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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Yemen's Parliament condemns US exploitation of SC
Yemen's Parliament condemns US exploitation of SC
Yemen's Parliament condemns US exploitation of SC
[Mon, 22 Apr 2024 23:05:20 +0300]

SANA'A April 22. 2024 (Saba) - Yemen's Parliament on Monday condemned the blatant American exploitation of the UN Security Council and its perversion of justice aiming at supporting the Zionist entity.

Parliament speaker Yahya al-Rai' said United States of America used a veto in the Security Council as a vehicle in the hands of Western hegemonic countries.

US veto represents a blatant assault on a United Nations body, a distortion of the path of realizing rights, and a confiscation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and full and undiminished recognition of its independent state.

It denounced the continued American Western support for the Zionist entity, justifying the occupation of the Palestinian territories, and encouraging the continuation of the most horrific violations and committing more crimes and genocidal wars against the Palestinian people.

Al-Rai' called on the international community to reject the repeated use of the veto, the latest of which was the objection to a draft resolution submitted by Algeria to accept the State of Palestine as a member of the United Nations General Assembly, holding the United States of America responsible for aborting all international efforts to demand an end to committing more brutal massacres and war against the Palestinian people.

He condemned the American policy hostile to the freedom and right of the Palestinian people, which constitutes a threat to international peace and security, spreading chaos and expanding the scope of conflict in the region.

The speaker held the United States and Britain responsible for igniting the conflict in the region with their unlimited support for the criminal Zionist entity and providing it with protection from legal accountability for the crimes it has committed against the Palestinian people for more than seven months, which led to the fall of more than 110,000 victims, including more than 35,000 martyrs, most of them children and women.

He called on the international community and the free people of the world to take urgent action to save the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip, and to take action to hold the leaders of the criminal Zionist entity accountable in international courts so that they may be punished.

Al-Rai' ridiculed America's claims that targeting Israeli ships in the Red Sea impedes the access of food and medicine to the Palestinian people, while the Zionist entity is supplied with the deadliest internationally banned weapons to practice murder and daily criminality against the Palestinian people, and to target aid convoys, relief organizations, and journalists in the Gaza Strip.

He renewed Yemen's firm position on supporting the Palestinian people and continuing to prevent hostile ships until the aggression is stopped and the siege imposed on Gaza is ended.

The Yemen's parliament speaker also renewed Yemen's keenness on the safety and security of maritime navigation and the passage of all ships except enemy ships.

He affirmed the right of peoples and countries to defend themselves against Zionist attacks that target their sovereignty, security and stability or as a result of retaliation for their positions of support and assistance to the Palestinian people.


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300