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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Water Corporation in Hajjah... Qualitative leap in providing services
Water Corporation in Hajjah... Qualitative leap in providing services
Water Corporation in Hajjah... Qualitative leap in providing services
[Sat, 02 Dec 2023 15:55:54 +0300]

HAJJAH December 02. 2023 (Saba) - During the period 2015 - 2023, the branch of the Local Water and Sanitation Corporation in Mubin District, Hajjah governorate witnessed a qualitative leap in providing services to citizens despite the difficulties imposed by the aggression and siege for nearly nine years.

Despite the damage to the water projects in the district as a result of the aggression, the determination and determination of the organization’s leadership and cadres were able to rise from the rubble and overcome the challenges that stood in the way of the organization’s performance in improving.

The Water Corporation's efforts culminated in achieving concrete steps to rebuild, rehabilitate and maintain the infrastructure for water projects in the district.

Despite the aggression’s targeting of infrastructure and water facilities, the Foundation in the governorate and its branch in Mubin focused its efforts on finding alternatives that contribute to providing water services to citizens and communicating with partners to support the repair, rehabilitation and maintenance of projects.

A report issued by the Corporation, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), stated that 24 projects were implemented over nine years to improve water services and provide them to citizens.

A report indicated that the Corporation’s branch carried out the work of supplying and installing horizontal motors, a control panel, and providing pumps.

According to the report, during 2018, spare parts were provided, two horizontal and submersible pumps were supplied, and the solar energy system was installed and operated in the Al-Mangel and Hamada wells to reduce the cost of diesel.

The report stated that the Corporation’s branch expanded the implementation of its projects during 2019, especially solar energy projects, as integrated pumping units powered by solar energy were supplied and operated for the wells and stations of Wadi Al-Sheikh, Wadi Bahjan, and Al-Sharadiyah, with a total capacity of 395 kilowatts.

In addition to operating Al Sahel well with alternative energy with a capacity of 53 kilowatts.

Electromechanical materials were supplied and installed for the Wadi Bahjan chamber, a diesel engine, a 22 kilowatt pump, and a reinforced stone tank with a capacity of 86 cubic meters.

In translation of the directives of the Leader of the Revolution,al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the Chairman of the Political Council, regarding the transition to alternative energy, two projects were implemented during 2020-2021 to supply and operate two integrated solar-powered pumping units for the Rabah station with a capacity of 37 kilowatts and an electric generator with a capacity of 286 kilowatts.

The report stated that the corporation’s branch worked during the years 2022-2023 to supply pumps with their accessories and build the branch’s capabilities by providing laptops, computers, and printers.

The Director of the Corporation’s branch in the district, Abdullah Al-Washli, pointed out the successes achieved by the state and government’s interest in the water sector in Hajjah and working in accordance with the national vision for building the state.

Al-Washli pointed out that the next stage will witness an expansion in providing services and expanding the circle of subscribers through the implementation of projects to increase water pumping.

The efforts of the Corporation’s branch leadership and its technical, engineering and administrative staff continue to enhance the level of performance and improve water services and their provision to citizens despite the challenges.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300