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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
[26 July 2024]
Deputy Shamsi inspects flood damage in Al-Mashjab district in Al-Salw District, Taiz
[26 July 2024]
Amran governorate witnesses 41 mass marches in victory for Gaza & confirmation of continued escalation
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Ministry of Finance hands over mechanisms to Hygiene Fund in Ibb Governorate
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American-British aggression targets Kamaran Island in Hodeida
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Settlers attack Palestinian homes in Khirbet Tana, east of Nablus
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Islamic Resistance bombed factory in north of occupied territories
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Al-Qassam Brigades Destroy 4Tanks, Sniper Zionist Soldier in Gaza
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Australia, New Zealand, Canada: Humanitarian suffering in Gaza is unacceptable, we support ceasefire
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Pezeshkian: Applause does not purify criminal from killing innocents, children
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Revolution Leader: Response will come to Israeli aggression, & no safe place for Zionist Jews
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“Hoopoe 3” confirms Hezbollah's possession of formidable intelligence deterrent force: Report
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Guidance office in Hajjah. Concrete efforts in strengthening faith identity
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Echoes of qualitative operation carried out by Yemeni armed forces in usurping entity's heart
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
[21 July 2024]
American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
[18 July 2024]
Citizen killed by Saudi enemy fire in Sa'ada
[16 July 2024]
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
[28 April 2024]
Marib witnesses five massive marches under the slogan “Our path with Gaza...forward until victory”
Marib witnesses five massive marches under the slogan “Our path with Gaza...forward until victory”
Marib witnesses five massive marches under the slogan “Our path with Gaza...forward until victory”
[Fri, 23 Feb 2024 20:47:39 +0300]

MARIB February 23. 2024 (Saba) -Marib province witnessed five massive marches under the slogan, “Our path with Gaza...forward to victory,” in response to the call of the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to continue supporting the Palestinians.

The people of the Southern Square districts went out in a massive march in Al-Juba Square, in which participants raised slogans of innocence against America and Israel, stressing their readiness to implement all the options taken by the revolution leadership in support Gaza and the occupied territories.

A statement issued by Al-Masirah affirmed the firm and principled Yemeni position in supporting the Palestinians.

It congratulating the qualitative operations of the Yemeni armed forces in targeting Zionist, American and British ships in the Red and Arab seas until the aggression is stopped and the siege on Gaza is lifted.

Serwah's statement praised the announcement by the President of the Supreme Political Council that America and Britain were hostile to the Republic of Yemen.

It called for the continuation of jihadist and military mobilization to deter the American , British aggression and confront the Zionist enemy entity, which is committing the most heinous crimes against humanity in Gaza and the occupied territories.

The people of Harib al-Qaramish district organized a mass march, during which the participants affirmed their support for the Palestinians in confronting the Zionist war machine and supporting the Palestinian people with money, men and weapons to support Al-Aqsa.

A statement issued by the march stressed the importance of continuing demonstrations, marches, popular and official events in support of the Palestinians and denouncing the ongoing Zionist crimes against Gaza and the occupied territories.

The statement denounced the international silence and Arab complicity in support the steadfastness of the Palestinians and their valiant resistance.

A statement issued by the march confirmed that, based on the firm and principled position, religious , humanitarian commitment, and the Yemeni faith identity, the Yemeni people are continuing their various activities and activities in support of the Palestinians , graduating thousands of qualified , and trained people to mobilize for the holy battle in the face of the Jewish Zionist lobby.

The people of Bidbdah District organized a march and a stand, during which they raised banners and chants stressing their continued support of the Palestinians and their valiant resistance until the defeat of the Zionist entity , the liberation of Al-Aqsa Al-Sharif and the occupied Palestinian territories from the abomination of the Zionists.

A statement issued by the march called on Arab and Islamic peoples and free people of the world to continue effective work in boycotting American , Israeli goods , products and the companies that support them.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300