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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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America, Britain will pay dearly for their underestimation of Yemen's capabilities
America, Britain will pay dearly for their underestimation of Yemen's capabilities
America, Britain will pay dearly for their underestimation of Yemen's capabilities
[Sun, 25 Feb 2024 09:39:02 +0300]

SANA'A February 25. 2024 (Saba) -America and Britain always trying to reduce the Yemeni capabilities in supporting and assisting the resistance and the Palestinian people, who are being subjected to a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip by the usurping Zionist enemy.

This underestimation of Yemeni capabilities will make America, Britain, and Israel pay a heavy price and will inflict on them heavy losses that they have not witnessed in their contemporary history.

The first beginnings and signs evident in the great economic losses as a result of the closure of the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Aden to American, British and Zionist ships, or their military losses as a result of their use of expensive missiles.

This is what the leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, emphasized in his speech last Thursday regarding the latest developments, that the cost of the American and British position in their aggression against Yemen in support and protection of the Zionist crime in Gaza is exorbitant.

The so-called great American and British force unable to lift the naval blockade imposed by Yemen on the Zionist enemy by preventing the entry of any ship into the occupied Palestinian ports, which caused the occupying entity economic losses estimated at billions of dollars.

The leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, pointed out this by saying: “The enemy’s military losses are large and the economic losses are unprecedented, despite the enormous American and Western support it enjoys, and the Israeli currency is no longer stable.”

He pointed out that there are repercussions in all economic fields, including production, investment, labor shortages, and the real estate sector, and there is paralysis in ports, a decline in tourism, and a decline in air navigation.

He added: "There are terrible losses in the Israeli enemy's economy amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars."

The leader of the revolution also stressed that the losses of the Israeli enemy, despite the support it enjoys, are an important lesson.

Considering that these losses in the face of the simple capabilities of the resistance in Gaza mean that the enemy is capable of defeat, as it was previously defeated in Lebanon and Gaza.

Little by little, Yemeni capabilities and Yemeni military developments appear to take the lead on the scene, whether missile, naval, or drone capabilities, the results of which have astonished the world due to the direct damage its caused to the enemy forces at seas.

The Leader of the Revolution explained the Yemeni operations against Israeli targets in the occupied territories amounted to 183 missiles and drones, and he said: “The sea operations escalated in quantity and quality, and missiles, drones, and military boats activated, and the submarine force introduced into those operations.”

He stated that the number of ships targeted at sea reached 48 ships, despite the enemy’s reduced movement, camouflage, and withholding information about it.

America and Britain must realize that Yemen is not what it was before, and that the stages of guardianship, hegemony, and subordination are gone forever.

Today, Yemen is making transformations, new equations, and important changes, whether at the regional or global level, and its position will remain an honorable lesson in freedom, pride, and dignity that generations will be proud of.

America and the West must change the style of arrogance and hegemony in the region and deal with the Republic of Yemen as a free, unified, independent state that has full sovereignty over its entire territory by land, sea and air, especially after it has gained the upper hand in the Red and Arab Seas, the Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300