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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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Deputy Shamsi inspects flood damage in Al-Mashjab district in Al-Salw District, Taiz
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Guidance office in Hajjah. Concrete efforts in strengthening faith identity
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
[21 July 2024]
American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
[18 July 2024]
Citizen killed by Saudi enemy fire in Sa'ada
[16 July 2024]
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
[17 May 2024]
Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
[28 April 2024]
America opening door to hell upon itself
America opening door to hell upon itself
America opening door to hell upon itself
[Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:34:07 +0300]

SANA'A January 01. 2024 (Saba) -The United States of America has been led by its malicious ambitions and criminal plans, and deluded itself into believing that it is the superpower and ruling authority on earth, as the media depicted it over the past decades and become entrenched in the minds of the people.

America and its racist regime sided with the temporary Zionist entity, which been killing the Palestinian people for seven decades, destroying their homes, seizing their lands, and forcibly displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, in addition to assassinating resistance leaders in an attempt to liquidate Palestinian cause.

The "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation, carried out by the Palestinian resistance, brought the Palestinian issue back to the forefront and revived the spirit of jihadist action against an arrogant racist entity that violated the honor, seized the land, and killed civilians.

The Zionist enemy took the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle as an opportunity to declare war on Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories under American-European sponsorship, support and financing, and with the complicity of the puppet Arab regimes.

The forces of global hegemony and arrogance, led by America, took advantage of the weakness and fragility of the Arab and Islamic regimes, and the nation’s failure to support its central issues, most notably the Palestinian issue.

While the Arab and Islamic regimes, in face of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, stood as spectators and silent, the Yemeni people announced, through the leader of the revolution of September 21, 2014 AD,al- Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to stand by the Palestinian people against the Zionist entity... addressing the people of Palestine by saying, “You are not alone.” ".

From the first moment, the American enemy participated directly alongside the Zionist entity in the aggression against Gaza, by supporting it with weapons, money, experts, and military advisors.

The American enemy not satisfied with this, but it provided the Zionist enemy with thousands of destructive bombs and internationally prohibited weapons, including white phosphorus bombs, which are used to target children, women, civilians in general, and residential neighborhoods.

Revolution leader said in his last speech regarding developments in Palestine, “The American enemy provided the Zionist entity with internationally prohibited bombs to kill children and women in Palestine, including internationally prohibited weapons, and provided it with material support of billions to finance Zionist military operations.”

He added, "America provided political support to the Zionist entity, and threatened all countries in the region regarding any cooperation and support for the Palestinian people."

America's insolence has reached the point of threatening countries neighboring the Palestinian people by not providing any aid humanitarian.

The Leader of the Revolution affirmed that America supported the Zionist entity with political support, in the Security Council, by objecting to any decision to stop the barbaric Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.”

He added, "The American which presented himself under the title of being the sponsor of peace in the Middle East is the one who objects to any ceasefire decision, and insists on the continued killing of Palestinian civilians."

The Western American-Zionist enemy indulged in shedding Palestinian blood in front of the entire world, which did not lift a finger to stop the Zionist massacres.

In light of this, the Yemeni armed forces announced entry into the holy battle agenst Zionist enemy entity, in support of the Palestinian people, in support of the resistance to support of the Palestinian cause, considering this a religious, humanitarian and moral duty.

America and the countries of the West went crazy when the Yemeni armed forces entered the battle and targeted the depths of the Zionist enemy in the occupied territories, bombing Israeli ships and preventing the passage of ships heading to the occupied Palestinian ports.

America and European countries formed a global alliance under the name “Guardian of Prosperity” in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab, an alliance that ostensibly protect international navigation and inwardly to protect the Israeli ships.

American enemy escalated its interventions in the Red Sea through direct contact with the Yemeni naval forces, and committed a foolish act by targeting three boats, as a result of which ten members of the Yemeni naval forces martyred, thus opening the door of hell upon itself, its ships, and its military bases in the region.

In this regard, Revolution leader said, “If the Americans have a tendency to escalate further, and implicate themselves more, by targeting our country, we will not stand idly by ,We will target them, We will make American battleships, American interests, and American shipping traffic a tars, our drones, and our military operations ".

With America opening a direct front with Sana'a, it must bear the consequences.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300