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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Summer schools in Dhamar... great demand and diverse activities
Summer schools in Dhamar... great demand and diverse activities
Summer schools in Dhamar... great demand and diverse activities
[Sun, 26 May 2024 23:51:49 +0300]

DHAMAR May 26. 2024 (Saba) - At a high pace, with a distinct religious and cultural atmosphere, and a remarkable turnout by students, the activities and activities of summer courses and schools continue in Dhamar Governorate under the slogan “Education and Jihad.”

Since the first weeks of this year, the subcommittees for the summer schools in Dhamar began preparing to receive the summer school students and began training and qualifying those in charge of the schools and summer courses and holding meetings and workshops that included the local authority, the relevant executive offices, the subcommittees in the governorate and directorates, activities officials, operating rooms, community committees, and school principals. And the centers.

These early preparations aimed to make the courses and summer schools a success and to translate their goals into developing students’ skills, refining their talents, and enhancing their abilities, in a faith and cultural atmosphere aimed at building a generation armed with Qur’anic culture, proud of its faith identity, and prepared to contribute to the renaissance of the nation and its civilization.

Community awareness of the importance and role of summer schools in building and preparing generations represented an essential factor in pushing children to enroll in summer schools, as the number of students enrolled in centers and schools this year reached 143,787 male and female students distributed among 1,501 schools and centers in various directorates, including 1,488 open schools and 13 schools. Typical residential accommodation.

The leadership of the local authority and the executive offices in the governorate played an important role in the success of the courses and summer schools by mobilizing the necessary support and capabilities and organizing periodic visits to see the level of student interest and the extent of their interaction with the activities and programs implemented, in order to build a generation armed with Quranic culture, proud of its faith identity, and immune from false cultures. .

The activities of summer courses and schools were taken into consideration when preparing them for the importance of investing the time of the summer vacation for the integrated building of the student’s personality through teaching him the Holy Qur’an and its sciences, reading, writing, public speaking skills, poetry, creativity and innovation through a series of cultural, scientific, sports, health, agricultural, creative, faith and recreational activities, developing the capabilities of the gifted and creative, and raising Students’ awareness of health concepts and agricultural culture.

During the past weeks, schools and summer centers witnessed the holding of lectures, seminars, and competitive methodological and cultural competitions, which included aspects of memorizing, reciting, and mastering the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, oratory, chants, popular songs, poetry, calligraphy, drawing, theater, and other skills.

Exhibitions for the gifted were held in a number of directorates and centers, highlighting the creative and innovative skills of some students in those schools in a number of aspects, in addition to launching sports activities and competitions such as the football league, volleyball, and the marathon, and holding agricultural events that included holding afforestation campaigns, visiting nurseries, and providing lectures and awareness lessons. About the importance of agriculture and its role in achieving food security and developing the national economy.

Schools and summer centers witnessed the implementation of a series of health activities, which included forming health groups within the framework of open and model schools, holding cleanliness campaigns, learning first aid methods, preventing diseases and epidemics, and learning about a number of health concepts.

Summer activities included entertainment events and field visits to kindergartens, exhibitions of pictures of martyrs, and others.

The summer centers and schools for female students were also distinguished by holding applied lessons in the fields of food processing and handicrafts, with the aim of providing the female students with some diverse professional skills.

The issue of the first nation and the massacres and war of extermination to which the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip were exposed were present in the minds of the students of the summer centers and schools, as the students of the city of Dhamar carried out a student march in solidarity with the Palestinian people who are facing the most heinous crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing, and to denounce what Western university students are subjected to. Repression by their governments because of their positions in support of the Palestinian people and rejecting the massacres and siege committed against the people of Gaza.

A number of districts witnessed a student march in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in blessing of the military operations carried out by the armed forces against targets of the Zionist enemy and its supporters, America and Britain.

The Governor of Dhamar Governorate, Muhammad Nasser Al-Bukhaiti, explained that holding summer courses and activities comes within the framework of the interest of the Revolutionary Leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and the government in youth and young people, with the aim of developing their abilities and creativity in various fields, foremost of which is memorizing and mastering the recitation of the Book of God, arming themselves with Quranic culture and faith education, and preparing them to contribute. In building society

He added: It also aims to protect them from false cultures and enemy plans that target the nation religiously, culturally and morally by spreading misleading ideas and soft war aimed at obliterating the identity of faith and distorting Quranic morals, corrupting young men and women, stripping them of their identity and values, and pushing them towards being drawn into fashion and decadent cultures.

Meanwhile, the official in charge of mobilization and mobilization in the governorate, Ahmed Hussein Al-Durani, indicated that the launch of the activities of summer courses and schools was preceded by the implementation of a series of preparatory activities and events, indicating that field visits to the directorates highlighted the level of community interaction with summer courses and schools and achieved positive results in emphasizing the importance and status of summer courses. The importance of community interaction to support it, adopt its activities, and honor those who excelled in it.

For his part, the Director of the Education Office, Muhammad Hassan Al-Hadi, confirmed that this year’s summer schools witnessed great demand and momentum, after the students and their parents noticed the diversity of the activities and their inclusion of religious, cultural, scientific, sports, agricultural and recreational aspects.

He pointed out that the summer courses are an educational project that contributes to building and qualifying young people and preparing them to assume religious and national responsibility to confront the dangers and challenges facing the homeland and the nation.

While the Director of Guidance, Abdullah Al-Lahiji, explained that the students receive awareness lectures and educational and cultural programs in the fields of memorizing and reciting the Holy Qur’an, acts of worship, jurisprudence, and Quranic culture, and introduce them to the dangers and conspiracies that target society’s values and morals.

He stated that schools and summer centers witness frequent visits from scholars, preachers, and counselors to provide cultural lessons and activities stemming from the Holy Qur’an, which contribute to strengthening the faith identity and instilling virtuous values and morals.

The director of the Youth and Sports Office, Hussein Al-Sufi, explained that the office launched a series of sports activities within the framework of the summer schools and center with the aim of developing and refining students’ talents and encouraging them to practice sports because of its effects on their health, indicating that the sporting activities and events witnessed by the center and summer schools include holding tournaments. Football, volleyball and organizing a marathon.

While the Director of the Public Health and Population Office, Dr. Tariq Al-Khaiwani, said that the Health Committee carried out a series of preparatory meetings to prepare plans, programs and training material on many health and awareness concepts with the aim of raising the level of students’ awareness about health issues.

He pointed out that the office worked to provide medicines, medical and emergency supplies, hygiene materials, and infection prevention, and prepared health teams to provide medical services in open and model schools, conduct inspection and treatment for members of summer centers, and hold awareness lectures on the health aspect.

In turn, the Director of the Office of Agriculture and Irrigation in Dhamar Governorate, Dr. Adel Omar, explained that the office launched agricultural activities in summer schools, with the aim of students gaining experience in agricultural fields and how to preserve and care for trees, the importance of expanding, developing and advancing agriculture, and its role in achieving food security and supporting the economy. National achievement of self-sufficiency.

He pointed out that the Agriculture Office distributed nearly three thousand seedlings of various trees to schools and summer centers, and qualified those in charge of summer courses and schools with the agricultural information and knowledge necessary to educate students about the importance of agriculture and acquire skills and knowledge about plants and tree types that must be cared for and cared for.

He added: They were also introduced to aspects of climate diversity and crops suitable for each climate, the benefits of using modern drip irrigation methods, and awareness of the harms and risks of pesticides on agricultural crops, society and the environment.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300