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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Enemy uses starvation as weapon in its aggression against Gaza, after his army failed to achieve its goals
Enemy uses starvation as weapon in its aggression against Gaza, after his army failed to achieve its goals
Enemy uses starvation as weapon in its aggression against Gaza, after his army failed to achieve its goals
[Mon, 26 Feb 2024 20:23:18 +0300]

SANA'A February 26.2024 (Saba) - After the failure of the Zionist enemy army to resolve the battle and achieve even a small part of the objectives of the aggression against Gaza, and in light of the doubling of its human and material losses, the enemy government has begun to use starvation of civilians as a method and weapon of war on Gaza Strip, which constitutes a war crime.

According to the public statements of the Zionist leaders, in which they expressed their intention to deprive civilians in Gaza of food, water, and fuel, these statements were reflected in the military operations of the enemy forces, and as long as American and Western support continues for this bastard entity, it can continue its war on Gaza for years.

Human Rights Watch confirms that the Zionist enemy government is using starvation of civilians as a method of war in the occupied Gaza Strip, which constitutes a war crime... noting that the occupation army is deliberately preventing the delivery of water, food, and fuel, while deliberately obstructing humanitarian aid, and it appears that it is bulldozing agricultural areas, depriving the civilian population of materials indispensable for their survival.

Since the start of “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle against the enemy entity on October 7, senior Zionist officials, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, Energy Minister Yisrael Katz, and others, have made public statements in which they expressed their intention to deprive Gaza civilians has access to food, water, fuel, and these statements are reflected in the ground operations of the enemy army.

Other Israeli officials have also publicly stated that humanitarian aid to Gaza will be conditional either on the release of hostages illegally held by Hamas or on the complete destruction of the movement, which has never and will never happen.

International humanitarian law, or the laws of war, prohibits starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states that intentionally starving civilians “by depriving them of materials indispensable to their survival, including intentionally obstructing relief supplies” is War crime

The ongoing Zionist siege on Gaza Strip, as well as its continuous closure for 16 years, amounts to collective punishment of the civilian population, which is a war crime. As the Zionist enemy is the occupying force in Gaza under the Fourth Geneva Convention, it is its duty to ensure that the civilian population has access to food and medical supplies.

Starvation is an old strategy that has been used throughout history by many colonial powers. This colonial strategy depends on using food as a weapon by depriving the population of a country of food resources as a means of pressure or as punishment.

In the modern era, they were used in times of world war and in various colonial contexts. One of the prominent historical examples of the use of the weapon of starvation by colonial powers was in the British Empire during the Great Famine in Ireland (1845-1852), and in the 20th century, colonial powers and powers used Imperialism is a weapon of starvation in different scenarios.

The Zionist enemy continues the genocidal war it is waging against Gaza Strip, and is actively using its aggressive Nazi policies towards the Palestinians, through bombing civilian infrastructure, killing, displacement, , using the policy of starvation, thirst, and collective punishment as a weapon of abuse, with the aim of making Gaza an uninhabitable place.

Recently published video clips showed displaced Palestinians being exposed to gunfire from the enemy army, while thousands of them gathered in the west and north of Gaza City, to obtain some flour carried by limited aid trucks. The scenes documented intense shooting at the arrivals by enemy warplane.

Although starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited under Article 54 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions and Article 14 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Zionist enemy continues to prevent and deprive the Palestinians in Gaza Strip of sources of food and supplies, while the international community stands without Real action that forces the enemy to stop the barbaric aggression, or even facilitate the rapid , unhindered entry and provision of humanitarian assistance into Gaza Strip.

The enemy blatantly reflects absolute disregard for international principles and laws, as it does not view the Palestinians as human beings, but rather as obstacles preventing the achievement of its colonial and barbaric goals, as racism and brutality are manifested in their ugliest forms, with a clear and shameless declaration by enemy officials of the use of starvation as a deliberate tool for extermination and oppression.

Everyone remembers the date of last October 9, when the Zionist Minister of War, Gallant, barbarically declared that his usurping entity would impose a complete siege on Gaza, with no electricity, no food, no water, no gas, and everything was closed. He went on to elaborate, saying: “We are fighting human animals and we act in accordance with So".

There is no doubt that the Zionist statements and responses amount to collective punishment of the civilian population, which is a clear and explicit war crime, as the Zionist enemy commits genocide, ignores any laws, and the world does not even remind it that as the occupying power of Gaza under the “Fourth Geneva Convention, it must Ensure that the civilian population has access to food and medical supplies.

The policy of deprivation of food and water embodies a blatant manifestation of the brutality of the Zionist enemy and its fascist dominance, whether on the military or political levels, and is considered one of the tools of genocide that it brazenly adopts.

The director of government information in Gaza, Ismail Al-Thawabta, confirmed in a statement on Wednesday that the residents of Gaza Strip have entered the stage of famine, as for ten days until now, only nine aid trucks have entered the entire Strip, while organizations warn that famine in Gaza Strip will cause deaths.

The government official also indicated, in statements reported by Palestinian media, that at least 700,000 people are suffering from famine that may lead to their death, while the Zionist enemy continues to prevent the delivery of aid to all areas of Gaza Strip, especially in the north, which is experiencing a tragic situation.

In previous statements, Al-Thawabta told the Arab Post website: The famine in the Gaza Strip is killing citizens, due to the starvation policy pursued by the Zionist enemy against more than 400,000 Palestinians there.

He stressed that the famine in the north has escalated, especially after the quantities of rice and flour ran out more than a month and a half ago.

He pointed out that the grains and animal feed that citizens in northern Gaza used to grind and eat ran out more than two weeks ago, pointing out that some families are now resorting to eating half a meal every two days, due to the lack of food.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) announced, in a post on its account on the “X” platform on Tuesday, that the Zionist enemy did not allow more than half of the aid scheduled this year to the northern Gaza Strip.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) also announced that the entire population of Gaza Strip suffers from “food insecurity” due to the Zionist siege imposed on them, since the seventh of last October.

As the latest results of malnutrition tests conducted by partner organizations in the Nutrition Group indicate , led to a significant increase in the rate of general acute malnutrition among children between the ages of six and 59 months in the Gaza Strip.

It is worth noting that calls from the Palestinians besieged in Gaza Strip are continuing to save them from starvation, while the World Food Program has temporarily suspended its humanitarian aid to the northern Gaza Strip, until appropriate safety conditions are available for the work of the organization’s crews and the Palestinians to be reached.

In front of the world and the cameras filming, everyone is watching how the enemy commits genocide against the Palestinians through the policy of starvation, and no one has so far been able to do anything to avoid the tragedy of famine in Gaza, which contravenes the provisions of international law.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300