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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Reporter (Saba): Palestinian anger at actions of Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Reporter (Saba): Palestinian anger at actions of Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Reporter (Saba): Palestinian anger at actions of Saudi Arabia and Jordan
[Thu, 29 Feb 2024 21:12:51 +0300]

GAZA February 29. 2024 (Saba) -The correspondent of the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) in Gaza, Nidal Abu Mustafa, confirmed that the Palestinian street is in a state of boiling and anger due to the actions taken by both Saudi Arabia and Jordan during the recent period.

Abu Mustafa said in an exclusive interview : It is clear that the Palestinian street is in a state of boiling and anger because of the behavior of two Arab countries in the recent period, contrary to what is required and obligatory from these two countries, namely: (Saudi Arabia and Jordan).

He explained that the state of anger in the Palestinian street from the recent Saudi behavior, where the meeting that took place between the Saudi Minister of Commerce Majid Al-Qasabi and the so-called Zionist Minister of Trade and Industry, in the UAE recently.

Abu Mustafa stressed that the Palestinian street with all its factions, factions and institutions looks very seriously at this meeting, and looks at it as a poisoned dagger placed in the side of the Palestinian people, as if Saudi Arabia does not care about the very terrible massacres and genocide of the Palestinian people and the Gaza Strip and turns its back on all that is happening from the desecration of Islamic sanctities and the desecration of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionist enemy army.

He added: It is also as if the famine that hit the Palestinian people in the northern Gaza Strip and is killing children, as it was announced today that three children died in Kamal Adwan Hospital due to malnutrition and dehydration, and also in Al-Shifa Medical Complex, today it was announced that two children died due to dehydration and malnutrition, and this raised the number of deaths of children due to malnutrition and dehydration to six, where another child died before that, and there are seven cases still in intensive care in case It is very dangerous due to dehydration and lack of milk intended for babies.

As if all this and all these details do not mean anything to Saudi Arabia.

The Saba correspondent continued: There is also great anger at Jordan's behavior over the past two days.

The Palestinian street views the landing, which the Jordanian army said was the landing of a large number of aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, as it is seen as propaganda and a kind of media "bourbganda", as most of this aid fell into the sea water and did not fall to eligible Palestinian citizens who are exposed to famine in the northern Gaza Strip, Gaza City and the rest of the areas in the northern Gaza Strip.

Abu Mustafa stressed that the Palestinian street looks with great anger, because the duty Jordan was supposed to do was to stop the land bridge of goods towards the Zionist enemy entity and transfer these goods to the Gaza Strip.

He also stressed that this is the duty that the Jordanian leadership was supposed to do, but Jordan fabricates false media propaganda that it has brought in or dropped aid into the Gaza Strip.

At the end of his speech, the correspondent of the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) said: These two actions of Saudi Arabia and Jordan dominate the conversation in the Palestinian street during the last two days, and the Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip consider them a strong blow and an insult to Palestinian blood.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300