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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Eight years of aggression targeting infrastructure in Yemen
Eight years of aggression targeting infrastructure in Yemen
Eight years of aggression targeting infrastructure in Yemen
[Wed, 29 Mar 2023 11:06:38 +0300]

SANA'A March 29.2023 (Saba) - Eight years of aggression by the Zionist-American coalition in Yemen, they did not spare anything from their destructive hatred, they destroyed the infrastructure almost completely, destroyed all of Yemen's economic and service capabilities, and set us back decades.

They poured out their anger Yazidi since the first hours of aggression on our infrastructure and blew it up. Still, they did not undermine our determination and the strength of our faith in our homeland, its freedom, independence and the dignity of its children.

The more they destroy a school, factory, playground or tourist monument, the more determined Yemenis are to go to cleanse the Arabian Peninsula from the abomination of these intruders on Arabism, religion and nationalism.

Words no longer have a place in the dictionary of the language to express the horror of the disaster made by the scoundrels of the English, the Zionists and the slaves of the Americans in the land of faith and wisdom. Therefore, we will suffice in this report with the language of numbers, as it is more eloquent in expressing the crimes of the oddity of the storm of prostitution against Yemen land and human.

Infrastructure losses:
There are no overall estimates of the losses caused to infrastructure in Yemen during the eight years of aggression, and the available estimates are conclusions published in April 2017 by a joint study by the World Bank, the United Nations, the Islamic Development Bank, and the European Union.

Infrastructure and capital losses in Yemen were estimated at $15 billion, of which $7 billion was economic losses in nominal terms, and more than $7.3 billion in the production and services sectors.

The cost of housing damage only in the cities of Sana'a, Aden, Taiz and Zanzibar is $ 3.6 billion, and the cost of rebuilding power facilities in the four cities is about $ 139 million, mostly to repair power plants that have been damaged or destroyed.

It confirmed that 17 percent of schools in 20 governorates needed massive reconstruction, and estimated the cost of damage to schools at $269 million.

The Minister of Transport in the Salvation Government, Zakaria Al-Shami, in a statement on March 27, 2019, estimated the infrastructure losses at $ 4.3 billion.

In a World Bank report published in June 2021, Yemen's losses at the level of infrastructure in 16 major cities amounted to $ 6.9-8.5 billion.

The capital, Sana'a, ranked first in the list of the most destroyed cities, followed by the city of Taiz, and the governorates of Aden and Hodeidah were severely affected.

Infrastructure was extensively destroyed, including main roads, bridges and internal roads in most cities.

In local estimates published on February 1, 2022, the Yemeni economy lost $ 126 billion of its GDP, the exchange rate of the national currency against foreign currencies deteriorated by more than 300%, and revenues fell to the lowest levels.

Homes and Government Facilities:

The Hebrew aggression aircraft "1885-2105" destroyed government facilities, and "434083-603110" houses, according to the estimates of the "Eye of Humanity" organization and the Legal Center on March 25, 2023.

Educational Sector:
The aggression put the educational sector on its list of targets, and the fire of its hatred affected more than 3,500 destroyed and damaged schools.

Vicious aggression caused the closure of 27% of Yemeni schools, 66% of schools were damaged by extreme violence, and 7% of schools were converted into shelters for the displaced.

The statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the Legal Center on March 25, 2023 talk about the destruction of "938-1265" schools and educational facilities, and "182-185" university facilities.

Places of worship:
The planes of the aggression coalition "999-1714" destroyed a mosque, in a dangerous precedent that reflects a hidden hatred against the Yemeni person and the Islamic religion.

Media Sector:
Because the media is a beacon and its message is an extension of the message of the mosques, they were not spared of hatred, so their fire destroyed "41-61" media facilities, in a desperate attempt to hide their crimes in Yemen and silence the voice of truth and freedom.

