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  US-Saudi Aggression
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After enemy's threats to attack Rafah, resistance forces pledge to respond at highest levels
After enemy's threats to attack Rafah, resistance forces pledge to respond at highest levels
After enemy's threats to attack Rafah, resistance forces pledge to respond at highest levels
[Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:34:35 +0300]

CAPITALS February 24. 2024 (Saba) - In light of the intensification of the Zionist threats to launch a military operation on Rafah city in the south of Gaza Strip, all messages coming from the fronts of the Axis of Resistance forces confirm that these forces that have pledged to respond, from the highest levels, will not stand by and watch these threats, especially in light of the high-level coordination between the Axis leadership to confront them the new phase of the possible Zionist aggression against Rafah.

In the midst of these threats, several indicators emerged indicating these messages from the fronts of the axis of resistance, especially from the Yemeni front, which demonstrated the new power equations and drew a map for the path of confrontation in the next stage through strict application of its procedures and mobilization of capabilities capable of achieving the goal, which is preventing Zionist ships heading to the ports of the usurping entity.
Likewise, British and American ships are unable to cross Bab al-Mandab Strait and Red Sea.

In the face of this reality, the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik bin Badr al-Din al-Houthi, stressed that “serious action must continue against the barbarism of the Zionist enemy with its preparations for comprehensive aggression and the ground invasion of Rafah.”

He said: “We are keen, based on our faith and our sense of responsibility, to continue our position and even move towards escalation.” He added: “We will continue our stance against the Zionist enemy and we will move towards escalation in light of its continued aggression against the Gaza Strip.”

While the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, indicated that “our operations in Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait are legitimate operations to support the Palestinians in Gaza,” he pointed out that “our activity will escalate more and more in the face of the Zionist tyranny in which America and Britain participate.”

In parallel, the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, responded clearly and firmly to these threats made by the enemy leaders.

He stressed that the resistance in Lebanon, which supports and resists Gaza, is ready for escalation, whatever the repercussions, and that any attempt to prevent the resistance from a firm response that deters the enemy will not be accepted. It prevents him from continuing his heinous crimes against the Palestinians.

Sayyed Nasrallah said: “Whoever threatens us with expansion of the war, we threaten him with expansion, and whoever imagines that the resistance in Lebanon feels fear or confusion for even a single moment is completely suspicious , mistaken and is building on wrong calculations.”

He pointed out that “the resistance today is more certain and more determined to confront the enemy at any level of confrontation,” stressing that threats, intimidation, and even waging war will not stop the southern front, and its cessation is linked only to the cessation of the aggression against Gaza.

The resistance master pointed out that "if the enemy carries out his threats, he must realize that the 100,000 settlers who left the north will not return, and he must prepare shelters for more than two million settlers, not 100,000."

It seems that the frequency of speeches by resistance leaders carries within them the code of military escalation against the positions of the Zionist enemy , American interests and bases in the region on the one hand, and on the other hand that the resistance forces remain in the position of controlling the fronts supporting Gaza according to their rules, which is what these forces have succeeded in achieving until now.

If these speeches are placed within their strategic framework, we find that the rules of engagement imposed by the resistance forces will essentially be a card of strength in the hands of the Palestinians and their valiant resistance.

Today, there are confirmations that there is a major military plan that the Axis forces military leadership of Resistance is working to accomplish, and which aims to launch a major battle targeting all Zionist-American sites in the region until the withdrawal of all American occupation bases from Iraq , Syria and enabling the Palestinians to regain and take their rights to their land and state, with Al-Quds as its honorable capital.

Hence, the conjunction of the words of the resistance leaders and their promise to escalate the painful strikes indicates that in the coming days we will be facing new field developments through which the resistance factions will direct qualitative military strikes. This means that any Zionist escalation in the Palestinian city of Rafah will be reciprocated.

As for the enemy, the public answers from the resistance leaders will certainly be present against the backdrop of his threats and options to expand the aggression on Gaza Strip to the ceiling that he sees.

Therefore, it was necessary for the messages of the axis leaders to rise up so that the enemy realizes that the scope of the battle and its repercussions will exceed what he has been suffering for 136 days.

Finally, it can be said that all analyzes and assessments say that Gaza support fronts in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran are on the verge of dangerous developments and escalations that will bring an end to Zionist arrogance and arrogance.

Developments that come in an integrated context to include the resistance’s leaders’ deterrence speeches, from which these leaders prove, as usual, that Palestine is Heart and kiss of resistance.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300