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  US-Saudi Aggression
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US striving to obstruct Yemen humanitarian file, not  paying salaries: report
US striving to obstruct Yemen humanitarian file, not paying salaries: report
US striving to obstruct Yemen humanitarian file, not paying salaries: report
[Wed, 17 May 2023 16:57:11 +0300]

SANA'A May 17. 2023 (Saba) - Extortion and intense pressure exerted by the United States of America on a large scale to obstruct efforts to establish peace and stability in Yemen and to thwart any agreement leading to resolving the humanitarian file and handing over the salaries of state employees from the revenues of oil and gas wealth as a priority to alleviate the suffering of a large segment of citizens.

Confirmed by the President of the Supreme Political Council, His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat, in his speech during his visit to Hajjah province whotouched on political developments, and the reasons for delaying the results of the recent negotiations with Saudi Arabia through Omani mediation, presenting many messages in this regard.

The president made it clear that after realizing the Saudi enemy and reaching a conviction that its stability is linked to the stability of Yemen and the subsequent dispatch of a high-ranking Saudi delegation to the capital Sana'a, to discuss solutions to the outstanding issues, especially those related to the humanitarian aspect, such as paying salaries, releasing prisoners, and other necessary steps that the leadership in Sana'a considers necessary to take to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people as a result of the aggression and siege for more than eight years to obstruct these efforts and to prevent salaries from being paid despite Saudi Arabia's conviction that it should be paid.\

President al-Mashat described the current stage as "uncertain" or as it is said in political terms (no peace and no war), as a result of the continuous American pressures to prolong this situation and push towards inflaming it in order to return to the square of confrontations so that the US government can earn more huge money from arms deals. It used to be concluded with the countries of aggression over the past eight years, and it has receded since the armistice was announced at the beginning of the year 2022.

He revealed the requests of many international companies that want to invest in the region, and that are trying to inquire about the nature of the situation and the outcome of the talks, which His Excellency advised to wait because the situation is not ripe for investment in the region unless the Yemeni file is resolved, stressing that explicit warnings were sent to many companies, and to all those he described as “partners of harm in the world” from the American behavior, and its push towards slowdown, abstention, evasion, and pressure towards a lack of progress in reaching quick solutions to the humanitarian file; which is to pay salaries and completely lift the siege on Sana’a airport and Hodeida port.

Confirming what the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, said in one of his recent speeches that "this obstruction may lead to impatience," President al-Mashat stressed the need to put an end to American ambitions as it is a dangerous adventure that brings harm to the whole world and must end.

Among the most prominent messages that His Excellency the President sent in his speech was that the Americans would have rather received Sana’a’s message that it has the necessary capabilities to strike any point in the sea, and to take that seriously, and not dare to engage in dangerous adventures that would harm the entire international community, given that entering in any escalation during the current stage, the Yemeni people will not be affected only, and this is a message sent by Sana’a to the outside more than once so that it understands that the damage will pervade everyone.

Despite all the dangers and challenges - President al-Mashat reaffirmed the continuation of the journey with all the free people in Hajjah province and all the provinces of the Republic, to turn challenges into opportunities and to find solutions to overcome the difficulties and obstacles created by the enemy.

The president also affirmed that the Yemeni people will not wait indefinitely in the event that they are unable to overcome the American blackmail, while whoever responds to the American blackmail will bear the responsibility in general.

He concluded by saying that "Saudi Arabia was given the opportunity to be able to get out of the American blackmail, which is what caused the uncertainty and the delay in negotiations in the last stage." He pointed out that the Saudi is concerned with his decision, and if he decides to submit again to American and British blackmail, that is his business as for the Republic of Yemen has nothing to lose.

He expressed his confidence in the ability of the Yemeni people to overcome all these difficulties, and proceed to build a unified Yemen for all its people, and enjoys full and undiminished sovereignty, adding "I fell into it, while those who make these imbalances know full well that they are only performing a functional role."

In the context of his talk about the developments of the occupied provinces, President al-Mashat assured all the Yemeni people that those who were entrusted with the task of implementing the recent moves in beloved Aden are only performing a functional role; Therefore, the Yemeni unity remains and there is no concern about it, reaffirming the direction and moving forward in building a unified Yemen with all its children and for all its children, with full and undiminished sovereignty, an independent and stable Yemen.

More than a million employees have been suffering from the interruption of their salaries for eight years as a result of the repercussions of the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression and blockade on Yemen and the move of mercenaries, at US-Saudi instructions, to transfer central bank jobs to Aden and cut the salaries of state employees since then.