Judicial Sector:
Statistics published in March 2021 estimated the judiciary's losses at $ 100 million

The aggression destroyed 49 judicial facilities in 15 governorates, of which 21 were totally destroyed and 28 partially destroyed.

Health Sector:
Statistics published in August 2022 speak of 537 health facilities partially and completely destroyed, in the statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the legal status published on March 25, 2023, it amounted to "370-417" hospitals and health facilities.

In addition to the destruction of 70 ambulances, the martyrdom of 66 doctors, specialists, assistants and health cadres, the deprivation of 48,000 employees in the health sector at the governorate, and district levels their salaries, and the departure of 95% of the foreign staff in the health field.

Not to mention the cessation of operating rooms, intensive care, dialysis centers, incubators for premature babies and mortuary refrigerators due to power outages and lack of oil derivatives.

Health services have regressed to lower levels, and only 51 percent of health facilities are functioning.
The unjust blockade caused the supply of medicines to Yemen, the lack of 50% of medicines for cancer patients, especially targeted chemical drugs and radioactive materials, and the lack of 70% of obstetric medicines.

Youth and Sports Sector:
Reports published in February 2021 estimated direct losses in the youth and sports sector at $650 million, and indirect losses at $350 million.

The aggression targeted 7 sports stadiums, 13 sports fields, and destroyed 23 halls, 9 youth hostels, 21 administrative headquarters, 6 sports headquarters, 12 light courts, and 3 equestrian centers.

In the estimates published on March 25, 2023, the number of destroyed sports facilities reached "132-141" sports facilities and stadiums, and 6,000 workers were deprived of job opportunities in the projects that were implemented by the ministry, and the martyrdom of 129 cadres of the youth and sports movement.

Tourism Sector:
The aggression paralyzed tourism activities and deprived the country of one of the resources of the national economy, which represented about 3% of the general national income.

The direct losses of this sector until the end of 2017 amounted to about 4 billion and 500 million dollars, and the loss of 4 million and 500 thousand tourists, at a rate of one and a half million tourists, the average annual tourist arrival to Yemen.

The tourist tax on flights is $10,800,000, according to the Tourism Promotion Council, the losses of tourism agencies are $ 9 million, the hotel association is $ 666 million, and tourism promotion is $ 3 million, an annual average spent on this sector.

Yemeni sea, land and air transport is $3 billion, of which $2 is an initial loss for air aviation as a result of targeting airports, navigational and technical equipment, communications devices and radars.

The suspension of travel to and from Yemen, and $ 900 million initial losses incurred by the maritime transport sector as a result of the aggression and blockade, including $ 300 million losses in the ports of Hodeidah and Makha during the years "2016-2017" only, and $ 19 million direct losses incurred by the land transport sector.

The tourism sector lost $ 5 billion until March 2021, according to the Ministry of Tourism in Sana'a, represented by the loss of annual tourism revenues

The raids of the aggression destroyed 473 sites, archaeological and tourist monuments and historical facilities

In the statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the Legal Center published on March 25, 2023, about "384-387" tourist facilities, and "226-258" archaeological sites and landmarks.

In detail, 25 historical cities, 42 archaeological monuments, 25 shrines, 252 hotels, 81 restaurants, 12 event halls, 28 parks and gardens, 8 cafes and cafes were destroyed and damaged, 543 tourist agencies were closed with losses amounting to $ 745 million, 95% of workers in the various tourism sectors supporting more than 500,000 people were laid off, and 250,000 workers in the tourism field were deprived of their only source of income.

Agricultural sector:
This sector incurred 147 billion and 126 million dollars, of which 8 billion and 724 million dollars were direct losses and damages, and 138 billion and 402 million dollars were indirect.

Direct damages: buildings and facilities of agricultural associations, water facilities, agricultural markets, export centers, warehouses, water pipelines, sanctuaries, production nurseries, livestock, honey apiaries and the poultry sector.

