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  US-Saudi Aggression
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ICJ new decision obliges Zionist enemy to stop famine in Gaza
ICJ new decision obliges Zionist enemy to stop famine in Gaza
ICJ new decision obliges Zionist enemy to stop famine in Gaza
[Sun, 31 Mar 2024 19:33:14 +0300]

SANA'A March 31. 2024 (Saba) - The International Court of Justice in The Hague on Thursday adopted a new majority decision obliging the Zionist enemy entity to take the necessary measures in order to ensure the entry of basic food supplies into the Gaza Strip and stop the spread of famine there.

The resolution, its second resolution in the recent period, which was adopted by a majority of 14 votes out of 16, is binding on the Zionist enemy entity, and reaffirms the precautionary measures contained in the resolution issued on January 26.

This resolution comes after the UN Security Council resolution, which effectively condemned the Zionist enemy entity by demanding an immediate ceasefire.

Despite the absence of an executive mechanism to oblige the Zionist enemy entity to abide by the two resolutions, legal and diplomatic sources view the two resolutions as an expression of further isolation of the usurping entity and Washington's inability to provide more protection.

Diplomatic sources expected Algeria to propose to the Security Council a resolution confirming the court's decision and calling for its implementation.

And in the details of the new decision. The judges of the International Tribunal ordered the Zionist enemy to take all necessary and effective measures in order to ensure the entry of basic food supplies to the Gaza Strip and to stop the spread of famine there.

The Tribunal unanimously decided to take all necessary measures to ensure close cooperation with the United Nations without delay and the provision of services by all parties concerned, in particular by increasing capacity, the number of land crossings and keeping them open.

It also decided to ensure that the Zionist enemy "army" does not commit acts that violate any of the rights of Palestinians in Gaza, including preventing the delivery of aid, in any way. The Court also decided that the Zionist enemy should, one month from today, report to it on all the measures it had taken to implement its order.

In this context... The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas called on the international community to ensure that the order of the International Court of Justice to enter aid to the Gaza Strip must be accompanied by an implementation mechanism that obliges the Zionist enemy, which uses starvation as a weapon against civilians.

The movement said in a statement last night: "The enemy government, despite the previous decisions of the court, is still continuing the war of extermination against our people, without any deterrence." It stressed that the order issued by the International Court of Justice to the Zionist enemy on the need to bring basic aid and services into Gaza must be accompanied by an executive mechanism imposed by the international community, which obliges the fascist enemy, which uses starvation as a weapon against civilians, to implement it immediately, so that this decision does not remain ink on paper, as the government of the fascist enemy, despite the previous decisions of the Court, is still continuing the war of brutal extermination against our people, without any deterrence.

Hamas pointed out that the government of the Zionist enemy has consistently flouted all international resolutions, the latest of which is the UN Security Council resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

It pointed out that the Zionist enemy "in a behavior that confirms that this terrorist entity acts as if it is above the law and accountability, due to the cover provided by the US administration, which is a partner in all crimes committed against children and unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip."

The International Court of Justice said in a statement that Palestinians in Gaza face worsening living conditions amid widespread famine.

In January, the International Court of Justice ordered the Zionist enemy entity to avoid any acts that may fall under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and to ensure that its forces do not commit any acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

In the new decision, the court reaffirmed the January measures, but added that Israel must take action to ensure the unimpeded delivery of basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water and electricity, as well as medical supplies and medical care to Palestinians across Gaza.

Commenting on the ICC order on aid last night, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said: "We have no position now, because our team is still aware of the text of the resolution, but we urge Israel to facilitate the entry of more aid into Gaza."

In flagrant violation of international laws, the Zionist enemy restricts humanitarian access to Gaza, especially by land, causing scarce supplies of food, medicine and fuel and creating a famine that has killed children and the elderly in the enclave it has besieged for 17 years and is home to some 2.3 million Palestinians in catastrophic conditions.

The Zionist enemy also faces Palestinian and international accusations of using "starvation" as a weapon in Gaza, amounting to a "war crime", and the United Nations calls on it to open land crossings to flood the Strip with humanitarian aid before famine devours more of its population.

In turn, the president of the International Court of Justice, Nawaf Salam, stressed the need for the new procedures approved by the court on Thursday. At the same time, he explained that these measures cannot fully achieve their effects, "unless the ceasefire resolution is effectively adhered to within the month of Ramadan," which was issued by the UN Security Council a few days ago.

South Africa had requested the new measures, as part of its ongoing case accusing Israel of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

South Africa welcomed the court's decision, and the presidency said in a statement that "the most effective way to support the right of Palestinians to exist is through measures to prevent genocide, which the court has outlined." She stressed that the changing conditions in Gaza "require the implementation of new strategies."

The statement added that the Palestinians are martyred not only as a result of the shelling and ground attacks launched by the occupation, but also because of disease and famine, urging the cessation of military operations in Gaza, and commitment to the resolutions of "international justice."

Two months ago, the International Court of Justice called on the Zionist enemy to take measures to prevent genocide in Gaza and direct incitement to it. The court then requested that Israel report to it on its response to the measures scheduled after one month, and that all immediate measures be taken to protect Palestinians in Gaza, as well as immediate measures that would allow humanitarian aid to enter the Strip.

Despite the court's demands and decisions, the Zionist enemy continued its war on the Gaza Strip. Intensifying the targeting of civilians and all necessities of life, and tightening the siege, so as to prevent the entry of the required aid through land crossings, as part of the war of starvation that it deliberately practices.

On March 6, South Africa called on the International Court of Justice to take additional emergency measures against Israel because of the "widespread famine" that resulted from its fierce war on the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, South Africa accused the Zionist enemy of setting a precedent in defying the decisions of the highest court in the United Nations, the International Court of Justice. Gaza is witnessing a "starvation" campaign.

South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor told a seminar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace during a visit to Washington that the Zionist enemy defied a decision by the International Court of Justice in January ordering it to do everything in its power to prevent genocide. "Israel has completely ignored the temporary measures."

"We are currently witnessing mass starvation and famine before our eyes." Warning of the repercussions of a step that could serve as an example to follow. The behavior of the Zionist enemy can be interpreted by countries as being able to do what they want without any accountability.

A UN-backed food security assessment found that Gaza faces imminent famine, with some 1.1 million people, almost half the population, suffering catastrophic hunger.

In six "provisional measures", the court issued an effective warning to the Zionist entity. The proceedings essentially urged this usurping entity and its forces to ensure that genocide does not occur in response to the October 7 attack, guard against incitement to genocide, preserve evidence and report to the court, and urged this entity to "address the living conditions faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip."


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300