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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Student presentation for graduates of
Student presentation for graduates of "Al-Aqsa Flood" courses at Sana'a University
Student presentation for graduates of "Al-Aqsa Flood" courses at Sana'a University
[Wed, 21 Feb 2024 18:24:04 +0300]

SANA'A February 21. 2024 (Saba) - Sana'a University witnessed on Wednesday a presentation of the graduates of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" courses with the participation of two thousand students from the university and private universities under the slogan "We are coming, Al-Aqsa, and ready to fight the battle of the promised conquest and holy jihad."

During the student parade, which started from the courtyard of the Faculty of Education through the Faculty of Languages to the university's major square, the participants chanted slogans and slogans condemning the Zionist-American aggression that commits the most heinous massacres and genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The participants in the presentation, which was attended by the head of the Supreme National Campaign in Support of Al-Aqsa, the scholar Muhammad Muftah, the ministers of higher education and scientific research in the caretaker government, Hussein Hazeb, the public works and roads Ghaleb Mutlaq, the head of the education, culture and media sector, Hassan Al-Saadi, and the President of Sana'a University, Dr. Al-Qasim Abbas, announced readiness and public alarm to support the Palestinian resistance, which writes the most wonderful heroic epics in the face of the Zionist-American war machine.

They affirmed Yemen's firm and principled position stemming from religious, moral and humanitarian commitment in supporting the heroes of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and the axis of resistance to confront the three evils, "America, Britain and Israel."

The participants declared readiness to fight the battle of "Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad" in the face of Israeli, American and British aggression that violates national sovereignty and commits the most heinous massacres against our brothers in the Gaza Strip.

In the student presentation, the head of the Supreme National Campaign in Support of Al-Aqsa praised this great popular show witnessed by Sana'a University in preparation for supporting and supporting the Palestinian people and fighting the battle against the enemies of the nation.

He stressed that this position angers the enemies and confirms the importance of the role played by the Yemeni people, their revolutionary leadership and their armed forces to support the Palestinian people, whose importance is shown through the moves of America and Britain to try to obstruct this role.

Muftah pointed out that the Yemeni people had the honor of supporting religion and contributing to the Islamic conquests, and today they are returning to the forefront by standing against the enemies of Islam and supporting the Palestinian people.

For his part, Minister Hazeb stressed that Yemen stands at the forefront of the ranks to defend the nation. He pointed out that Yemen's attainment of this level of pride is thanks to the sacrifices of the martyrs and the project of the martyr leader, which is embodied today in practice and the people's rallying around the wise leadership.

He pointed out that the Yemeni people were inspired by the project of the martyr leader Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi meanings of sacrifice, redemption, fatherhood and defense of the nation's sanctities, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.

Minister Hazeb praised the efforts of the leadership and employees of Sana'a University in coordinating with private universities to hold this great presentation for graduates of open courses, in preparation for confronting the enemies of God and supporting the oppressed in Gaza.

In turn, the President of Sana'a University pointed out that the student presentation confirms the coupling of knowledge with jihad and sacrifice, and the importance of the role of university outputs in raising awareness, sharpening motivation, demonstrating the spirit of jihadist responsibility and faith, and adhering to the Quranic project launched by the martyr leader.

He stressed the need to triumph over the oppression of the Palestinian people, who are subjected to the most heinous war of genocide known in history, siege and starvation that kills children, women and residents of the Gaza Strip in full view of the world subservient to the systems of world imperialism, foremost of which are America and Israel.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300