and the Arab, in an attempt to dissuade Yemen from its position in support of Palestine and its resistance, but it failed, then Washington and London resorted to launching aggression against Yemen with flimsy excuses.

Five months after "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation, the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, threatened America and Britain with effective and influential surprises that the enemies did not expect at al, in a message to both Washington and London that what is coming will be more painful than before if they continue to support and aid the Zionist entity occupation in its war on Gaza or launched its aggression against Yemen.
Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi said in a speech on Thursday regarding the latest developments “We have, God Almighty willing, surprises that the enemies do not expect at all, and they will be very surprising to the enemies and beyond what the enemy and friend expect. Surprises that will come in an effective and influential way. We do not want to talk about them, because we want them to begin already.” Then we follow it with words.”

He reminded that everyone is tired of America's aggressive actions and that Washington must obey the voice of reason and humanity, pointing out that American and British ships received painful and devastating strikes, and that America, with its aggression against Yemen in support of the Israeli enemy, implicated itself in the framework of targeting.

Decisive hours are being experienced in the region, in which new trends are being formed thanks to the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, which was carried out by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, 2023 against the Zionist enemy entity. These are unorganized trends without an ideological template that bring together political contradictions around basics that shape the future of the region and the world.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300