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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
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Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
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Boycott campaign favorable opportunity to develop local product
Boycott campaign favorable opportunity to develop local product
Boycott campaign favorable opportunity to develop local product
[Sat, 20 Jan 2024 17:36:25 +0300]

SANA'A January 20. 2024 (Saba) - There are many important economic results that can be achieved by a comprehensive boycott campaign of American, British and other products and companies that support the Zionist entity, but the most important and direct positive impact is the encouragement of local products and industries.

In the short term, the boycott campaign helped limit the foreign import of many products and goods after the cancellation of agencies and trademarks for American companies and companies supporting the Zionist entity, and the recession their products suffered in the local markets.

The campaign contributed to some extent to reviving local manufacturing and encouraging national companies to compete in improving the level of quality, specifications and health standards.

If this boycott turns into a widespread societal culture and behavior, this will result in a gradual reliance on local products, many of which already offer suitable solutions and alternatives.

The campaign has achieved good success so far, even though it is still in its infancy, by providing local capital with the opportunity to invest, manufacture and produce.

In this regard, many businessmen and owners of national companies and factories point out that the boycott campaign achieved many tangible results and contributed to encouraging local investment.

Economists confirm that this type of investment will have large and important economic results and returns at the national level.

The success of this step is that it is consistent with the general orientation of the state, starting with the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and the government, which aims to achieve self-sufficiency through expanding agricultural production of various crops, especially grains.

Government plans and strategies also include promoting local production and manufacturing in many fields to achieve products of high quality and specifications that are competitive locally and abroad, so that it constitute an alternative to imported goods that cost the country huge sums of hard currency annually.

One of the most important measures adopted by the state in the last three years to encourage local production and manufacturing is issuing decisions to exempt inputs for the production and manufacture of pharmaceuticals and renewable energy from tax and customs duties.

Reaching the export stage of national products is preceded by a lot of efforts and hard work.

The caretaker government adopted deliberate measures to economically boycott the products of countries and companies that are hostile to the nation and support the Zionist entity.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued important decisions that included banning the products of American companies and other companies that support the Zionist entity.

As an extension of this, a joint team was formed from the Ministry of Industry, the Customs Authority, the Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the private sector and other relevant parties to follow up on the boycott process.

The Yemeni people are distinguished from other peoples of the world by the awareness, faith identity, values and authentic affiliation to Arabism and Islam.

Accordingly, everyone has become aware and fully aware that buying and consuming the products of American and Western companies that support the Zionist entity means helping the enemies and even participating in the killing and extermination of Muslims.

The weapon of boycotting enemy products important and effective step that has a strong impact on the enemies, especially America and Israel.

The majority of Yemenis have become convinced that boycotting products that support the Zionist entity will have disastrous consequences for the arrogant powers and will gradually contribute to their economic exhaustion.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300