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  US-Saudi Aggression
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[28 April 2024]
 2015..Year of bloody aggression on places of worship in Sana'a
2015..Year of bloody aggression on places of worship in Sana'a
2015..Year of bloody aggression on places of worship in Sana'a
[Tue, 21 Mar 2023 12:03:13 +0300]

SANA'A March 21. 2023 (Saba)- 2015 remains one of the deadliest years in the black record of the eight years of Hebrew aggression, Saudi-backed Wahhabi extremist takfiri terrorist groups targeted more than 12 mosques in Sana'a, Its aim was to tear the social fabric and mine the societal coexistence that has distinguished Yemen from other Arab and Islamic countries for more than 12 centuries, but the awareness, vigilance and foresight of the descendants of the Ansar dropped all their bets and destructive satanic plans.

Targeted Mosques:
Al-Ihsan, Al-Qubba Al-Khadra, Qubbat Al-Mahdi, Al-Moayed, Al-Balili, Al-Bohra, Al-Rawda, Al-Sayyah, Al-Nour, Qutina, Badr, Al-Hashhoush.

Tools of Crime: They ranged from an explosive belt, a car bomb, and captured suicide bombers.

Crime Strategy:
It focused on carrying out dual operations, targeting worshippers, survivors and medics simultaneously, meaning genocide to all those present.

More than 700 people, the majority of whom are children and the elderly, including those with permanent disabilities.

Badr and Al-Hashhoush Mosques accounted for 555 victims, including families that ended completely, families that lost all their children, families that lost both parents, families that lost a father, son, brother, and families that lost three generations (grandfather, son, and grandchildren).

It also harvested a constellation of the best Yemeni scholars, including:
Dr. Murtada Al-Mahtouri, Al-Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Mroni, Al-Sayyed Abdulelah Al-Kubsi, Allamah Ammar Al-Lai, Allamah Mohammed Abdulmalik Al-Ghaithi.

Objectives Bank:
The attackers' attention was focused on mosques famous for opposing the Wahhabi takfiri terrorist ideology, this is a clear indication that the Hebrew prostitute alliance was

preparing to eliminate the Shiites of Yemen, and undermining the purity and purity of Mohammedan Islam in the country of the Ansar.

Evidence of this is many, the most evident of which is the systematic targeting of places of worship in Yemen by the Hebrew coalition aircraft, and its destruction of more than 1612 mosques, during the eight years of his sinful aggression against the country of faith and wisdom.

Transient massacres from a bloody non-transient series:

1-Badr and Hashhoush massacre

On March 20, 2015, terrorist groups targeted the Badr mosques in Taiz street and Al-Hashhoush in Al-Jaraf street during Friday prayers, carried out by four suicide bombers carrying explosive belts, in a double operation placed in a bank aimed at liquidating worshipers, survivors and paramedics.

Therefore, we are facing an unprecedented brutal operation in the history of mankind, and it is striking that this diabolical strategy has been the dominant feature of the operations of the Hebrew Prostitution Coalition in Yemen since its launch on March 26, 2015, just 6 days after the Battle of Badr and Al-Hashhash, which was only a prelude to a great matter that was intended to be passed in Yemen.

The Wahhabi terrorist takfiri groups preempted this criminal operation by assassinating the fighter, mujahid and great journalist "Abdul Karim Al-Khaiwani", who one of the national and cultural figures known for his fiery writings against these obscurantist groups, on March 18, 2015, just two days before the massacre of Badr and Hashhoush.

This bloody series of "inhuman terrorism" brought back to memory a similar scene that happened in the city of Mahabsha from the work of Hajjah Governorate during the revolution of September 26, 1962, and our teacher Al-Mahtouri, may God be pleased with him, was one of his witnesses.

He also narrates at the beginning of a working paper entitled "Jihad, Terrorism, Violence, Rotation of Power", presented at an international conference organized by the Al-Quds Center for Political Studies in the Jordanian capital, under the title: "Towards a Civil Democratic Islamic Discourse".

The north of Yemen at that time was subjected to barbaric raids from Egyptian aircraft, which do not differentiate between what is civilian and what is military, including a raid targeting the "holy" mosque in the city of Mahabsha, and Dr. Al-Mahtouri was then a student at the scientific school in the area of "Al-Qurana" located south of the targeted mosque, about 200 meters away.

2-This is how takfiris receive Ramadan:

On June 17, 2015, takfiri groups targeted several places in Sana'a, including: the political office of the Ansar Alla, the Green Dome Mosque on Hayel Street, the Al-Kibsi Mosque on Al-Ziraa Street, andAl-Hashhoush Mosque in Al-Jaraf neighborhood, during the Maghrib prayer on the last of Shaaban and the eve of Ramadan, causing the martyrdom of 30 worshipers, in a clear confirmation that these criminal forces are just criminals and kafirs.

3-The massacre of the Mahdi Dome Mosque:

On June 20, 2015, takfiri groups changed the tools of crime, replacing suicide bombers and explosive belts with a car bomb that exploded near the Qubbat al-Mahdi Mosque in Tahrir, killing two people and wounding six others.

4- Al-Bohra Mosque massacre:

It is a Shiite group that follows the Ismaili sect, and has a presence in several Yemeni regions in the north and south, including the secretariat of the capital, Sana'a, and its mosque on the street of the "Al-Rammah" market was the target of a booby-trapped takfiri car on July 29, 2015, which caused the death of 5 people.

5- Al-Moayed Mosque massacre:

Located in Al-Jaraf of Amanat Al-Asimah, it was targeted by these obscurantist groups in a double operation on September 2, 2015, which caused the death of 34 people and the injury of 94 Yemenis.

6- Eid al-Adha offerings:

On Eid al-Adha on September 24, 2015, a suicide bomber snatched the joy of the kneeling worshippers in the mosque of "Al-Balili" in the Al-Safiya neighborhood in Sana'a, causing the death of 10 people and injured 21, Because they are enemies of humanity, they hate all the joys of joy, and they are bothered by the joy of Muslims in the holidays of God.

Sana'a – SABA: Research and Information Center: Zaid Al-Mahbashi



resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300