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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
[28 April 2024]
National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking reviews its action plan
National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking reviews its action plan
National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking reviews its action plan
[Tue, 23 Apr 2024 20:17:47 +0300]

SANA'A April 23. 2024 (Saba) –The National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking Crimes reviewed in its meeting on Tuesday, headed by the Deputy Prime Minister for Security and Defense Affairs and Chairman of the Committee, Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Rowaishan, its work plan for the coming period and ways to strengthen coordination between the relevant authorities to combat and control human trafficking crimes.

In its meeting, which included the Minister of Justice in the caretaker government, Judge Nabil Al-Azzani, Social Affairs and Labor Obaid bin Dubai, Human Rights Ali Al-Dailami, and the Secretary-General of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Saad Hadi, the committee stood before the directives of the President of the Supreme Political Council, regarding the reports submitted by the Ministry of Human Rights on human trafficking crimes and the importance of continuing and expanding the scope of combating this type of crime at the national level and coordinating with others to arrest and prosecute the perpetrators as organized and cross-border crimes associated with the form of Direct Saudi-Emirati aggression against our country since March 2015 until the moment with the support of the United States of America and some Western countries.

The meeting touched on the most prominent human trafficking crimes supported and financed by the aggression by collaborating with drug smuggling networks, smuggling refugees and migrants, begging networks and crimes related to the soft war waged by the countries of aggression against our country in conjunction with the military aggression and blockade in multiple ways and forms.

At the meeting, Lieutenant General Al-Rowaishan stressed the importance of intensifying security and intelligence efforts, completing investigation procedures, collecting evidence, and referring seized crime files to the Public Prosecution and the judiciary.

He stressed the importance of working in a team spirit for the relevant authorities with the Ministry of Interior, security agencies and the Public Prosecution, and implementing practical and legal steps and procedures to contribute to preventing and controlling these crimes before they occur and exposing networks and entities supporting and funding them.

Al-Rowaishan pointed out that this type of crime requires a state of official and popular integration to reach a high degree of intellectual and cultural awareness of its seriousness and its direct and indirect impact on the community's faith and identity and its need for stability, development and economic prosperity, which are aspects that the aggression continues to target permanently and systematically.

In this regard, he pointed to the responsibility of the Yemeni media of all kinds and the guiding and preaching platforms to shed light on this type of serious crimes, and to create and enhance public societal and national awareness that rejects them and contributes to the success of the efforts of the official authorities in combating them and arresting the perpetrators.

Al-Azzani, Bin Dabia and Al-Dailami pointed to the efforts made by their ministries and other relevant authorities to combat and prevent these crimes. They stressed the importance of strengthening teamwork and levels of coordination between the various concerned and relevant authorities to confront this type of crime.

They pointed to the responsibility of society in the success of efforts to combat human trafficking.

The committee stressed the inherent responsibility of the Ministry of Interior and the security services in following up and seizing these crimes in cooperation with all other relevant authorities.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300