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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Zionist policies met with Widespread condemnation in ICJ as Washington continues its protection
Zionist policies met with Widespread condemnation in ICJ as Washington continues its protection
Zionist policies met with Widespread condemnation in ICJ as Washington continues its protection
[Fri, 23 Feb 2024 22:16:59 +0300]

CAPITAL’S February 23. 2024 (Saba) - For the fourth consecutive day, the International Court of Justice in The Hague continues its public hearings on the legal consequences arising from the policies of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, as Washington continues to provide support to protect this bastard entity.

In this context, several countries denounced, on Thursday, during the continuous hearings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the continued Zionist occupation of the occupied Palestinian territories, and its violation of international law.

Today, the Court heard the interventions of many representatives of countries, including China, Iraq and Iran, and 52 countries are scheduled to give their opinion during the hearings on the legal consequences of the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The week-long public hearings began on Monday, based on a resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly at the end of 2022.

The decision asked the court to issue a non-binding "advisory opinion" on "the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of the Zionist enemy in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Al-Quds."

The authorities of the Zionist enemy will not participate in the hearings, but submitted a transcript on July 24, 2023 urging the court to refuse to issue an opinion on the case.

Most of the countries that have so far expressed their opinion have called on the Zionist enemy authorities to end their occupation of the Palestinian territories, but the United States defended them, and its representative said yesterday that the court should not conclude that the Zionist enemy is legally obligated to withdraw immediately and unconditionally from the occupied territories.

For his part. China's spokesman told the International Court of Justice that armed resistance is a right of colonized peoples and does not contradict international law.

He added that the authorities of the Zionist enemy do not have the right to defend themselves because their occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal, while retaining the right to take some security measures.

The Chinese spokesman went on to say that justice for the Palestinian cause is long overdue, and that it should not be denied.

China has repeatedly called for an end to the Zionist war on the Gaza Strip and has called for the implementation of a two-state solution leading to the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Other interventions before the International Court of Justice focused on highlighting Zionist violations of international law.

The representative of Iraq said that the Zionist enemy is working to completely isolate the Palestinians. He called for holding the authorities of the Zionist enemy accountable for their crimes and to bear their responsibility for violating human rights.

He also called on the Court to take all measures to preserve a dignified and secure life for Palestinians in which they enjoy all human rights.

The representative of Iraq expressed his country's grave concern about the human suffering as a result of what he described as barbaric acts carried out by the Zionist enemy against civilians in the Palestinian territories.

For his part, the representative of Iran told the Court of Justice that the Zionist enemy has violated and continues to violate the right of Palestinians to self-determination.

He added that the enemy had gravely violated international law through demographic changes. He pointed out that the authorities of the Zionist enemy have been practicing the forced displacement of Palestinians since 1948.

The representative of Iran pointed out that there are 2 million and 200,000 in Gaza living without food, water or health care.

For his part, the representative of Ireland stated that the Zionist enemy authorities illegally continued to destroy and annex Palestinian land to expand settlements. He pointed out that the occupying entity is obliged to respect international law.

The Palestinian delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki, intervened yesterday and confirmed in its testimony that the Zionist occupation is a colonial regime that practices apartheid.

The Court of Justice issued a decision on January 26 obliging the Zionist enemy to take "temporary measures" to protect Palestinians in Gaza and comply with the Genocide Convention, pending a decision on the content of the lawsuit filed by South Africa accusing the enemy of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

The public hearings will run for six days from February 19 to 26 to hear briefings by 52 countries.

On the other hand, the United States constitutes a "diplomatic shield" for the Zionist enemy, which continues the war of genocide in the Gaza Strip for the fifth month in a row, supported by the third American "veto" that obstructs the issuance of a UN resolution on a ceasefire, Tuesday.

This was confirmed by the former UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, Michael Lynk, in 1967 in an interview with Anadolu Agency. "The Zionist military discourse in Gaza initially went from a 'humanitarian crisis' and 'humanitarian catastrophe' to a 'humanitarian nightmare', but now it is heading towards 'genocide', with a US diplomatic shield.

On Tuesday, a draft resolution submitted by Algeria calling for an "immediate" humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza won the support of 13 out of 15 members, while the United States vetoed it and the United Kingdom abstained from voting, UN News reported.

The Algerian draft resolution rejects the forced displacement of the Palestinian civilian population and demands that all parties to the war in the Gaza Strip comply with their obligations under international law and "immediately and unconditionally release all hostages."

This is the third time that the United States has used a "veto" in the UN Security Council since the start of the Zionist war on Gaza on the seventh of last October, against draft resolutions calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Washington used its veto power on October 18, 2023 against a Brazilian draft resolution that calls on the Zionist enemy, among other things, to withdraw the order issued to the residents of Gaza to move to the southern Gaza Strip, while the second time was on December 8, 2023, as it blocked an Emirati draft resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

The former UN official accused the United States of forming a "diplomatic shield" for Zionist practices in the corridors of the United Nations.

He criticized the United States providing military equipment to the Zionist enemy, compensating for the lack of Zionist stocks of equipment and weapons, in addition to military aid worth $ 3.8 billion annually to Tel Aviv.

The UN human rights defender stressed that it is difficult to stop the Zionist attacks and "the catastrophe looming over Rafah, unless the United States says enough to the Zionist enemy," and added: "I rule out that this will happen."

Lynk, who served between 2016 and 2022 as the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967, noted that there are currently some 1.5 million people stranded in the southern Gaza Strip.

"Those displaced to Rafah do not currently have access to water, fuel, food and shelter, and they lack security and protection," he said.

The former UN official warned that even "displaced Palestinians living in tents in the city of Rafah face the risk of bombing."

Criticizing the lack of serious international action to stop the war on the Strip, Lynk said: "While the world can insist on a ceasefire and stop the Zionist attacks, it has chosen to simply watch and follow what is happening in Gaza." He pointed out that "the law's description of an act as 'genocide' requires the act of genocide to occur or the existence of an intention indicating that."

He stressed that "there are many statements by Zionist political and military officials, including intentions to carry out genocide," as he assessed.

According to Lynk, according to the Genocide Convention's definition, this act "is either happening now mostly, or is about to happen."


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300