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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Al-Aqsa Victory Committee blesses operations of Yemeni armed forces against hostile targets
Al-Aqsa Victory Committee blesses operations of Yemeni armed forces against hostile targets
Al-Aqsa Victory Committee blesses operations of Yemeni armed forces against hostile targets
[Wed, 21 Feb 2024 20:31:18 +0300]

SANA'A February 21. 2024 (Saba) - In its meeting ,headed by the advisor to the President of the Supreme Political Council, Allama Muhammad Muftah, the Supreme Committee for Supporting Al-Aqsa praised today,Wednesday, the military operations of the Yemeni armed forces against American, British and Israeli targets in the Arab and Red seas and Bab al-Mandab Strait during the past two days.

Saluting the continuous successes achieved by the Yemeni armed forces in the context of supporting the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza Strip and targeting American and British targets supporting the Israeli enemy, the most recent of which was targeting two American and Israeli ships, sinking a British ship and shooting down an American MQ9 warplanes, in addition to targeting “Umm al-Rashrash” with a number of Of missiles and drones.

It stressed that the joining of hostile countries alongside America and Britain in Arab and Red seas and Bab al-Mandab Strait will only increase the strength, pride and determination of the Yemeni people to continue their operations to support the oppressed in Gaza Strip by various means and capabilities available.

The Committee supported the presidential decision issued by His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, regarding the classification of the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Britain as two countries hostile to the Republic of Yemen for their participation in crimes of genocide against the Palestinians.

It praised this decision, which comes within the framework of implementing the State Classification Law, entities and persons hostile to the Republic of Yemen.

It blessed the issuance of the law, which is an important step in the context of Yemen’s direct and indirect confrontation of the Israeli enemy and the countries that support its crimes and the war of annihilation it is carrying out against the Palestinians in Gaza Strip, who have been let down by the puppet , imprinting Arab and Islamic regimes.

The Supreme Committee thanked all the organizing committees for popular events and performances in the capital secretariat, provinces, districts for their discipline and great efforts in organizing various events and performances.

It urged everyone to continue their blessed and responsible efforts in the various upcoming events, with the same spirit, discipline, and high responsibility.

The committee designated Al-Sabeen Square in the capital, Sana'a, for the grand march that will take place on Friday afternoon, coinciding with the blessed marches that will be witnessed by the main cities in the provinces, in solidarity with the brotherly Palestinians and denouncing the criminal Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza.

The committee called on the masses of people to participate in large and broad marches on Friday, similar to the previous millions of participants, emphasizing the great and positive importance of these marches on the brothers in Gaza, as well as their psychological impact on the nation’s enemies, including the Zionists, the Americans, the British, and others.

It called on all Yemeni people to continue boycotting Israeli and American goods , the products of all companies that support the Israeli enemy entity as a religious, moral and humanitarian duty to support the brothers in Gaza who are facing brutal aggression, a comprehensive war of purification and systematic starvation.

The committee discussed a number of topics on its agenda , took appropriate decisions and actions regarding them.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300