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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Fourth stage of escalation is strategic step that strengthens Palestinian resistance politically & militarily position
Fourth stage of escalation is strategic step that strengthens Palestinian resistance politically & militarily position
Fourth stage of escalation is strategic step that strengthens Palestinian resistance politically & militarily position

SANA'A May 24. 2024 (Saba) - In victory for the Palestinians, who have been subjected for more than seven months to a war of annihilation and an unjust siege, the Yemeni leadership in Sana'a announced the fourth stage of escalation against the Zionist enemy to expand the scope of offensive operations on Israeli ships linked to the enemy, and any interests or targets affiliated with it.

This stage comes within the framework of the advanced position adopted by the Yemeni leadership, people and army since the beginning of “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle to support the brotherly Palestinian people and their valiant resistance. These are the great positions that angered the American administration and international Zionism, who never expected that there would be any movement against their interests and ambitions in the region. After they imposed their hegemony and guardianship over its countries, placed rulers and systems at their heads that worked in their favor.

The fourth stage, which comes within an escalation path announced by the inspiring leader, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, aims at the beginning of the battle with the Zionist enemy, to cut off the supply lines to this criminal entity, so that it stops its aggression and siege on the brotherly Palestinian people in Gaza Strip.

This round includes expanding the scope of operations to include all Yemeni military capabilities, including enemy ships and targets in the Mediterranean Sea, which comes after the Yemeni armed forces expanded their operations to the Indian Ocean as part of the third round of the ongoing Yemeni escalation to support the Palestinian people in confronting the Zionist-American aggression on Gaza.

This escalation came at the same time as the Zionist enemy’s threats to invade Rafah and its subsequent storming and control of Rafah crossing to tighten the siege on the Palestinians as it is the only outlet for food and aid to enter Gaza Strip.

With the Zionist aggression on Rafah, the Commander announced that the fourth stage of escalation will include any ships of any company related to supplying or transporting goods to the enemy and to any destination they will go, and any ship that transported goods to the enemy’s ports will also be targeted after the issuance of the ban decision, in any place reached by the Yemeni Armed Forces.

According to what the Revolution Leader confirmed in his televised speech last Thursday, any decision taken by Sana'a regarding the start of a certain phase of escalation means that the Yemeni armed forces now possess the capabilities that enable them to implement that decision.

In the same speech, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi revealed preparations to implement the fifth and sixth stages of escalation against the Zionist-American-British enemy entity, and that the Yemeni armed forces have very important, strategic, sensitive and influential options on the enemies, which will be reached, God willing.

He renewed his emphasis on continuing to develop military capabilities and provide capabilities until major goals are achieved, within the framework of religious, humanitarian and moral responsibility towards the continued oppression and suffering of the Palestinian people, stressing at the same time that there are no red lines that can hinder the Yemeni people and their armed forces from implementing His operations.

In the face of the ongoing Yemeni escalation, America, Israel and Britain, with all their advanced weapons and military technologies, were unable to stop the military movement coming from Yemen, which was supported by cover, broad popular support, and unprecedented consensus from all factions and components in Yemen, which put them in a difficult and embarrassing situation after they were unable to... Preventing the Yemeni armed forces from supporting the Palestinian people despite the threats , movements they made, the encouragement and promises they made, all of which were rejected by the revolutionary and political leadership.

Analysts described the announcement by the Yemeni armed forces of the fourth phase of escalation against the Zionist entity as a strategic measure that strengthens the position of the Palestinian resistance at all military and , levels and represents part of a broader strategy that will have a significant impact on the movements taking place in the region.

With its actual entry into the fourth phase, the maritime scope of operations of the Yemeni forces now includes the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea, in addition to targets in the south of the occupied Palestinian territories, especially overlooking the Red Sea.

The comparison between the operations carried out by the armed forces from the beginning of the battle until the inauguration of the fourth phase is evident through the progressive level of development that these forces have reached, whether in missile power, unmanned aerial vehicles, or naval forces, and their ability to bypass American defense systems, and to acquire many methods to confront them or Screw it.

By launching the fourth phase of operations in the Mediterranean Sea, Yemen has tightened the naval blockade on Israel, the majority of whose imports flow through sea lanes, and this in turn represents an important means of pressure against the Zionist entity and its allies, who failed to prevent the embargo imposed by Yemeni forces on ships that... Interference in the ports of the occupying entity.

With every move taken by the leadership, and behind it, the armed forces and the Yemeni people, in supporting the people of Palestine, this country becomes more fearful and proud in the eyes of all the peoples and free people of the world, especially the Palestinian resistance and the oppressed Palestinian people, who have been abandoned by their fellow people among the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation, and who now see the vanguards of the coming victory from Yemen.

The Palestinian people consider the sincere and practical Yemeni position in supporting their cause to be an extension and practical translation of the historical positions of the authentic Yemeni people in supporting Palestine, defending it, and supporting its resistance against the brutal occupation.

They also express pride in the courageous and fraternal positions made and embodied by the revolutionary and political leadership, the armed forces, and the Yemeni people, with their clear , continuous bias and with all their capabilities, on the side of the people of Palestine , their right to freedom and self-determination.

Based on this courageous position, the leaders of the Palestinian resistance appeal to all the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation to follow the example of Yemen, and to unite their efforts in confronting the nation’s only enemy, to impose a siege on it, but they find no listening ears, as if these peoples and regimes have become paralyzed, and no longer have any ability to do anything that conflicts with Israeli and American interests.

At the beginning of this May, the Revolution Leader revealed the fourth round of Yemeni escalation, in support of the people , the Palestinian cause, and that Yemen is willing to do what is greater and more effective in the military aspect during the upcoming rounds, within the framework of a complete military, popular and financial position, despite the difficult circumstances. What Yemen is going through as a result of the continued US-Saudi-Emirati aggression and blockade for nine years.

Sayyed Leader alluded that day to the great strides that Yemen has made in developing its military capabilities, which are increasing from one stage to another as part of an escalatory path in the face of the forces of global hegemony and arrogance led by America, Britain, and the Zionist entity, who continue their aggression against the Yemeni and Palestinian peoples.

He considered the conflict with the Zionist enemy inevitable, because it is a state of occupation, usurpation, aggression, crime and injustice, and the conflict with the enemy will not end except with its disappearance from all the Palestinian lands, stressing at the same time that the Yemeni people will continue in their position, and will never stop, as long as the Zionist aggression and tyranny continue.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:42:11 +0300