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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Zionist forces launch raids, arrests in W Bank amid clashes
Zionist forces launch raids, arrests in W Bank amid clashes
Zionist forces launch raids, arrests in W Bank amid clashes
[Thu, 23 May 2024 10:38:06 +0300]

RAMALLAH May 23. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist enemy forces conducted at dawn on Thursday raids in various parts of the West Bank, storming numerous homes and carrying out arrests amid confrontations on several fronts.

In Nablus, according to the "Palestine Today" news agency, enemy forces entered the city via al-Quds Street in the eastern area, bolstered by several vehicles, and surrounded Ein Beit al-Mai refugee camp west of the city.

Enemy forces dispersed along Aasira Street, al-Seka Street, and the Maajin neighborhood, deploying snipers on high-rise buildings overlooking Ein Beit al-Mai camp. They then stormed the camp and initiated house-to-house search and seizure operations.

Fierce clashes erupted in Ein Beit al-Mai camp and around the Nablus Municipal Stadium, with several explosions heard resulting from homemade explosive devices targeting enemy forces. The forces arrested two youths before withdrawing from the city.

Meanwhile, enemy forces stormed the Jabal Jibr camp south of Jericho, positioning themselves in the midst of the camp. They raided several homes and shops in the camp market after breaking down their doors, conducting extensive search and sabotage operations.

Enemy forces arrested two youths after raiding their homes in Jabal Jibr camp.

In Bethlehem, enemy forces raided the village of Husan west of Bethlehem last night.

Local sources said that an enemy army unit stormed the village and positioned themselves in the "al-Matinah" area at the eastern entrance and in the center of the village, firing tear gas and sound bombs.

Enemy forces arrested ten civilians during raids in Bethlehem Governorate.

In Ramallah, enemy forces arrested two youths from the villages of Qubur and Kafr Ein northwest of the governorate after raiding and searching their homes.

The enemy forces also stormed the villages of Ya'abad and Arraba southwestern Jenin, launching extensive raid and search campaigns without reporting any arrests.

The enemy forces withdrew from the city of Jenin and its refugee camp this morning after a two-day assault that left 12 martyrs, including four children, and more than 25 wounded, including several critical cases.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300