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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Floating pier. Part of Zionist-American plan aimed at displacing Palestinians from Gaza Strip
Floating pier. Part of Zionist-American plan aimed at displacing Palestinians from Gaza Strip
Floating pier. Part of Zionist-American plan aimed at displacing Palestinians from Gaza Strip
[Wed, 22 May 2024 15:27:50 +0300]

CAPITALS May 22. 2024 (Saba) - The games of the US administration have become clear and its cards are exhausted, what it calls a "safe floating pier" for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, which it announced last Friday, is safe to implement its real goal, which is to displace Palestinians outside the Gaza Strip in service of the Zionist enemy entity.

In a move that sparked widespread controversy, the US military announced the start of work on the newly built floating pier allegedly to deliver aid to the besieged enclave across the sea, and the US Central Command said that the first shipment of aid had already been delivered, causing mixed reactions and several warnings.

Although what is apparent from this port is the humanitarian dimension, under the rubric of delivering relief aid to the Gaza Strip, there are many indications that it is impossible to believe that the US administration is really interested in alleviating the human suffering of the Palestinians, while it is a key partner in the genocidal war waged by the Zionist enemy against civilians in the Strip.

As the first aid shipment arrived across the floating dock, the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas reiterated its rejection of any military presence of any force on Palestinian territory.

Hamas said in a statement that it and all Palestinian resistance factions affirm "the right of the Palestinian people to access all the aid they need in light of the humanitarian catastrophe created by the occupation in its brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip."

The movement reiterated its rejection of any military presence of any force on Palestinian territory, according to the statement. It stressed that "any way to bring aid, including the watery pier, is not a substitute for opening all land crossings under Palestinian supervision."

For its part, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said in a statement: The establishment of a floating port by the US administration on the coast of the Gaza Strip is a cause for concern. It warned of the dangers of using it to implement other goals and schemes such as displacement or protecting the occupation and not to transport aid.

It also warned in its statement, "any Palestinian, Arab or international parties from cooperating with the US administration, or working in this port." It stressed "the need to open all crossings in the Gaza Strip, including the Rafah land crossing, as an alternative to this port and to ensure the flow of aid to the Gaza Strip without restrictions or conditions."

The PFLP reiterated "its position rejecting any American or Zionist presence or any foreign force in the Gaza Strip, whether at the Rafah crossing or anywhere on the land or coast of the Gaza Strip, and affirms that it and the resistance will continue to deal with these forces as an occupying force."

In turn, the government media office in Gaza said in a statement: "The US administration is trying to beautify its ugly face and appear civilized by establishing a floating water pier off the coast of Gaza City, saying that the aim of its establishment is to provide humanitarian aid and meals to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, who are exposed to the policies of starvation, forced displacement and genocide at the hands of the Zionist enemy army with the actual participation and full involvement and real blessing of the US administration."

The press office questioned the intentions of the US administration, which is working to manage and continue the genocidal war, constitute a firewall and support for the Zionist enemy, and continue to support it absolutely to continue its war against civilians.

It held the Zionist enemy and the United States Administration fully responsible for the policy of starvation and siege against the defenceless Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip in a deliberate manner, and for committing crimes against humanity, against international law and against the universal principles of human rights.

Political analysts say that the United States of America and the Zionist enemy entity invoke humanity with regard to the construction of the new floating port on the shore of the Gaza Sea, and in fact they are far from humanity.

If they were honest, they would have brought in the giant trucks and bulldozers that entered Gaza to build the port, in order to save thousands of wounded who continued to bleed to death under the rubble of homes destroyed by the mechanisms of the Zionist enemy.

These analysts assert that this port will only achieve the interests of the Zionist entity by controlling the Gaza shore, trying to marginalize the Rafah land crossing on the border with Egypt and usurping Palestinian sovereignty over it, in addition to encouraging Palestinians to emigrate through the new pier.

Analysts believe that the Zionist welcome of the establishment of the port and the activation of the sea corridor raises doubts, as it is the one who blockades Gaza, closes its crossings and obstructs the entry of aid, and it is unreasonable to take this step unless it achieves a hidden interest and seems to be really linked to encouraging the immigration of Palestinians from the Strip.

However, no matter how much the American policy tries to wear the false mask of humanity, it will not change the reality of the exposed situation, as the weapon of starvation, the continuation of massacres and the suspicious dock are certainly parts of a single Zionist-American plan, whose goal is to transfer the people of Gaza out of the Strip under the name of forced, voluntary or humanitarian exit.

In short. It is wrong to think that the plans of the Zionist-American alliance will succeed, because the Palestinian resistance is present and ready to confront this new old conspiracy by various legitimate means, especially after it turned its back on these plans to leave the matter settled on the ground.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300