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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad.. Awareness icon .. Beacon of guidance
Martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad.. Awareness icon .. Beacon of guidance
Martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad.. Awareness icon .. Beacon of guidance
[Tue, 28 Feb 2023 18:53:10 +0300]

SANA'A February 28. 2023 (Saba) - "On the anniversary of the dear brother, the martyr President / Saleh Ali al-Sammad, "May God's mercy cover him", we remember him - he is present in our conscience, and in the conscience of our people, and in the course of our work and jihad - we remember him as a model of faith that embodies the identity of his people, the faith affiliation of his people, a model of honesty and loyalty, and a model For patience, sacrifice, and giving, as an example in his relentless pursuit of what pleases God, “Glory be to Him,” service to His people, and advocacy for the causes of His nation". The Leader of the Revolution in his speech on the anniversary of the martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad 1444 AH.
Patience and Glory :
We do not know where to start talking about the “good citizen” and the “fighting president,” the martyr President Saleh al-Sammad, “may God have mercy on him.” He is like “the sea, from which way did you come to him” in knowledge, jurisprudence, understanding, capacity, know-how, morals, intelligence, faith, steadfastness, loyalty, dream, idealism, asceticism, humility, and integrity .

He gained patience, he steadfast and gained victory, strived hard and reached, and strived with the certainty of the believer, so he received the reward, the prize of martyrdom, and glory of immortality, and is there a higher prize than martyrdom..!

The Spotless March:
The life of the martyr al-Sammad was marked by his sincerity of belonging to the great Qur’anic project, and his serious launch since he became aware of the greatness of his responsibility towards the noblest goal of the project from the very beginning of his life. Where he was distinguished by his loyalty and steadfastness on the Qur’anic project in its most difficult stage, with his presence and dedication, and by making a great effort, by which he promoted the important priorities towards his society, leading to the prominent response to the aggression against his homeland.
The martyr president was distinguished during the stage of aggression by his most prominent presence in mobilizing the people, and developing the capabilities and official capabilities of the state to advance it to confront the aggression, in parallel with his dedication to serving the people, and his relentless pursuit to unify the internal ranks, as he had a superior ability to gather the parties and find solutions for rapprochement and unite efforts towards confronting for aggression, which made it a primary target for targeting by the enemy, as it posed a great danger to it.

Two colours without a third :
Since President Al-Sammad embodied the slogan of the blessed revolution of the twenty-first of September, "a hand that protects and a hand that builds," he drew the basic features of building a modern state, a state of order and law, a state of justice, a state of institutions, a state of a strong army and young construction.
Since this embodied a tangible reality, he became known by him, and hopes are attached to his lifeline - after God - everyone inside and outside realized the greatness of this man and the brilliance of his executive project derived from the greatness of the Qur’anic project, crystallizing it into the reality of the state, and an approach in the life of the citizen .. where there are no dull colors, but rather They are two colors without a third, the color of protection and the color of construction.

Renewed life :
Yes, "Al-Sammad" is gone physically, but his spirit remains and is immortal insofar as he caused a tremendous movement in the conscience of the responsible class and in the conscience of the people, and even in the eyes of his opponents and enemies who did everything in their power to undermine him, thinking that if they finished him off, they would have extinguished the light of determination and paths of determination and ambition the Yes, "Al-Sammad" is gone physically, but his spirit remains and is immortal insofar as he caused a tremendous movement in the conscience of the responsible class and in the conscience of the people, and even in the eyes of his opponents and enemies who did everything in their power to undermine him, thinking that if they finished him off, they would have extinguished the light of determination and paths of determination and legitimate ambition for the people of this country.
This renewed life enjoyed by our martyr President made him an icon of victory, an icon of loyalty, an icon of pride and dignity, an icon of self-denial, an icon of concord, an icon of steadfastness, an icon of lofty determination and a responsible stance.
The enemy wanted to erase his trace, and God wanted to revive his exploits, to exalt his reputation, and to make him a beacon that guides the confused minds in the position of responsibility, and the eager souls to reach the avenue of truth, justice and freedom.

Main resposible :
President Al-Sammad was a pioneering model in assuming responsibility, the responsibility of the first man in the presidency of the country, that position that he came to without seeking it, but he took it after strong insistence, motivated by his sense of responsibility from his faith standpoint, so he was distinguished by his interest in his work and his tireless activity in the service of his people, for whom he was known for his patience despite what he faced - by virtue of his great responsibility - in many challenges, difficulties and problems and bearing many worries; In addition to the blame, criticism and abuse he faced.
Melody of jihad:
From the first moment of assuming the position of "president", the martyr al-Sammad continued his continuous interest in making confronting the aggression his first concern through broad and active popular mobilization, the continuous support of the army and its great moral support for the men in the fields of jihad.
Those great efforts of the martyr al-Sammad and the martyrs who moved with diligence and with great sacrifice and accomplished and achieved a lot and a great thing, despite the size of the aggression and its enormous potential by worldly standard, and its malevolent attacks on all levels and in all aspects, militarily, politically, media, economically and in every field in which the enemy believed that it would gain patience and steadfastness of this great people.
Sincerity and Effort:
The martyr al-Sammad was aware with great awareness that movement was preceded by faith, sincerity and motivation. That is why he believed in the promise, and sought everything he could to protect his people and build his country, rejecting all the temptations of life, enduring all obstacles, accusations and outbids, proceeding towards a great goal the size of the Qur’anic project, and he took it as an uncompromising approach he doesn't accept to defeat.
And because he was a role model in sacrifice and redemption for his people and credibility with God, all the arrows of the enemy were broken on the rock of his certainty, and all hate speech faltered in front of the eloquence of his statement and the sincerity of his tongue, and all the plots of the enemy and his mercenaries collapsed in front of the weapon of his steadfastness, composure, and the nobility of his secret.
Responsibility axis:
The martyr president realized the greatness of his responsibility, so he set out with it towards a bright tomorrow, expending everything he could and what no official could do in the serious and rational move to motivate his people to achieve gigantic steps that consolidated the true meaning of the statesman, and inspired those who came after him with the same goal of responsible continuity to reach the desired goal of honor and nd the dignity of beloved Yemen.
During his presidency of the state, he was the ideal man who was devoid of the consequences of fascination with the position, relying on it, and investing it financially and morally. Rather, he left without even owning a house, or making an investment for himself, no matter how small, as those who reached the position before him did by plundering the people’s money, and owning cities and commercial companies. investment, built palaces, and left their positions bearing disgrace, and great burdens as a result of their oppression of their people, who impoverished them and plundered their wealth.
Conscious Steadfastness :
The martyr al-Sammad was not only playing an official role, but his conscious steadfastness in the face of the changing events was a basic motive for his immortal launch as he overcame the obstacles towards the desired dream, resounding with the certainty of the patient believer that this steadfastness on the principle is the real criterion for achieving what he aspires to.
The path of martyrdom and immortality:
"Highness in life and in death.. Indeed, you are one of the miracles."
Martyrdom for the sake of God was a dream that the martyr al-Sammad sought and achieved, and immortality was a good deed, so he deserved it, and it will remain an icon of awareness, a beacon of guidance, a school whose steadfastness is followed by generations after generations, and a shrine from which hearts are inspired by the tranquility of truth and victory, and minds awareness and thought, and those with positions are a method and patience, and as for the enemy, he will see in him - whether he likes it or not - the epitome of steadfastness, glory and victory.
Saba : Research and Information Center
Translated by Eman Al-Mutawakel

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300