The aggression coalition and its mercenaries moved the Central Bank of Yemen to Aden in 2016, and the mercenary government accused Sana'a of diverting the bank's money to the war effort, a charge that international observers and relief groups found unfounded and the mercenary government also promised to maintain the bank's policy of paying the salaries of all public employees, estimated at more than a million employees who support more than 10 million people, but it broke its word, reneged on its obligations and deprived millions of Yemenis of their only source of income.

On the other hand, the leadership in Sana'a believes that the revenues from oil exports located in the areas under the control of the mercenary government affiliated with the aggression, which represent approximately 70 percent of Yemen's budget, should be allocated to pay the salaries of all employees, and no diplomacy that would continue to transfer employee funds can be accepted. To Riyadh, especially since these demands will benefit Yemeni employees and workers, not the Sana’a government itself. It is illogical or realistic to continue depriving millions of employees of their salaries and thwarting negotiations to resolve the humanitarian file at the American’s will.

Many observers, along with state employees and the Yemeni people in general, wonder about the reasons for the American obstruction of all efforts to address the humanitarian file, especially with regard to the payment of salaries, after the recent talks in Sana'a, mediated by Omani, reached consensus on the payment of salaries to employees throughout Yemen.

The US envoy, "Tim Lenderking", expressed in press statements his country's dissatisfaction with Saudi Arabia's initial agreement to pay the salaries of employees in the various provinces of Yemen from Yemeni oil revenues, and considered it "a concession that harms US interests in the region."

Concurrently, a source in the National Salvation Government revealed that the United States of America had obstructed the agreement to pay government employees’ salaries from oil and gas revenues, in light of Sana’a’s demands to quickly disburse them, as the American administration exerted pressure on Saudi Arabia and its loyal mercenary government that contributed to delaying the implementation of the recent agreements on its disbursement. It was assumed that the round of direct negotiations held in Sana'a with the Saudi delegation, mediated by Oman, last month, had settled this file.

The government source indicated that these pressures came directly through the US envoy and the Office of Middle East Relations in the US State Department. It seems that Saudi Arabia has succumbed to these pressures so far, especially since the US envoy went to Riyadh immediately after the return of its delegation from Sana'a.

According to informed sources, "Tim Lenderking" held talks with the Saudi ambassador, Mohammad al-Jaber, who led his country's direct negotiations with Sana'a, openly objecting to linking employee salaries to the proceeds of oil and gas sales, claiming that his country would use what he called "diplomatic force" to resolve The crisis in Yemen is permanent.

The official talks between Riyadh and Sana’a constituted political confusion for the US administration, especially as they came within the framework of a new political approach adopted by Riyadh that included rapprochement with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Syria and the latter’s return to the Arab League, which prompted the US administration to launch fears and warn Saudi Arabia of what it called the consequences of rapprochement with Iran, Syria and Sana’a, which are the files that it has always invested in to reap trillions of dollars from the Saudi treasury and the Gulf in general, and provided it with a pretext to interfere in the affairs of the countries of the Middle East region, which it considers an area of influence of strategic importance that enables it to impose its agenda and ambitions that threaten the existence of these peoples, their future and their identity, foremost of which is the consolidation of dependence and backwardness, chaos and fragmentation in the region and control of its oil sources, and not allowing Russia and China to access energy sources, natural resources and the important market for selling their products, in addition to the American strategic goal of preserving the security and interests of its strategic ally Israel.

Saudi Arabia had informed the so-called "Presidential Council" of the aggression, through its ambassador, "al-Jaber", of its approval of Sana'a's demands related to the humanitarian file, foremost of which is the payment of salaries of all employees, in addition to expanding the destinations of Sana'a International Airport and opening the ports of Hodeida, and the roads linking cities, which prompted the US is to move, exert pressure and blackmail on Saudi Arabia and make false promises to discourage it from moving forward in implementing the initial consensus on resolving the humanitarian file in Yemen, which is an ineffective maneuver that has proven its failure over the past years when the United States failed to provide the kingdom with defensive weapons that protect it from missile attacks and drones.

Saudi Arabia accepted the armistice and entered into direct talks with Sana’a after it realized, belatedly, that it was losing a lot in an expensive quagmire, and that America and other hegemonic forces are the beneficiaries of its aggressive and absurd war on Yemen, which prompted it to search for a way out that would spare it more missile strikes and drone attacks, coming out from Yemen in light of the growing defensive and offensive capabilities of Sana'a, however, American blackmail and pressure will apparently return it to the targeting square and bleed exorbitant economic losses, which may also affect Washington's interests in the event the situation erupts, and cause the closure of important shipping lanes to the global oil markets.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300