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  US-Saudi Aggression
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  Revolution Leader
Revolutionary Leader confirms continuation of military stance
Revolutionary Leader confirms continuation of military stance
Revolutionary Leader confirms continuation of military stance
[Thu, 01 Feb 2024 20:54:58 +0300]

SANA'A February 01. 2024 (Saba) -The Leader of the Revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi affirmed the continuation of the military stance and naval operations as long as the aggression and siege on the Palestinian people continue.

The Leader of the Revolution said in his speech today regarding the latest developments and developments: “We are speaking today, at the end of the sixteenth week of the Zionist aggression on Gaza, within the framework of religious, humanitarian and moral responsibility.”

Al-Sayyed pointed out that "the Israeli enemy, more than 117 days have passed since the beginning of its aggression, and it continues to commit all kinds of crimes.

He said: “Within the context of genocide crimes, there are civilians killed by the Israeli enemy after they were arrested and stripped naked in violation of human dignity before executing them in cold blood.”

The leader of the revolution pointed out that “the world has witnessed the crimes of genocide, and it is very painful.”

He pointed out that "one of the most painful and unfortunate scenes of the suffering of the wounded is surgical amputations without anesthesia."

Hospitals military targets for the Zionist enemy:

The leader of the revolution affirmed that “the Israeli enemy, with all insolence and unilateral behavior, expressing its moral and humanitarian bankruptcy, declares hospitals as primary targets for its military operations.”

He stated that all countries, entities avoid such insolence, but the Zionist enemy dared to commit such brutality, and continues to do so to this day.

He pointed out that "whenever the enemy targets a camp, city, or neighborhood, it makes the primary target of the military operation a hospital."

Al-Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi pointed out that patients is suffering greatly in Gaza, with infectious diseases spreading among the displaced.

He stated that the severe Zionist siege on the Gaza Strip continues, and there are deaths from hunger among the displaced and residents.

Al-Sayyed pointed out that there are no considerations for human rights and international law if it conflict with American and Israeli interests.

- Pressure on relief agencies:

The leader of the revolution pointed out that in addition to killing, destruction, devastation and displacement, the Zionist enemy is targeting UNRWA and America fully adopts its campaign.

He explained that the campaign against UNRWA came after the decision of the so-called International Court of Justice to stop the crimes of murder and genocide in Gaza, indicating that after the decision of the International Court of Justice, it is assumed that food and medicine is enteri Gaza.

He pointed out that the Palestinian people were not safe in the UNRWA schools in which they took refuge, which are under the protection of the United Nations.

- Let down of international community:

The leader of the revolution said: “In the face of this tragic situation and clear injustice, there is continued disappointment on the part of the international community.”

He explained that "the correct and just position of the International Court of Justice is a decision or even a ruling to stop the aggression and siege against the Palestinian people in Gaza, as well as to stop the Zionist crimes against the people ."

He said: “It a great shame for countries that the Israeli enemy is an accepted member of the United Nations,” noting that “from the beginning of the entry of the enemy entity as a member of the United Nations, this contrary to justice.”

The leader of the revolution pointed out that "in Europe and the Western peoples, there are free voices that have begun to oppose American policies and the policy of open support for the Israeli enemy."

He explained that "the activity of communities in America and the West to convey the oppression of the Palestinian people has penetrated the media blackout in favor of the lobby," expressing "the hope that the circle of awareness in Western society expand."

He said: "Inaction prevails in the position of many regimes and rulers at the level of the Islamic world and the Arab region."

The leader of the revolution stated, "There news about some Arab and Islamic countries supplying the Israeli enemy with goods, as a result of the Yemeni position in the Red Sea."

He explained that the great suffering the situation has reached in the Gaza Strip, the more responsibility lies with Muslims before others.

- The steadfastness of al-Mujahideen in Gaza:

The leader of the revolution pointed out that "the great, honorable and correct position the steadfastness of the mujahideen in Gaza despite the scale of the aggression and the tragedy."

He pointed out that “one of the most important, striking and prominent developments this week is the Qassam Brigades’ missile attacks on Tel Aviv,” indicating that this is an important oped out that “the bombing of Tel Aviv indicates the extent of the steadfastness and divine support of al-Mujahideen in Gaza.”

Al-Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that Hezbollah continues to provide support... Noting the mujahideen in Iraq confirm the continuation of their operations targeting the Israeli enemy.

-Outcome of military operations:

The leader of the revolution stressed that "the front in Yemen is one of the fronts that took the initiative since the beginning of the events in Gaza."

He said: "The result of our military operations, during this week, were 10 operations in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, targeting ships linked to the Israeli, American and British enemy."

He added: "With the possibility of obtaining information, there is a strong readiness to target any ship directed to the benefit of the Israeli enemy."

He stressed that " Yemeni armed forces are the ones who actually provide insurance for international navigation in the Red Sea, and we actually proven that the targets are the ships linked to the Zionist enemy."

-American failure to protect Israeli ships:

The Leader of the Revolution confirmed that American aggression and attempts to protect Israeli ships clearly failed, and it acknowledges his failure.

He pointed out that the Americans and the British could not even protect their ships.

-Continuation of the military position:

The Leader of the Revolution affirmed the continuation of the military stance in naval operations and all forms of targeting as long as the aggression and siege on Gaza continues.

He said: Whatever the American position is, it will not affect the effectiveness of our position.

Yemen's position is admirable:

Al-Sayeed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stressed that "Yemen's position in supporting the Palestinian people is admired by many free people in the world, even in Western countries."

He said: "In our Islamic world, many peoples was very comfortable with Yemen's position and saw in it the correct and integrated position."


resource : SABA


  more of (Revolution Leader)
UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300