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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Entesaf Organization : Women & children victims of aggression exceeded 13,000 killed & injured
Entesaf Organization : Women & children victims of aggression exceeded 13,000 killed & injured
Entesaf Organization : Women & children victims of aggression exceeded 13,000 killed & injured
[Sat, 10 Jun 2023 16:05:30 +0300]

SANA'A June 10. 2023 (Saba) - The Entesaf Organization for Woman and Child Rights reported that the number of children and women victims of the US-Saudi aggression exceeded 13,641 killed and injured as of the end of May 2023.

The organization stated in a report on the aggression coalition's violations against Yemeni children and women during three thousand days, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that the death toll reached six thousand and 357, including two thousand and 454 women and three thousand and 903 children.

While the number of wounded reached 7,284, including 2,979 women and 4,305 children. The statement indicated that the rates of gender-based violence among children are constantly increasing, as they increased by 63% from before the aggression, while the crimes and violations committed by the forces of aggression in the West Coast region amounted to 712 crimes and violations, including 248 rape crimes, including 140 rape of women and 92 rape of children. While the crimes of kidnapping amounted to 430 crimes, including 65 kidnappings of women and 150 kidnappings of children, while 452 crimes of rape were reported in Aden province.

The statement pointed to the violations of the Saudi regime, which arrested and tortured a number of Yemeni women, the latest of whom were Marwa Al-Sabri and Fekra Al-Dhabiani. He pointed out that the number of those affected by the remnants of the aggression has risen to eight thousand and 122 civilian victims, including 182 children who were killed or wounded as a result of cluster bombs and remnants of the aggression from the beginning of the year to the end of May 2023.

With regard to education, he indicated that the number of completely and partially destroyed educational facilities used to shelter the displaced and unsafe as a result of the aggression amounted to three thousand and 768 facilities, of which approximately 435 schools were completely destroyed by 11.5%, and about 1578 partially damaged schools by 42%, while the number of schools that were destroyed reached Shelter centers for the displaced used about 999 schools, or 26.5%, in addition to closing about 756 schools across Yemen, or 20%.

The statement said that more than six million male and female students suffer from the collapse of the education system as a result of the aggression and siege, while 196 thousand and 197 male and female teachers have not received their salaries regularly since 2016, which puts an additional four million children at risk of losing education, and the number of children who face interruption may increase. Six million children need education, while 8.1 million children need emergency educational assistance across the country.

He added that two million and 400 thousand children are out of school out of ten million and 600 thousand of school age, and 31 percent of Yemen's girls are out of school as a result of the deteriorating humanitarian conditions and the inability of families to provide basic education needs, and the deficit in printing textbooks reached annually. 56 million 615 thousand and 44 books.

According to the statement, the number of displaced persons increased to 6.4 million until March 2023 in 15 provinces as a result of the aggression that has been going on for more than eight years, and the number of displaced families reached 740,122 families.

He added that more than eight million women and girls need to provide life-saving services during the current year 2023, while six million children need some form of humanitarian assistance or protection, and estimates indicate that poverty rates have risen to about 80 percent, and out of every ten children live more of eight children from families who do not have enough income to meet their basic needs.

The statement also mentioned that with the lack of shelter options available, displaced women and girls suffer most due to the lack of privacy, the threat to their safety, and the lack of access to basic services, which makes them more vulnerable and vulnerable to violence and abuse.

He noted that one out of every three displaced families is headed by women, and the girls who support 21 percent of these families are under 18 years old.

According to the report, the number of persons with disabilities increased from three million before the aggression to 4.5 million now, explaining that about six thousand civilians have been disabled as a result of armed hostilities since the start of the aggression, including approximately five thousand and 559 children, and the actual number is expected to be much higher.

There are 16,000 cases of women and children who need physical rehabilitation.
He pointed to the expansion of the phenomenon of child labor during the war, at a rate that may exceed four times what it was previously, noting that 1.4 million working children are deprived of their most basic rights, and about 34.3% of working children are between the ages of 5 and 17 years.

On the health side, he stated that Yemen records the highest child mortality rates in the Middle East, with about 60 children dying out of every thousand births, in addition to the death of 52,000 children annually, which means that one child dies every ten minutes.

The blockade has also led to an increase in malnutrition rates, which rose during the past two years to six million people, from 3.6 million, an increase of 66 percent.

More than 2.3 million children under the age of five were registered suffering from malnutrition and 632,000 children suffered from severe acute malnutrition that threatens their lives. In addition, there are more than 1.5 million pregnant and lactating women suffering from malnutrition, of whom 650,495 are moderately malnourished.

While a woman and six newborns die every two hours due to complications during pregnancy or during childbirth, and the estimated number of women who may lose their lives during pregnancy or childbirth is approximately 17 thousand women, and there are about 12.6 million women in need of life-saving services in reproductive health and protection.

The actual need for the health sector is estimated at about two thousand nurseries, while there are currently only 600 nurseries available, which causes the death of 50% of premature newborns.

The report pointed to the exacerbation of the suffering of pregnant women, as more than 50 percent of childbirths take place at the hands of non-specialists, and about 8.1 million women and girls of childbearing age need assistance in accessing reproductive health services, including 1.3 million women who will give birth this year. It is expected that 195,000 of them will develop complications that require medical assistance to save their lives and the lives of their newborns.

The organization's report stated that only 51% of health facilities operate in Yemen, and approximately 70% of obstetric medicines are not available due to the blockade and the aggression coalition's prevention of their entry, as more than 50% of newborn deaths could be avoided if basic health care was provided.

He indicated that 35 percent of reproductive health centers and clinics have lost their ability to work, in addition to suffering from an acute shortage of medicines, equipment and human resources, while the number of people diagnosed with cancer has reached 35,000, including more than a thousand children, and the number of children with heart defects has reached More than 3,000 children need to travel abroad for treatment.

With regard to epidemic diseases, the number of infected cases has reached about 4.5 million in the capital and the governorates, including 226 cases of polio, one million and 136 thousand and 360 cases of malaria, and 14 thousand and 508 suspected cases of cholera, in addition to the death of 15 children and the injury of 1400 others. measles in 7 governorates during the year 2022 AD.

The number of kidney failure patients has reached more than five thousand who are threatened with death due to the aggression and the blockade.

The organization held the coalition of aggression led by America and Saudi Arabia responsible for all crimes and violations against civilians, especially women and children, over a period of three thousand days, calling on the international community, international organizations, and human rights and humanitarian bodies to bear legal and humanitarian responsibility for the violations and heinous massacres that occur against civilians.

And it called on the free people of the world to take effective and positive action to stop the aggression and protect civilians, and to form an independent international commission to investigate all crimes committed against the Yemeni people, and to hold accountable all those found involved in them.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300