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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Thawra Hospital Authority in Hodeida... Concrete efforts in developing services
Thawra Hospital Authority in Hodeida... Concrete efforts in developing services
Thawra Hospital Authority in Hodeida... Concrete efforts in developing services
[Sun, 25 Feb 2024 10:41:22 +0300]

HODEIDA February 25. 2024 (Saba) -In light of the repercussions of the aggression and siege, the Al-Thawra Hospital Authority in Hodeida Governorate able to turn challenges into success stories by achieving positive indicators in developing services and expanding the project system.

While the repercussions of the aggression imposed a difficult reality on the health sector, several bodies and hospitals in various governorates were distinguished by their performance in facing the challenges, including the Al-Thawra Hospital Authority in Hodeida.

Burdens, challenges, and patient density did not deter the hospital administration from striving to crown success with a map of projects completed during the past year 2023 AD, which represented by the completion of the construction of the center for prosthetic limbs and prosthetic devices, the opening and inauguration of work on the child care building and the care of premature and newborn infants, and the completion of the rehabilitation of the malnutrition treatment building, as well as completing the construction of the diagnostic radiology building.

Among the successes and achievements witnessed by the hospital is the opening of a special building for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, and the launch of work on a project to expand the Authority’s services.

The opening of a project to install a solar energy system with a capacity of 300 kilowatts for the third phase, and the signing of contracts to supply CT scan, MRI, and cardiac catheterization devices.

In order to embody the ambitious vision of the hospital authority, work continues on the project to build an intensive care center with self-financing, as well as a project to rehabilitate a building for eye diseases and surgery, establish a training hall, and conduct studies for several expansion projects.

Work was also launched on the latest ultrasound device and cardiac echo device, and the diagnostic radiology department was supplied with a CR device, and the Authority’s laboratories were provided with the latest diagnostic laboratory equipment.

The Authority has also achieved qualitative achievements in providing devices and equipment, including artificial respirators, baby incubators, endoscopic lithotripsy devices, and patient monitoring devices.

On the educational side, a new course was opened for the specialty certificate in the Master of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, in addition to networking and introducing the automated system for surgical departments, and starting networking for outpatient clinics and the assets system.

In addition to the Authority obtaining first place among the authorities and hospitals in the Republic in the ministerial evaluation for the year 2022-2023 AD, for the fourth year in a row, the Authority was crowned with success in the type of medical services.

In terms of numbers, Al-Thawra General Hospital in Hodeida Governorate provided its health, medical and therapeutic services during the first half of the year 1445 AH to more than 408 thousand people.

A report issued by the hospital authority, obtained by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), stated that the total number of visitors to outpatient clinics, general emergency centers, children’s emergency centers, blood banks, obstetrics, and burns centers was 408,682.

According to the report, 247,872 beneficiaries visited outpatient clinics, 76,544 visited children’s emergencies, 65,819 visited general emergencies, 10,702 visited blood bank emergencies, 6,328 visited the obstetric emergency center, and 1,417 visited the burns emergency center.

It pointed out that the total number of patients hospitalized in the hospital departments and centers reached nine thousand and 268, while the total beneficiaries of the services of the Authority’s physical therapy center reached 18 thousand and 154, while 156 women benefited from family care services, and two thousand and 620 benefited from pregnant care services.

The report stated that 409,675 diagnostic methods were performed for 252,745 medical cases, 335,775 laboratory tests were performed for 189,558 visitors to medical laboratories, 45,518 cases benefited from X-rays, and 349 from brain, muscle, and nerve planning services, 163 cases of gastrointestinal endoscopy services, and 19,261 cases of dental unit services.

Regarding malnutrition diseases, the total number of cases attending the malnutrition clinic reached four thousand and 757 cases, 683 cases benefited from the nutrition clinic services, and six thousand and 465 cases from clinical nutrition services, while the total number of cases admitted to the malnutrition treatment center reached 763.

The report stated that three thousand and 640 major operations and seven thousand and 335 surgical operations were performed, distributed among 2,533 obstetric operations, 1,435 general surgeries, 720 orthopedic operations, 619 eyes, 542 emergency general surgeries, 422 urology, 202 blood vessels, and 145 Brain and nerves, 50 mouth and teeth, 21 cosmetic and skin transplants, 596 surgeries (e.n.t), in addition to 269 endoscopic operations.

According to Al-Thawra Hospital Authority statistics, 404 cases benefited from the inpatient services at the Fever Center, five thousand and 578 old cases of thalassemia patients, and 151 new cases from the hospital’s therapeutic medical services, while 120,492 cases visited the authority’s pharmacies.

Regarding the service development plan, the head of the hospital authority, Dr. Khaled Suhail, explained the authority’s management adopts an ambitious vision to expand quality infrastructure projects and open more departments and specialized centers within the framework of the national vision projects for building the modern.

He touched on the Authority’s contributions to the academic medical side, in cooperation with the University of Hodeida, to enhance training opportunities for students of the College of Medicine, and to establish free camps.

Dr. Suhail praised the role of the Revolutionary Leadership, the Supreme Political Council, the Ministry of Health, and the relevant authorities in supporting the Authority and the projects it is implementing.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300