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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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[28 April 2024]
Iranian response to Zionist entity. Changing balance of power in favor of resistance axis
Iranian response to Zionist entity. Changing balance of power in favor of resistance axis
Iranian response to Zionist entity. Changing balance of power in favor of resistance axis
[Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:50:46 +0300]

SANA'A April 20. 2024 (Saba) - The Islamic Republic of Iran has taught the Zionist enemy entity the "appropriate lesson" at the "right time" on behalf of the Islamic Ummah for the persistence of this usurping entity in genocide in the Gaza Strip, and in response to the targeting of its consulate in Syria by firing more than 300 rockets and marches towards the occupied Palestinian territories.

With this most prominent event at this stage, Iran has broken its strategic silence for decades with an unprecedented attack on the depth of the occupation entity, by launching hundreds of missiles and drones in response to the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, and the Iranian attack achieved all its goals, while changing the balance of power in its favor and the axis of resistance, according to analysts.

Tehran has vowed to respond to the airstrike on its consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus two weeks ago, which killed 13 people, including seven members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards and six Syrian citizens.

Tehran's response with one of the largest and most advanced drone and missile attacks in the world revealed the weakness of the usurping entity in protecting itself and that this entity cannot even protect itself alone, but through its Western allies (the United States, Britain and France).

In this context, an Iranian report monitored eight strategic points about the Iranian attack on the Zionist entity with dozens of missiles and drones, in response to the killing of its military advisers and the targeting of its consulate in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

The Iranian channel "Al-Alam" stated in a report "eight strategic points about the Iranian sincere promise operations against Israel", namely:
First: Choosing the slogan of starting operations "O Messenger of God", meaning that the Islamic Republic attacked the Zionist entity on behalf of the Islamic Ummah.

Second, contrary to the red line drawn by the Zionists, Iran carried out a large-scale attack that exceeded all the imaginations of the Zionist entity and its allies.

Third: In the "Sincere Promise" operations, Iran and the axis of resistance tested how to carry out their largest offensive operations, while the Zionist entity and its main ally America tested the maximum defense, so they had no choice but to receive missile strikes and try to minimize losses.

Fourth: The "Sincere Promise" operations proved that Iran has succeeded in its military strategy that it has been working on for years, which is the ability to unite the ranks of the West Asian region in one front against the common enemy.

Fifth: Although the "Sincere Promise" operations were limited and Iran used little of its military technologies, it once again demonstrated Iran's missile capabilities and high accuracy in hitting specific targets, as well as the failure of Zionist defense systems to counter Iranian drones and missiles.

Sixth: Details abound about the important dimensions of the "True Promise" processes in terms of geography. Infected targets. Type of missiles. Their number, type of marches and... But the most important point is that Iran has carried out one of the largest and most sophisticated drone and missile offensive operations in the world.

Seventh: Operation Sincere Promise has dropped the propaganda and lies that have been propagated for years about the possession of the Zionist entity, America's largest ally in the region, the preemptive capability to thwart any Iranian missile attack through electronic jamming operations or the use of advanced technologies.

Eighth: Operation "True Promise" changed the equations in the region, and beyond it will not be the same as before, because it sent a clear message that Iran has begun to work according to a new strategy, and that changing the balance has begun, and the opposite party has no choice but to accept that.

In the same context, the media resorted to some Arab printing presses and some activists in a targeted campaign to minimize the Iranian response and attack the usurping entity, using "fake news" and spreading false information, despite what appeared on other media "the extent of the Zionists' horror after the Iranian attack," their screams, howlings, and the inability of their army to protect itself.

Some websites belonging to some Gulf countries, for example, denied that rockets fell on Zionist bases, despite the Zionist enemy's own admission that its bases were targeted and displayed on sites on many television channels, while those websites said that this was in fact due to a fire that broke out a few months ago in America.

It seems that the coordinated campaign against the Islamic Republic and its Revolutionary Guards, which has intensified recently, is a malicious effort led by some mercenaries to compensate for the successive failures in the field of normalization and marketing it to the Arab peoples as something normal, as well as the inability to do anything about Palestine and the Palestinian cause, and to show the Zionist entity, their future ally, that it is still the invincible power in the region.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300