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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Ancient colonial conspiracy renewed against Yemeni unity
Ancient colonial conspiracy renewed against Yemeni unity
Ancient colonial conspiracy renewed against Yemeni unity
[Wed, 24 May 2023 11:52:32 +0300]

SANA'A May 24. 2023 (Saba) - Yemeni unity is always and forever the cause of Yemen, and throughout history it constituted a sentimental emotion engraved in the conscience of all Yemenis.

This is how the martyr President "Saleh al-Sammad" sees the Yemeni unity, our remaining and renewed dream, which is engraved in the hearts of all Yemenis with their various components and sects, and one of the most important lofty goals and sacred constants that are not negotiable through the various stages of history by all the free Yemeni forces.

The martyr "Al-Sammad" referred to a very important part, which is that the free political and national forces derive their legitimacy from "their adoption of the unity project, and their struggle to achieve it."

It is true that the ruling in some historical periods was divided between more than one Yemeni district, but it did not succeed in establishing any form of separation, because the geographical, historical, social and cultural unity was stronger than separatist tendencies.

It is also true that the issue of unity has been discussed in the centers of the struggle of the Yemeni people, in all stages of its history that are full of struggles for unity.

The various colonial powers were not far from nurturing and instilling the tendencies of fragmentation and fragmentation, and strengthening trends and ideas, with the aim of passing their colonial agenda, foremost of which is tightening control over the Bab al-Mandab, which represents the magic key to controlling maritime trade between East and West.

And control over the Horn of Africa, the Red Sea, and the Arabian Peninsula, and is what made Yemen a stronghold for colonial powers since the year 70 before the birth of Christ, peace be upon him, starting with the Romans and Persians and passing Persians and Abyssinians, up to the British and the Ottomans, and ending with the Hebrew storm boys.

In this quick reading, we will stop at the most important inputs of the "British-Ottoman" colonialism and the outputs of the "Saudi-Emirati" occupation.

Among the strange paradoxes is that the “Saudi-Emirati” colonialism is a creation of the “British” colonialism, and the second paradox is a work for the same goals, which is to serve the global Zionism aspiring to create a red sea of Hebrew and to extend control over its southern entrance.

And both used the same policy and tools to abort the dream of Yemeni unity, including the implementation of the policy of "divide and rule", strengthening separatist tendencies, entities and bodies, feeding regional fanaticism, reviving racism, and damaging the social fabric.

Colonial conspiracy "British - Ottoman":

The British occupied the city of Aden in the year 1839 AD, with the complicity of the Ottomans, to stop the advance of "Muhammad Ali Pasha", and thus the Ottomans returned to Yemen again in the year 1849 AD.

The first Ottoman entry into Yemen in the year 1535 AD coincided with the dispersal of the hands of Sheba. However, the Ottomans were keen to keep Yemen under their banner unified, with the exception of some areas, to be expelled in the year 1636 AD under the pressure of the national resistance that derived its strength from its national unity.

The second entry of the Ottomans in the year 1849 AD coincided with the British expansion, at a time when Yemen had reached the peak of division and fragmentation, so it was natural for the national resistance to record a miserable failure, because it was in the absence of unity.

The expulsion of the Ottomans the first time was followed by the establishment of a unified Yemeni state, the Qasimian state, but it did not last long due to the miserable division between its rulers during its period of weakness.

Despite this, Yemen remained unified in its social, cultural and struggle relations against "Ottoman" colonialism, which enabled it to evacuate the Ottomans at the end of 1918. The northern and western regions, after they had been able, thanks to their raising the slogan of restoring Yemeni unity, to expel the Ottomans as a prelude to liberating the occupied south.

The rolling English policy in the occupied Yemeni regions was characterized by its keenness to deepen the rupture of the Yemeni unity, especially after the Ottomans left the arena of conflict, and the division of Yemen between three authorities into three parts: the English, the Idriss, and the imams.

While the titles of colonial policy were the same in their meanings and premises since 1839, starting with divide and rule, passing through protection treaties and agreements, and ending with moving forward.

This hellish trend is a natural product of the diligent and systematic colonial work that has been going on since 1934 to strip the identity of the southern and eastern parts of Yemen.

For this dirty purpose, William Harold Ingrams (1897-1973) was dispatched, the English political officer famous for his intelligence and cunning, and the architect of the "English-Mutawakkilite" friendship treaty, and one of the most dangerous theorists of fragmentation, and the first person responsible for the negotiations on borders with the imams and the implementation of the policy of moving forward.

Since his arrival in Aden in 1934, he has been keen to write several books on Yemen, the main purpose of which is to separate Hadramout and Shabwa from Yemen, and limit the term Yemen to the parts under the influence of the imams only.

This comes after the failure of the colonial policies followed before 1934, and their realization of the danger of the growing Yemeni national consciousness affecting their long-term plans.