Indirect damage: agricultural plant production, production nurseries, agricultural markets, export centers, shops, commodity exchange, domestic product, natural and productive resources.

The statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the Legal Center, published on March 25, 2023, talk about the destruction of "6319-11350" agricultural fields, and "373-466" chicken and livestock farms.

Water and the environment:
The aggression affected treatment plants, sewage networks, facilities, buildings, tanks, drinking water wells and water barriers, and destroyed a large number of pumps, and the total losses of direct damage amounted to 406 billion Yemeni riyals to the water sector.

1,344 facilities were damaged, of which 989 facilities were completely destroyed, and 499 facilities were partially destroyed.

According to the statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the Legal Center, published on March 25, 2023, "824-3095" reservoirs and water stations/networks were destroyed.

Electricity and energy:
Electricity losses exceeded $23,785,896,000, according to reports published in August 2022, including the generation, transmission, control and technical inspection sectors, the costs of work teams, and the rehabilitation of the electricity of secondary cities that were partially damaged.

As well as the destruction of central warehouses, sectors of externally funded projects, and the imposition of fines for delaying ships and the losses of the difference in diesel and diesel prices.

Electricity consumption decreased by 75%, due to the great damage to this sector and the lack of oil derivatives.

The aggression launched 278 military strikes on the electricity and energy sector, killing 83 and wounding 300, and destroying "200-346" power stations and generators, according to statistics published on March 25, 2023.

Telecom sector:
10 billion and 925 million dollars, equivalent to 6 trillion and 550 million Yemeni riyals, recorded initial material losses, according to a report published by the ministry on March 25, 2023.

The share of the General Telecommunications Corporation is 2 billion dollars, the General Post Authority is 609 million and 757 thousand dollars, and the “Teleyemen” company is one billion, 681 million and 421 thousand dollars.

The destruction affected 2106 communication and postal facilities, and in the statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the legal status "488-617" networks and communication stations.

In terms of raids, the share of the communications sector was 2760 raids, in which 79 martyrs were killed, and the infrastructure of the Public Telecommunications Corporation 1251 raids, or 45% of the total raids on the telecommunications sector, and the General Post Authority 79 raids.

Those raids caused the destruction of 706 facilities completely and 400 facilities partially, including 27 postal facilities directly, 20 postal facilities were partially damaged, and 141 sites and towers belonging to the " Teleyemen" company were targeted in 19 governorates.

Meanwhile, the closure and suspension of 862 telecommunications and postal facilities, which caused the isolation of 114 Yemeni villages and cities from the world, and the inability of 1,642 facilities affiliated with the Communications Corporation to benefit from communication and Internet services, and the deprivation of one million and 271 thousand Yemenis from communication and Internet services.

The aggression also prevented the re-operation of the destroyed communication stations and sites, and thwarted the restoration of service to the affected areas, either by continuing to ban equipment and communication systems of civilian use and preventing their entry into Yemen or by re-targeting the sites that have been restored to service.

Not to mention preventing the use of marine internet cables: the Aden-Djibouti submarine cable and the submarine cable (AAE-1) and its landing station in Aden, and preventing the installation and operation of the cable (SMW5) and its unloading station in Hodeidah owned by Yemeni Telecom after it became operational.

The forces of aggression detained 104 communication stations, 7 million mobile phone sim cards, and 20 containers carrying communications and messaging equipment and supplies.

Transport sector:
The land, sea and air transport sectors lost during the period "March 2015 - March 2023" were about 13 billion 442 million and 851 thousand dollars, distributed among the aviation sectors by 51%, the marine 42%, and the land and its facilities 7%.

Air transport losses represented by the Civil Aviation and Meteorological Authority, Yemen Airways and Al-Saeeda Airlines amounted to 6 billion and 870 million dollars and 27 thousand dollars, and maritime transport represented by the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation and the General Authority for Maritime Affairs two billion and 427 million and 577 thousand dollars, and the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation 3 billion and 254 One million and 970 thousand dollars, and land transport represented by the General Authority for Regulating Land Transport Affairs and the Local Corporation for Land Transport 890 million and 276 thousand dollars.

