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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Hamas says enemy’s army has not set foot on 80% of Gaza’s land
Hamas says enemy’s army has not set foot on 80% of Gaza’s land
Hamas says enemy’s army has not set foot on 80% of Gaza’s land
[Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:38:00 +0300]

BEIRUT November 29. 2023 (Saba) - Leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Osama Hamdan has confirmed that the enemy’s army has not set foot on 80% of Gaza’s land

In a press statement, Hamdan said rising martyrer' leaders from al-Qassam Brigades “will not disrupt the march of resistance that will escalate in all arenas of the country and abroad.”

Hamdan added the enemy’s admitted a number of its soldiers killed and wounded in the ground operation, adding the enemy “does not reveal the truth that it is afraid to publish.”

He threatened that “the enemy’s losses will increase in the coming days,” and that “the Zionist threats of war after the truce are empty, and the Zionist knows that.”

Refuting the enemy's claims of controlling large areas in the Gaza Strip, Hamdan pointed out that "handing detainees in various places in the Strip belies the enemy army's claims of its control over part of the land of Gaza."

Hamdan said the completion of the truce agreement in four days is “a national achievement par excellence, as it included prisoners from all geography of the country,” stressing that “our position is firm in rejecting all plans aimed at finding solutions or imposing suspicious agendas.”

He revealed that the enemy “dropped more than 40,000 tons of explosives on Gaza during 50 days of aggression,” stressing that “the goal of making Gaza an unlivable land will not be achieved.”

Hamdan called on “the leaders of the Arab and Islamic nation to translate the decisions of the Riyadh Summit into a practical reality that will stop the aggression."

He also called for “increasing the number of trucks entering the Gaza Strip and for sending more medical hospitals to the Gaza Strip and receiving the wounded abroad,” in addition to “sending more medical hospitals to the Gaza Strip and receiving the wounded abroad.”

Hamdan denounced what was issued by Human Rights Watch regarding the Zionist aggression against hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially al-Baptist Hospital.

He stressed that “the Human Rights Watch report uses speculative language, and we call for its withdrawal and the formation of an international investigation committee into what happened in Gaza.”

The Hamas leader invited Elon Musk, CEO of X, to “visit Gaza to see the extent of the crimes committed against the Palestinian people, in adherence to standards of objectivity and credibility.”

Yesterday, Monday, Musk toured the settlement of “Kfar Azza” on the border of the Gaza Strip, accompanied by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the same context, Hamdan said, “The enemy has been trying to take revenge on the prisoners since October 7th through violations and crimes, and unfortunately we do not hear a voice from human rights institutions.”

He stressed that the deception practiced by politicians in the United States “will deepen the state of instability in the world,” noting the need for Biden to issue an apology to the Palestinian people and the American people “who rose up against the positions of the Biden administration.”

Hamdan also pointed out that "Biden's apology will be meaningless if it is not accompanied by a decisive decision that forces Israel to stop its aggression against Gaza."

The Hamas leader concluded the press conference by directing a call, on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People tomorrow, to activists and supporters of Palestine around the world, to “continue movements rejecting the war of genocide against the Palestinian people.”

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300