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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
[21 July 2024]
American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
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Citizen killed by Saudi enemy fire in Sa'ada
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Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
[28 April 2024]
Prevent movement of vessels bound for Zionist entity.. Wise Yemeni decision
Prevent movement of vessels bound for Zionist entity.. Wise Yemeni decision
Prevent movement of vessels bound for Zionist entity.. Wise Yemeni decision
[Mon, 11 Dec 2023 16:40:26 +0300]

SANA'A December 11. 2023 (Saba) - The announcement by the Yemeni armed forces of the prohibition of the passage of vessels destined for the Zionist entity of any nationality in the event of the continued prohibition of the introduction of food and medicine into the Gaza Strip affirms Yemen's role in promoting the Palestinian cause, based on the country's commitment to the causes of the nation and its victory.

Yemen was and continues to be a race to take special positions after being freed from colonial trusteeship over its national decision, which gave it full freedom to take its sovereign positions and decisions, contrary to what is happening in all Arab and Islamic States, which have placed their positions in the hands of colonial Powers, especially the United States of America, which has established itself as an international policeman to carry out what it wants and dictate its conditions and its guardianship of States that are supposedly independent and sovereign.

The statement of the Yemeni armed forces clearly affirmed full concern for the continued movement of international trade through the Red and Arab Bahrain for all ships and for all States other than those associated with the Zionist entity that transport goods to Israeli ports, this is a prudent and realistic decision as food and medicine vessels cannot reach occupation ports while Gaza's ports are closed.

Today, States of the world that claim humanity and act in accordance with human rights principles must apply this to practical realities, and view Gaza's population as citizens with the right to food and medicine and to live in dignity and humanity, unless these countries raise the slogans of humanity and human rights for bidding only, their sovereign decisions are in the hands of the United States of America and the Zionist entity.

On the Arab level, today’s Arabs, especially the Arabs of the Gulf who rushed to normalize relations with the Zionist entity, feel humiliated and are unable to take any honorable attitudes based on their Arab and Islamic affiliation, if they still belong. But apparently will be cursed by history and future Arab and Islamic generations regarding their weak positions that disappointed the hopes and aspirations of their people.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300