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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Between Al-Quds Day & outbreak of “Al-Aqsa Flood”... Axis of resistance was lever & catalyst
Between Al-Quds Day & outbreak of “Al-Aqsa Flood”... Axis of resistance was lever & catalyst
Between Al-Quds Day & outbreak of “Al-Aqsa Flood”... Axis of resistance was lever & catalyst
[Sun, 14 Apr 2024 11:20:55 +0300]

CAPITALS April 14. 2024 (Saba) - Between International AL-Quds Day and the outbreak of “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, there are important indications that we must consider, which is that had it not been for the resistance axis to stand, the resistance would not have been formed in Gaza , the occupied West Bank, and the unity of the arenas that supports the Palestinian resistance, besieges the enemy, and stands steadfast in the battle would not have been formed this pivotal existential battle with the usurping Zionist entity.

Forty-five years after the International Al-Quds Day initiative, many major facts and data have crystallized on the ground, among them, that the countries of the axis of resistance were present from that day alongside the Palestinian resistance, which enabled it to reach a balance of deterrence with the Zionist enemy, in light of the importance and necessity of establishing the right. Palestinian and not to give it up or neglect it under any circumstances, time or place.

What is most clear here is that the development of interaction and cooperation between the parties of the axis of resistance since the beginning of the announcement of Al-Quds Day has been the lever and catalyst for the achievements and steadfastness of the Palestinian field and political resistance in the face of the Zionist aggression. Indeed, it is the source of existential concern that governs the strategic thinking of the Zionist entity.

In confirmation of this, the Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziad Al-Nakhalah, said in press statements: “All the fronts of the axis of resistance are united today against the Zionist enemy, and on these fronts we will be victorious, in addition to the steadfastness and resistance of the Palestinian people.”

He pointed out that "the axis of resistance is strong, and what is happening now in southern Lebanon, in Yemen, and in the operations in Iraq confirms the unity, strength, and readiness of the axis to the greatest extent in fighting "Israel."

In turn, the head of the Hamas Political Office, Ismail Haniyeh, said, “Al-Quds today is living a historic moment, after ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ raised hope of the inevitability of its victory and liberation.”

The head of Hamas's political office praised the efforts made by the forces of the axis of resistance burning along the confrontation line with the enemy to support Gaza, saying: "The greatest scene was demonstrated in the unity of the arenas and fronts from Palestine to Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, and the support from Iran."

For his part, the Secretary-General of the Sayyed al-Shuhada Brigades in Iraq, Abu Alaa al-Wala’i, affirmed that the principles of resistance, steadfastness, victory, and unity of the arenas adopted by the resistance movements are among the fruits of International Al-Quds Day... pointing out that the usurping entity has begun to feel, for the first time since its establishment in 1948, an existential threat, and that The resistance factions, along the resistance axis, embodied the concept of the unity of the arenas in its finest form, as it was truly and sincerely like a single body.

Al-Wala’i added: “The joining of the support fronts in Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood tipped the balance in favor of the deterrence equation that the resistance had established in the face of the occupation. The support fronts did not allow the Zionist enemy and those with him to be alone with Gaza , its people, and all kinds of pressures to isolate the Palestinian front from the rest of the axis fronts did not work, and the cunning enemy moved all “His tools in the region are to sever the supporting ties that extend to the furthest part of the occupied Palestinian territories.”

For his part, the Secretary-General of the Sayyed al-Shuhada Brigades in Iraq, Abu Alaa al-Wala’i, affirmed that the principles of resistance, steadfastness, victory, steadfastness, and unity of the arenas adopted by the resistance movements are among the fruits of International Al-Quds Day... pointing out that the usurping entity has begun to feel, for the first time since its establishment in 1948, an existential threat, and that The resistance factions, along the resistance axis, embodied the concept of the unity of the arenas in its finest form, as it was truly and sincerely like a single body.

Al-Wala’i added: “The joining of the support fronts in Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood tipped the balance in favor of the deterrence equation that the resistance had established in the face of the occupation. The support fronts did not allow the Zionist enemy and those with him to be alone with Gaza and its people, and all kinds of pressures to isolate the Palestinian front from the rest of the axis fronts did not work, and the cunning enemy moved all “His tools in the region are to sever the supporting ties that extend to the furthest part of the occupied Palestinian territories.”

In turn, the Secretary-General of the Iraqi "Al-Nujaba" movement, Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi, said: The Iraqi resistance and the resistance of Lebanon and Yemen will stand with the Palestinian resistance until the end... pointing out that the forces of "the resistance have so far only used a small portion of their strength."

The Secretary-General of the Iraqi Badr Organization, Hadi Al-Amiri, also confirmed that “the resistance front is expanding, and its axis refuses to leave Palestine alone, and the most powerful force in the world cannot prevent our men from performing their role.”

The practical events to support Gaza clearly demonstrated the common denominator between International Al-Quds Day and “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, and how the Al-Quds axis, which extends from Yemen and Iraq to Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and the Islamic Republic of Iran, is a cohesive axis that is growing stronger and more determined to restore Palestine’s rights to land and holy sites. .

Perhaps the continuous missile strikes of the Palestinian resistance since the beginning of “Flood Battle” of Al-Aqsa, which affected various vital installations, centers and institutions in “Tel Aviv” and other cities of the entity, inflicted heavy losses on the enemy, and spread in its ranks a great deal of fear, terror and panic, were, in fact, , a true translation of the flood of free people, which began to dismember the Zionist enemy, making it bleed from every joint of its body, and thus revealing the truth of its weakness, emptiness, and fragility.

As many observers of the Palestinian scene in general see, the Palestinian issue, since the International Al-Quds Day initiative, began to take its path in a practical way with the unity of the arenas.

The resistance factions throughout the region did not leave Gaza alone, so the “flood of free people” began across the geography of the region, and began to head toward Palestine. From Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Iran, to uproot the false Zionist entity from its roots.

Also, the most important dimensions that we can record as a summary of the practical experience and principled positions practiced by the forces of the Axis of Resistance since the announcement of Al-Quds Day until today are the failure of the Zionist entity to eliminate the spirit of resistance in Palestine, after the success of the Axis forces in bringing about qualitative changes that were recorded throughout the history of the conflict with the enemy entity, from the time the Palestinian people were resisting with stones until it possessed the missile that struck deep into all the occupied Palestinian territories, then the scales changed, and its resistance became possessed of missile power and the will and ability to defeat the Zionist entity.

Therefore, International Al-Quds Day clearly indicates that Al-Quds, on its international day, will remain the axis of conflict, and will continue to have a drawn sword in the face of the Zionist enemy, and a strong axis of resistance, which will protect and defend it. This conflict will not be resolved except by liberating it completely from the clutches of the Zionist occupation, which has become besieged by an environment a new victorious resistance in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, supported by the Iranian revolution, in light of a new international environment in which American unilateral hegemony has been broken.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300