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  US-Saudi Aggression
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The collapse of US's coalition to protect Zionist ships in the Red Sea before it began
The collapse of US's coalition to protect Zionist ships in the Red Sea before it began
The collapse of US's coalition to protect Zionist ships in the Red Sea before it began
[Tue, 26 Dec 2023 01:09:50 +0300]

SANA'A December 26. 2023 (Saba)- A few days ago, America announced to the world the launch of a naval alliance under the pretext of protecting navigation and commercial ships in the Red Sea. It is, in fact, an alliance to protect the Zionist enemy’s ships from the Yemeni strikes that broke the Zionist enemy’s back, killed it, and confounded all its calculations, but it seems that it collapsed before it saw the light. .

At first, ten countries joined this alliance in the absence of a prominent Arab, and as soon as America announced this alliance, which it called the “Guardian of Prosperity” in the Red Sea, it received a strong blow from the largest countries that had announced joining it.

The Pentagon also announced that about 20 countries have agreed to participate in this multinational maritime coalition, but a small portion of them will actually provide ships to the coalition, or other major assets for assistance, according to what was reported by the “The War Zone” website. An American specialist in military affairs.

Yesterday, Saturday, media reports reported that France, Spain, and Italy had officially withdrawn from this failed maritime alliance called for by America, claiming that its mission was to secure maritime navigation from attacks and threats by the Yemeni armed forces. Pointing out that the three countries had made clear their position that they would not take further action. Of naval operations only under the command of NATO, not America.

With the withdrawal of these three countries, what remains of the countries participating in the alliance with America is Britain, which announced its participation with the destroyer “Diamond,” and Canada, which has not yet determined the size of its participation, in addition to Greece, which announced its participation with a frigate, and may withdraw under pressure from the Communist Party.

While the Netherlands announced its participation with two officers, Denmark with one officer, Australia with 11 soldiers, and Norway with ten officers, as for Bahrain and Seychelles, they were not counted in the formation of the international coalition due to their small size in terms of area and role.

The Zionist enemy media reported that France, Spain, and Italy had withdrawn from the naval coalition led by the United States against Yemen, adding: The Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark announced, by sending a message to the White House, that they would not send their warships to the Red Sea region and would be content with sending a number of ships from their naval units. To Bahrain.

Spain was also quick to confirm that it would only operate in the Red Sea as part of an international mission led by NATO or the European Union, and did not announce the sending of any warship to join the American coalition.

After Spain, France distanced itself from involvement in this American alliance, as the French Ministry of Defense announced that Paris is actually participating in operations in the Red Sea and that its warships will continue to operate under French command. Italy also joined the disavowals of the Washington alliance.

The Italian Ministry of Defense said that sending naval forces to the region comes within the context of traditional operations and there is no intention to work within the framework of the American coalition.

In a related context, the Spanish newspaper "Confidencial" revealed that Madrid used its veto power in the European Union against the Union's participation in the Washington operation to protect commercial ships from Yemeni attacks in the Red Sea.

The newspaper reported that hours earlier, the Spanish government called on all of Europe to participate in this operation and the alliance in the Red Sea. Pointing out that Spain did not explain to its partners the reason for changing its position.

These withdrawals seem to reflect the contradictory motives behind the formation of the coalition, as reports indicate that Washington’s insistence on forming this coalition is to protect the Zionist entity, save it economically, and spare it the heavy losses it suffers as a result of the Yemeni forces preventing the usurping entity’s ships heading to the occupied territories from crossing the Red Sea.

While these countries are keen not to expand the scope of hostilities in the region and to maintain safe passage for their ships heading to other regions through the Red Sea, with the Yemeni forces confirming that their decision to prevent crossing applies exclusively to ships heading exclusively to the Zionist enemy entity.
Politico correspondent, William Kane, revealed China's refusal to join the American coalition to protect "Israel" in the Red Sea.

Ken said in a blog post on social media: “The US State Department contacted the Chinese Foreign Ministry twice this month and requested assistance in the Red Sea, but the Chinese response was that the issue concerns the relevant countries and that this is ‘not our battle.’”

Observers warned that if America and the remaining countries in its alliance decide to launch any military action against Yemen, it will be an aggressor within an alliance that does not have any international legitimacy or UN mandate, and will cause the outbreak of a war whose consequences may affect the global economy.

Media sources warned that this American alliance against Yemen, called the “Guardian of Prosperity,” is on the verge of collapse, after the withdrawal of Spain and Italy... noting that the “Saudi-Egyptian-Emirati” rejection formed the sinking hole for this alliance, even though Washington is flirting with Riyadh about approving sales. Weapons, but this time the Arabs showed their rejection in the face of the “sick eagle”... in reference to America.

The sources explained that this is a major blow to America's global standing, which was also crushed at the United Nations during meetings regarding the situation in Palestine, where the whole world lined up with Palestine and Washington remained alone alongside a few countries with the Zionist enemy entity.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300