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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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Deputy Shamsi inspects flood damage in Al-Mashjab district in Al-Salw District, Taiz
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Guidance office in Hajjah. Concrete efforts in strengthening faith identity
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
[21 July 2024]
American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
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Citizen killed by Saudi enemy fire in Sa'ada
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Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
[28 April 2024]
Dr. Bin Habtoor & number of leaders review summer activities in number of schools in municipality
Dr. Bin Habtoor & number of leaders review summer activities in number of schools in municipality
Dr. Bin Habtoor & number of leaders review summer activities in number of schools in municipality
[Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:19:08 +0300]

SANA'A April 22. 2024 (Saba) - The head of the caretaker government, Dr. Abdulaziz Saleh bin Habtoor, his deputies for security and defense affairs, Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan and the National Vision leader, Mahmoud Al-Junaid, the deputy speaker of Shura Council, Daifallah Rassam, the Mufti of Yemen, the scholar Shams al-Din Sharaf al-Din, and the director of the Office of the Revolution Leader , Safar al-Sufi, were briefed today on Summer courses and activities in a number of schools in Amanat Al Asimah.

The Prime Minister and his two deputies, Warsam, Sharaf al-Din, and al-Sufi visited the caretaker government’s Minister of Local Administration, Ali al-Qaisi, the Higher Education Minister, Hussein Hazeb, the media figure, Dhaifallah al-Shami, the youth, Muhammad al-Muaydi, the guidance Najeeb al-Ajji, the state, Dr. Hamid al-Mazjaji, the mayor of the capital, Dr. Hammoud Abbad, and the director of the office. Prime Minister Taha Al-Sufyani, Deputy Minister of Education Khaled Jahader, and First Undersecretary of the Capital Municipality Khaled Al-Madani, students of summer courses and activities at the Grand Mosque in Old Sanaa District.

Dr. Bin Habtoor and his colleagues inspected the progress of summer courses and activities at Al-Firdaws Mosque in Sawan District. They reviewed the programs and activities that students receive in the religious, scientific, and training fields, and listened to the performance of a number of students in the fields of memorizing and recitation of Holy Qur’an, public speaking, poetry, and literature.

During the visit, the Prime Minister gave an orientation speech, in which he explained that visit comes to review the progress of the activities of the summer courses , activities and to closely understand the requirements for their success and the achievement of their noble and beneficial goals for the generations, their society, their homeland and their nation.

He explained that today’s generation is the hope of the nation and the homeland whose children carried the banner. Islam and contributed with their steadfastness and steadfastness to supporting the religion and spreading it throughout all countries.

He said, "It is important for the current generation to become familiar with the honorable history of their country under the leadership of the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on whom today the Islamic nation relies and is proud of his vital contribution in supporting the battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood" by closing the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Red and Arab seas in the face of the Zionist enemy , its American supporters and the British."

Dr. Bin Habtoor added, "Yemen is proving today, as it proved 1445 years ago, its honorable presence in the Islamic and Arab arena. The responsibility falls on you, young people, to raise the banner of Yemen, the nation, and Islam after this generation of fathers and grandfathers who today carry the banner of the nation and defend the oppression of their brothers in occupied Palestine."

For his part, Mufti of Yemen congratulated all male and female students enrolled in summer courses and activities in the capital secretariat and the governorates for the importance they represent in refining souls , refining abilities and talents in various aspects.

He said, "You, as students, embody the commandment of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, who said, 'Whoever follows a path seeking knowledge, God will make easy for him a path to Paradise.'"

He added, "We, as the Yemeni people, have been blessed with a secure and righteous environment, and we have not been tempted in our religion as other Arab and Islamic peoples have been tempted. This is evidence of the words of our noble Messenger, 'If temptations rage, you must go to Yemen,' and they are temptations in religion, not wars and conflicts."

He said, "Yemen's position is an advanced one, and we as the Yemeni people must praise and thank God a lot because we have passed the stage of fear, submission, humiliation, and poverty."

The schoolar of Yemen denounced the shameful positions of the normalized Arab regimes that openly and by various means stand alongside the Zionist enemy in its brutal aggression against the people of Gaza, and other regimes are afraid of announcing a statement of solidarity with them at a time when Western countries openly declare their even direct support for the Israeli enemy with weapons and money.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300