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  US-Saudi Aggression
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112 prisoners released from other side under directives of Revolution leader
112 prisoners released from other side under directives of Revolution leader
112 prisoners released from other side under directives of Revolution leader

SANA'A May 26. 2024 (Saba) - The National Committee for Prisoners' Affairs announced the implementation of a unilateral humanitarian initiative to release 112 prisoners of the other side under the directives of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi.

In a press conference held in Sana'a today, attended by a member of the Supreme Political Council Sultan Al-Sami'i, Minister of Human Rights in the caretaker government Ali Al-Dailami, Chairman of the Military Committee Major General Yahya Al-Razami, the governors of Lahj Ahmed Jerib, Ibb Abdul Wahid Salah, Dhamar Muhammad Al-Bukhaiti, and the Acting Governor of Taiz Ahmed Al-Massawi, Chairman of the Prisoners' Affairs Committee Abdul Qader Al-Murtada, explained that the released prisoners belonging to the other party are those who were captured on the battlefronts with humanitarian cases, including the sick, wounded and the elderly.

Al-Murtada pointed out at the conference, which was attended by the First Undersecretary of the Capital Municipality Khaled Al-Madani, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Guidance Saleh Al-Khawlani and the families of the prisoners, that the initiative of the leader in the release of prisoners came with humanitarian motives to emphasize the humanitarian treatment of this file, especially since it is not the first initiative, as it was preceded in previous periods by dozens of initiatives, in which 920 prisoners were pardoned and released unilaterally.

This initiative also came to emphasize Sanaa's seriousness in dealing positively with all efforts made by the United Nations to resolve the humanitarian file of prisoners and end the suffering of them and their families on both sides, he said.

The Chairman of the Prisoners' Affairs Committee expressed the hope that this initiative will strengthen confidence, eliminate differences and pave the way for serious, honest and transparent negotiations leading to the implementation of all previous agreements signed under the auspices of the United Nations.

"With the implementation of this initiative, we emphasize some points and send messages to the released prisoners, and tell them: We hope that during the period of captivity you have known and understood what you made of the mistake you made by fighting on the side of the external enemy, which was seeking through its aggression to occupy our country, which is your country, humiliate our people, which is your people, and plunder our wealth, which is your wealth," he said.

Al-Murtada added: "We hope that you will seize this generosity from the leader, and consider it an opportunity to repent of what you have fallen into, as well as an opportunity to correct your situation and return to your normal life as citizens like all your people who reject aggression, and not to be dragged again to such a grave mistake."

He continued, addressing the released prisoners: "The enemy in whose side you fought and captured you under his command abandoned you and refused to negotiate with you or seek your liberation despite the implementation of several deals while you were in prison, and despite our repeated offers to him, and our submission of your names in more than one round and our readiness to release you in exchange for our prisoners with him." Stressing the Leader of the Revolution's personal interest in getting them out.

Al-Murtada sent a message to the forces of aggression and mercenaries, to view this initiative as a message of peace, deal with it seriously and humanely, and take similar steps that enhance confidence, push to remove differences in this humanitarian file, and prepare for a new stage of seriousness and transparency in dealing with the upcoming negotiations.

"This initiative is supposed to push you to stop the bad and inhumane practices with our prisoners in your prisons, as well as to stop obstructing progress in this file and obstructing the implementation of the agreements you signed under the auspices of the United Nations," he said.

The Chairman of the Prisoners' Affairs Committee reiterated the Committee's continued religious, moral, moral and humanitarian dealings with all prisoners in its custody, pointing to the firm position of full readiness to implement the agreements signed by the two parties without any preconditions and according to the arrangements agreed upon with the United Nations until reaching a comprehensive and complete exchange for all prisoners.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:42:11 +0300