It is sufficient for us to indicate this dangerous trend by stopping at the statement of "Ingrams" in his book "Yemen: Imams, Rulers and Revolutions", pages 45-47:

"I have described Yemen as a natural entity within the Arab world, although it has not been integrated into a united political entity. It is an Arab region recognized historically and geographically, and those who live in it have come to carry in their depths a common regional feeling. The Arabs and the Yemenis are an integral part of them who tend by nature to Difference, division, and competition for power, so they are individualists, and their concept of unity is nothing but a mysterious and mystical idea that material temptations can overcome.”

With the advent of the year 1952, the British began translating their new policy by promoting the establishment of two federal entities according to the existing administrative division in the Emirates and the colony of Aden, and unifying them in a new state called the "Federal State of South Arabia", provided that the colony of Aden remains outside the federation.

In 1954 they presented their viewpoint on the federation and its administration consisting of:

1- The High Commissioner.

2 - Council of Presidents includes the heads of the internal countries of the Union.

3- An executive council and a legislative one.

On February 19, 1959, the establishment of the Federation of the Emirates of the South was officially announced, in parallel with the announcement of Imam "Ahmed Hamid al-Din" joining the United Arab Republic, which made the Arab League strongly criticize the Federation of the South, warning of its danger in entrenching fragmentation.

The truth is that colonialism found at the time that the strength of its existence, its continuity, and the elements of its security depended on fragmentation, just as the “Saudi-Emirati” colonialism works today. What we find its significance in “Ingrams” reading of the future of Yemen after the demise of the Egyptian and British presence:

"Yemen will remain on its old habit of division, because their eagerness to win material gains ... will inevitably lead them away from spiritual sublimation."

Saudi colonial conspiracy:

For more than 100 years, the Saudi regime has been working tirelessly to thwart the efforts of Yemeni unity, to keep Yemen divided and weak, and to turn it into a mere back garden, out of fear for their kingdom from fading and disappearing.

Therefore, unity has always posed an imminent danger, not to mention his greed for the wealth and land of Yemen, and finding an outlet for him on the Arabian Sea, in addition to the fear of ideological rapprochement between the nationalists in Sana'a and the leftists in Aden during the rule of the martyr President "Ibrahim Al-Hamdi", and the consequences of That convergence is in the event of the realization of the dream of unity from the collapse of the reactionary regimes in the Gulf, and their replacement by progressive socialist regimes.

After the failure of the "Saudi-Egyptian" conflict in Yemen following the revolution of September 26, 1962, and the end of that conflict with the reconciliation of the republicans and the royalists, the Saudi intervention and hostility in Yemen shifted from a military nature to a conspiratorial intelligence one, so they worked on feeding, financing and fueling conflicts and wars between its two parts, and aggravating relations. Yemeni - Yemeni.

The Saudi regime’s objection to the re-establishment of Yemeni unity began in a clear and explicit manner since the Cairo Unitary Agreement on October 28, 1972, and continued until the summer war of 1994. It practiced all dirty methods to thwart and abort unification efforts, including:

1- Assassination and liquidation of Yemeni presidents, including:

A - President "Ibrahim Al-Hamdi" on October 11, 1977, after his agreement with President "Salem Rabie Ali" "Salameen" to declare Yemeni unity on October 14, 1977 from the city of Aden, so that this historical event coincided with the anniversary of the October 14 revolution, so they decided to get rid of it Just one day before his scheduled visit to Aden.

They preempted this with several attempts to overthrow him on July 13, 1975, August 16, 1975, February 20, 1976, and July, and when they failed, they killed him in cold blood.

B - Al-Ghashmi, despite his participation in the liquidation of Al-Hamdi, but this did not intercede for him with the Saudis, so they decided to get rid of him in the year 1978.

C - Salem Rabie, he was executed in 1978.

2 - Exercising all kinds of pressures to dismiss prime ministers, as happened with "Mohsen Al-Aini" after they were unable to tame him, and sometimes imposed loyal prime ministers, as happened with "Hassan Al-Omari".

3 - The recruitment of many tribal leaders and sheikhdoms as agents and informants, such as: "Abdullah Al-Asnaj" and "Abdullah bin Hussein Al-Ahmar", and they were more hostile to unity, such as the use of "Al-Ahmar" in the union negotiations during the period "1979-1990" to influence the decisions of North Yemen at the time regarding unity in all negotiation sessions, and the failure to implement the unity agreements it signed with South Yemen.

They also used their agents to ignite the front war in the central regions, and the border war between the two parts several times.

4- Financial inducements:

In 1989, Saudi Arabia sent its finance minister, Muhammad Aba Al-Khail, to Aden to offer its leadership financial aid worth $17 billion in return for abandoning the unity agreement.

5- Economic Pressure:

In 1990, the Saudi regime took advantage of the second Gulf War, expelling 2 million Yemenis from Saudi lands, with the aim of economically exhausting the nascent unitary state.

