HODEIDA February 24. 2024 (Saba) - Deputy Minister of Oil , Minerals and Acting Executive Director of the Yemen Gas Company, Yasser Al-Wahidi, inspected Ras Issa gas facility in Hodeida province.
During the visit, the Deputy Minister of Oil was briefed on the progress of the process of pumping gas from the ship (SMS Bruce) and the level of performance in the facility.
He met the employees , workers and listened to an explanation of the progress of work from them.
Al-Wahidi praised the efforts of the Yemen Gas Company employees working in the Ras Issa port facilities and their dedication to performing their work to serve the nation and citizens in light of the exceptional circumstances that the country is going through.
For their part, the facility’s employees expressed their satisfaction with this visit, its importance, and its great positive impact in raising the morale of all workers in Ras Issa Port, stressing that they will make their utmost efforts to carry out the tasks assigned to them and in a way that contributes to serving the citizens.
Al-Wahidi also reviewed the safety of the procedures for selling and distributing gas cylinders in a number of central stations and car companies in Hajjah and Hodeida provinces.
He urged central station officials to commit to following the programs and policies issued by the company in a way that serves its programs and directions in continuing to provide gas to citizens.
He was accompanied during the visit by the director of the company's comprehensive quality department, Amin Al-Shabati, and the director of legal affairs, Majed Al-Kouli.
resource : SABA

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