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  US-Saudi Aggression
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USA aborts Palestine's membership in UN, it proves to whole whole it is greatest enemy of the world peace: report
USA aborts Palestine's membership in UN, it proves to whole whole it is greatest enemy of the world peace: report
USA aborts Palestine's membership in UN, it proves to whole whole it is greatest enemy of the world peace: report
[Sun, 21 Apr 2024 12:31:40 +0300]

SANA'A April 21. 2024 (Saba) - After a long anticipation and waiting over 12 years, Palestinian hopes for the adoption of their country's full membership in the United Nations were shattered by the US veto that thwarted any opportunity to achieve this important demand for Palestine and its people, proving once again that the United States of America is the greatest destructive enemy of world peace.

Although the draft resolution submitted by Algeria, which "recommends to the 193-nation General Assembly the admission of the State of Palestine to membership in the United Nations," was supported by 12 members and two abstentions, Britain and Switzerland, while the veto was used - and the United States opposed it as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council. But "the overwhelming support for council members sends a very clear message that the State of Palestine deserves its place" at the UN.

On Thursday, April 18, the United States voted against a draft resolution granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations, which Algeria had previously submitted to the Security Council during the same month.

At the present time, Palestine is considered a "permanent monitoring state" at the United Nations, while the recent draft resolution recommends the United Nations General Assembly, consisting of 193 countries, to "accept the State of Palestine as a member of the United Nations."

America, the main ally and supporter of the Zionist enemy entity, believes that the establishment of the Palestinian state in the future should depend on the negotiations between this usurping entity and the Palestinians.

Since the draft resolution was presented to the Security Council, it was a ball it passed in the American stadium, given that two permanent countries in the council and another five - alternated members - recognized the state of Palestine, in addition to that a number of observers suggested that Britain and France did not oppose the decision, They are satisfied with the case that it is not accepted by refraining from voting.

And previously, American envoy Robert Wood gave signals that the American mission refused to agree to the passage of the decision, attributing that their work is "restricted to American legislation", which prohibits American bodies to recognize the State of Palestine without a permanent peace agreement.

It is noteworthy that the Zionists pressed their American allies to reject the decision, and the officials of "Tel Aviv" blackmail their counterparts in Washington with messages that "any international recognition of the State of Palestine is a reward for Hamas on the October 7th process," according to the newspaper "Jerusalem Post Zionism.

The Palestinian attempt to obtain full membership in the United Nations comes six months after the war between the Zionist enemy entity and the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas, and at a time when "Israel" expanded its settlements in the occupied West Bank.

"Recently, the escalation makes support for good -intentions more important to achieve permanent peace between" Israel "and a fully independent Palestinian state and enjoy the ingredients of survival and sovereignty."

Guterres added "The failure to make progress towards a two -state solution will only increase the fluctuations and risks to hundreds of millions across the region, as they will continue to live at a constant threat of violence."

The Arab and Islamic reactions continued after the UN Security Council failed to adopt the draft resolution after the American veto, and many countries issued official statements in which they expressed their "regret" for the Security Council failure to adopt the draft resolution after the American vetoو considering this American veto " Unparalleled, immoral and unjustified. "

And those countries revealed the contradictions of the American policy that supports the two -state solution and prevented the international institution from its implementation, stressing that it involves flagrant aggression.

After failing to vote on the decision made by Algeria, its permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Ammar bin Jameh confirmed in a speech after the American veto, "Return strongly" with the support of the legitimacy of the General Assembly and the "broader support" of United Nations members on the full membership of Palestine.

The Algerian News Agency quoted Ambassador Bin Jameh as saying "We will return strongly the General Assembly in full and broader support of the United Nations members," adding "This is only another step in the journey towards the full membership of Palestine."

The ambassador called on "those who were unable to support the acceptance of the State of Palestine today, to do so next time", considering that "the overwhelming support for the implementation of the State of Palestine sends a clear message that the State of Palestine deserves its right place among the United Nations members."

Observers believe that America, using this veto, has proven again to the whole world, as the largest sabotage of international rules and the international system that it is a source of increased uncertainty and instability in the world.

It is noteworthy that America intervened by relying on its military power, in the internal affairs of other countries, and created conflicts by launching wars and implementing containment strategies and planning for the so -called "peaceful developments" and "colored revolutions", which threatens world peace strongly.

Since World War II, America has launched or participated in wars on the Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and other places, which are wars that have not only killed many soldiers, but also caused heavy losses among civilians and property losses, What led to heavy humanitarian disasters.

America also took advantage of the dominance of the dollar after the Second World War, to achieve gains from the creation and flow of the world's wealth, and used this to increase the financial risks facing developing countries and plunder their wealth, including resources and real estate, and to obtain the right to monopolize public services industries in these countries, including water Electricity and transportation.

According to the official figures, the veto decision was used about 260 times from the founding of the UN Security Council, the United States is 114 times, including 80 times that used this right to prevent the condemnation of its ally, the Zionist entity, and 34 times against laws that support the right of the Palestinian people.

It is worth noting that although the age of the United States of America has only exceeded about 250 years, it has spent 93 percent of its age, which means 222 years in different wars on other countries and occupy them all over the world, and more than 90 war and aggression, most of which are war crimes.

This indicates that it is the most degraded and humiliating a civilization throughout human history, and that its history is black in supporting international conflicts.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300