6 - Emptying the Yemeni unity of its content and making it worthless, after the approval of the regime of "Ali Abdullah Saleh" to demarcate the borders in 2000, the "Jeddah Agreement", leaving them Asir, Jizan and Najran in Yemen.

7- Carving out Yemeni lands:

After the "Saudi-Emirati" aggression, and its sharing of influence and wealth in the occupied Yemeni regions, Saudi Arabia pushed its forces into the governorates of Al-Mahra and Hadramout, and carved out large areas of Yemeni territory estimated at 45,000 square kilometers from the desert of Hadramout, and removed border ceremonies, with the aim of approaching the sea. Al-Arabi, separating Hadramout and Al-Mahrah from Yemen, in return for the expansion of the Emirates in “Socotra” and “Shabwa”.

Riyadh was not satisfied with that, but rather worked to deepen the gap between the north and the south, not the last of which ignored the statement of the Arab summit held in the Saudi city of Jeddah on May 19, 2023. The Yemeni unity was mentioned for the first time in the history of the Arab summits, in a clear and scandalous plot to work the storm coalition to split Yemen and bring it back. to what it was before 1990.

The Yemeni writer, "Abdul Salam Qaid," mentions in his article, "Foreign Hostility to Yemeni Unity, Roots and Motives," published on May 17, 2022, several vivid evidences of the blatant Saudi work to divide Yemen, including:

Activists on social media circulated a picture of the agreement to extend the deposit period for the Saudi deposit for Yemen, which was previously presented in 2018 at the Central Bank of Yemen in Aden, and in it a sign appears on which the name of North Yemen was written before the unity "Yemen Arab Republic", and the two parties to the signature appear in the picture.

2 - Activists circulated photos of Saudi documents of Yemeni residents in the Kingdom, in which their identities were written with separatist or small identity names, such as: Northern Yemeni, Southern Yemeni, Hadhrami, and other names.

Saudi Arabia aims, through such actions, to feel the pulse of the Yemenis regarding unity and secession and to provoke them, so that the matter of separating the south from the north would be easy for them in the event that the Zionist directives were issued to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to issue the decision.

They concluded this by liquidating a long list of national figures with a unitary spirit, headed by the martyr President "Saleh al-Sammad".

Emirati colonial conspiracy:

In the mid-eighties of the twentieth century, the Emirates entered the line, reinforced by the ambitions of regional "indulgence" from the Yemeni gate, then the so-called Decisive Storm came to gather the boys of Britain to destroy Yemen.

The Emirates found in Yemen "Ali Baba's rug" to control the ports of the Horn of Africa and Yemen, and to position themselves on the islands and coasts of that region of the world afflicted by wars, conflicts, poverty and the absence of a strong central state, and to control its decision, in service of their masters in Tel Aviv.

It re-exercised all British filth in Yemen, after its direct and indirect control over vital and strategic sites, most of which are coastal, such as Socotra Island, the port of Aden, and Mayon Island, and expansion in most of the airlines, bases and seaports along the southern and western coasts.

The UAE is working with all its might to prevent the presence of a strong Yemen, because this poses a threat to its interests, and the interests of its guardians of grace in Tel Aviv and the Black House. It also aspires to expand its regional influence through waterways, and extend its influence on the coasts, ports and international water channels.

And it sees the secession of southern Yemen as the gateway to happiness for control, control and influence, so its positions from an early age were against Yemeni unity, and Sheikh "Abdullah bin Hussein al-Ahmar" talks in his memoirs about a visit he made to the Emirates during the 1994 war and his meeting with Sheikh "Zayed" latter's rejection of unity.

It is the most importantrooting and deepening of the Yemeni division:

1 - The formation of the Southern Transitional Council, known for its separatist tendency, on May 5, 2017, and sponsoring it financially, militarily and politically.

2 - Formation of Yemeni militias with a self, separatist tendency and ideology that includes about 200,000 mercenaries, including:

A - Security Belt Forces in Aden - includes about 30,000 soldiers.

B - Hadrami elite.

C - Shabwani Elite.

D - the Mahri elite.

E - Socotra Elite.

W- Southern resistance militias.

G - Tihama resistance militias.

3- Supporting and embracing the Salafist takfiri forces, such as the "Abu Al-Abbas" Brigades in Taiz, and striving to establish a security belt there, and the "Hani Bin Brik" groups in Aden.

4- Establishing affiliated forces on the western coast, and trying to separate Al-Mokha from Taiz Governorate.

5 - Its loyalists in Aden and Lahj carried out large-scale displacement and deportation of the population from the northern governorates, in a dirty attempt to deepen the societal gap. These criminal measures affected travelers in Al-Dhalea, Ma'rib and Aden.

6- Launching wide media propaganda to promote the secession of the south, and the establishment of two satellite channels affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council.

7 - Many of its officials and tweeters launched a series of stances in favor of secession.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300