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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
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Yemeni position deterrent of American-British hegemony
Yemeni position deterrent of American-British hegemony
Yemeni position deterrent of American-British hegemony
[Sun, 11 Feb 2024 08:30:43 +0300]

SANA'A February 11. 2024 (Saba) - The honorable Yemeni positions in supporting the nation's crucial issues, most notably the Palestinian issue, are evident day after day, thanks to the wisdom and courage of Commander Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, who authorized by the Yemeni people to make choices to support the Palestinian people in confronting the Zionist enemy entity supported of America and Europe.

Since the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation on October 7 of last year, Yemen has taken a position different from the positions of the Arab and Islamic countries and regimes that failed to support the cause of the first and central nation, "Palestine," and were unable to take any practical positions to stop the Zionist orgy in Palestine and the American and European bullying in Region.

Despite the war launched by the aggression coalition, led by America and its tools, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, against Yemen in the past nine years, and the unjust siege imposed by land, sea and air, this did not prevent the Yemeni people from standing up to the forces of global arrogance and tyranny, “America and Israel.”

The Yemeni people, historically known for their zeal, chivalry, succor to the oppressed, and the courage of their leadership, are proud, based on their faith, identity to see the American-Zionist-British enemy abusing brothers in Palestine.

What confirms this is that the leader of the nation, al-Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, spoke on behalf of the Yemenis, saying, “I am saddened by the pain of this nation and in every country, I am saddened to see the blood of this nation shed and flowing in the streets and roads, it is saddened to me to hear groans and screams” the women of this nation are calling for help in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and many countries, and no one responds?

From this standpoint, the Yemeni people moved to support the Palestinian people and their just cause, despite their awareness of the magnitude of the sacrifices they would make in order to win this oppression.

Today, the Yemenis directly face the forces of hegemony and arrogance led by America and Britain, which are waging a blatant and illegal aggression against Yemen as a result of its honorable and supportive position for the Palestinian people and their just cause.

Since the beginning of the month of Rajab every Thursday afternoon, the leader of the nation, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, appears to deliver a speech about the latest developments, which will serve as a motivating dose for the Yemenis to move and prepare for mobilization and mobilization for the two million demonstrations in the squares and squares on Friday of every week.

As well as sending a message to the world that the Yemeni people will not tire or get bored and that they will maintain their firm and principled position with the Palestinian people and their cause until victory is achieved.

In his speech last Thursday, Mr. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi outlined the Yemeni future path in the event that the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza worsens, saying, “Our path is escalation in the event that the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza worsens and injustice and mass killing continue.”

He reiterated the continuation of military operations by the Yemeni armed forces as long as the aggression and siege on Gaza continues, whether by striking Israeli targets in the occupied territories or preventing the passage of enemy ships heading to or from them.

The Leader of the Revolution also confirmed that Yemeni military capabilities are constantly developing at an accelerated and distinct pace, and there is progress at the level of tactics, manufacturing and development.

The logic of force in the modern era is prevalent to deter the forces of global evil led by America and its tools that only know the language of force.

The Yemeni people, thanks to God Almighty, their leadership, their armed forces, and their loyal men, have prepared for the battle of the promised conquest and holy jihad in confronting the aggressors against the Yemeni and Palestinian peoples.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300