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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs... Quality diplomatic efforts for the ninth year
Ministry of Foreign Affairs... Quality diplomatic efforts for the ninth year
Ministry of Foreign Affairs... Quality diplomatic efforts for the ninth year
[Tue, 28 Mar 2023 00:09:41 +0300]

SANA'A March 28. 2023 (Saba) - Since the first day of the aggression on March 26, 2015, the diplomatic efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs resulted in conveying the grievances of the Yemeni people regarding the aggression and siege they are exposed to the international community.

Over eight years of aggression and siege, the diplomatic front represented one of the forms of steadfastness although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the ministries most affected by the aggression and the suspension of diplomatic missions accredited to Yemen.

The leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its diplomatic cadres were able to overcome the challenges and difficulties that carried out by the aggression, representing the majority of those summoned from Yemen's missions abroad did not return to the ministry's office, in addition to the limited resources available due to economic conditions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs exerted the capabilities available since the early days of the aggression in managing the foreign policy in a choppy sea and worked to form a crisis cell that took over the work and study of all issues resulting from the aggression, especially those related to the humanitarian aspect and making the necessary decisions.

A report issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed the importance of having a national record that accurately and comprehensively documents all the victims and losses resulting from the aggression in various fields.

The report pointed out that meetings were held with the concerned authorities and resulted in preparing the damage and registering them. The work has now become more continuous through all parties taking responsibility and clarifying the effects resulting from the aggression so that this helps in preparing integrated files to file cases against the countries of aggression.

Despite the suspension of the embassies of friendly and brotherly countries in Sana'a or the failure of their foreign ministries to respond, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs played its role in conveying the grievances of the Yemeni people and exposing the crimes of the countries of aggression and their mercenaries without continuing to communicate with them but rather through continuous communication with the ministries and their permanent delegations to the United Nations in New York in both Arabic and English.

According to the report, the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued with the United Nations and its affiliated organizations, humanitarian and human rights organizations to inform them of the ongoing violations of the Yemeni human rights, the bombing of civilian facilities, the effects of the imposed blockade, the deteriorating humanitarian situation and the unilateral steps of successive mercenary governments, especially with regard to transferring the functions of the Central Bank of Yemen to Aden province, the disengagement of the embassies of the Republic of Yemen from the Department of Immigration and Passports, printing currency without a cover, confusing the communications sector and Internet service in the Republic of Yemen, looting wealth, economic war, the occupation of many Yemeni lands and islands and the establishment of military bases.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also made efforts to contribute to pressure towards stopping the aggression and blockade imposed on Yemen, resuming peace talks, forming an independent international commission to investigate violations of the coalition countries, opening Sana'a International Airport and canceling procedures against Yemeni travelers, as well as resuming economic projects and providing possible support to Yemen in The humanitarian aspect, facilitating the entry of goods and commodities, and overcoming the obstacles facing Yemeni expatriates and students as a result of the aggression and blockade.

In the humanitarian and human rights field, the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held continuous meetings with the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations and representatives of its affiliated organizations and working organizations to discuss the latest developments on the national scene, including the continuous violations of the coalition countries, the effects of the aggression and blockade, and aspects of the required support, in addition to following up the performance of these organizations, and overcoming the difficulties that hinder their work in coordination with the concerned national authorities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs worked, in coordination with the concerned authorities, to make the necessary arrangements for visits of foreign delegations to Yemen, to meet with officials and to raise all issues related to the aggression.

In light of the imposed political blockade and the absence of diplomatic missions with the exception of Yemen's missions in Damascus and Tehran, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued its diplomatic work by providing state institutions, each according to its competence, with the international reports, especially the reports of the United Nations and its international committees, and it also worked to provide organizations, agencies and programs of the United Nations Reports issued by the National Salvation Government in accordance with agreements and treaties and follow up on what is issued in the international media regarding Yemen and submit that to the higher authorities, accompanied by the opinion and analysis.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared reports, visions, and studies on a number of issues, particularly those related to the aggression imposed on Yemen and the translation of many articles and reports issued by the International Crisis Group, Chatham House, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Reuters, some foreign newspapers, and a number of websites.

Regarding the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to clarify the position of the National Salvation Government for the countries with which Yemen has diplomatic relations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed those countries of the latest developments on the national scene and urged them to contribute to pushing for a peaceful political solution and the resumption of negotiations and pressure the mercenary government to return from peace and not to make decisions unilaterally that threatens to undermine peace efforts and requests for support to mitigate the effects of aggression and blockade.

According to the report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, efforts are being made to issue statements expressing the position of the Political Council and the National Salvation Government regarding developments in the situation in Yemen and the world and to provide media professionals, correspondents and international journalists with all the violations committed by the countries of the aggression coalition and to put them in the picture of what is happening in reality in terms of practices and flagrant violations of the International humanitarian law and international human rights law.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working on implementing projects related to the first strategic goal related to defining the role of the state, rebuilding and restructuring government agencies, and completing the legislative and organizational construction of ministries, state institutions and agencies that have not issued regulations, organizing its work and reviewing laws and regulations with the aim of eliminating repetition and duplication of responsibilities and functions.

The report indicated that work is being done to update the executive regulations of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps Law, update the executive regulations of the Law of Issuing Diplomatic Passports, qualify and train the diplomatic and administrative staff of the Ministry, study and diagnose the problems of the Ministry and missions and imbalances in them, and propose the necessary ways and procedures to fix them and evaluate their employees.

According to the report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the position of the National Salvation Government, which is keen on a just and honorable peace, that the Ministry has worked to intensify external diplomatic communication, expand the circle of recognition at all levels, Conveying Yemen's grievance to the outside world in its various aspects and by all means and working on the second strategic goal related to the consolidation of a single, comprehensive and inclusive national identity for the components of society as a basis for building the state and deepening the faith identity of the employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to keep pace with the preparation for the post-aggression stage.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300