The statistics of “Eye of Humanity” and the Legal Center, published on March 25, 2023, talk about the destruction of “15-16” airports, “15-16” seaports, “4453-10279” means of transportation, and “666-1040” food trucks. And "2750-7293" roads and bridges.

A report by the Ministry of Transport revealed that the aggression targeted 2,040 means of transporting foodstuffs, 390 tankers, 10,290 different means of transport, and 7,293 bridges and roads.

The General Corporation for Roads and Bridges, in a report published in August 2022, estimated the total losses at 3 billion and 665 million dollars, including the destruction of 102 bridges by the aggression, at a cost of one billion and 675 million dollars, and 5,000 kilometers of roads were damaged, at a cost of one billion and 461 million dollars.

The aggression raids halted maintenance operations on a large part of the network, including 10,500 kilometers, in urgent need of intervention and maintenance to prevent its complete collapse.

The losses of rural roads amounted to 11 million and 215 thousand dollars, and the General Corporation for Roads and Bridges amounted to 168 million dollars due to the aggression’s bombing of its equipment, stores, facilities and technical teams.

The cumulative annual losses for one year amount to 30 million dollars as a result of the decline in the activity that the Corporation was carrying out before the years of aggression through the investment program for the implementation of road and bridge projects.

The aggression’s targeting of the institution’s machinery and equipment amounted to 32 million and 400 thousand dollars, and the losses of targeting buildings and facilities amounted to 5 million and 700 thousand dollars.

The direct losses of the institution as a result of 54 million dollars, losses from work interruption amounted to 44 million and 700 thousand dollars, and losses from the shortfall in the value of outstanding debts amounted to 28 million dollars.

Oil and minerals:
Estimates of foreseeable damage to the units affiliated with the ministry until March 2023 are about $60 billion, and damage to various oil sectors is $100 billion.

The statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the Legal Center, published on March 25, 2023, talked about the destruction of "383-427" fuel stations, and "285-390" fuel tankers.

Commercial and industrial sector:
The economic sector incurred heavy losses, including the destruction of more than 12 food and consumer factories, and dozens of companies, institutions, and economic, service, and public and private investment centers.

The aggression targeted about 80 private establishments, according to the results of the inventory carried out by the Private Sector Committee issued at the end of 2018, led by establishments whose economic activity is classified as companies by 38%, with an estimated damage value of $867 million, and service establishments ranked second with the value of damage. up to $212 million.

Official data issued by the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in 2018 indicated that the targeted factories exceeded 45% of the size of the industrial sector in Yemen, and the damages incurred amounted to more than $50 million, and the damages to import and export activities amounted to about $150 million.

A committee formed by the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Sana’a, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, estimated the damage to the industrial sector at about $1.373 billion.

The total losses of infrastructure destruction, according to a report issued by the Studies and Economic Forecasts Sector at the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, are about $98 billion.

Preliminary estimates of foreign trade losses due to the aggression and blockade amounted to 36 billion and 285 million dollars, according to statistics published by the Foreign Trade Sector of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in August 2019.

The Economic Studies and Forecasts Sector in the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, in a report issued in July 2020, estimated the size of the direct and indirect losses suffered by the private sector, especially in the first three years of the aggression, between "25-27" billion dollars, led by the commercial sector by 18%. The rate of impact of the manufacturing sector is 8%, and the economic sectors are 92%.

The statistics of "Eye of Humanity" and the Legal Center, published on March 25, 2023, revealed that the aggression warplanes destroyed "8355-12088" commercial establishments, "369-409" factories, "661-704" markets, and "783-1020" food stores. Add to that 8 grain silos, according to 2015 statistics.

Mona Zaid

resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300