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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Sayyed Hussein al-Houthi… Man of responsibility
Sayyed Hussein al-Houthi… Man of responsibility
Sayyed Hussein al-Houthi… Man of responsibility
[Wed, 22 Feb 2023 11:13:04 +0300]

SANA'A February 22. 2023 (Saba)- Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi from the Maran Mountains in northern Yemen, the founder of the Qur'anic project, a man to whom God gave knowledge, wisdom, and Qur'anic visions of events and changes in this world. the American enemy waged six wars against this Quranic project, represented by al-Sayyed Hussein until he was besieged and killed.

The project of the martyred leader was a liberal renaissance project that rejected external tutelage and challenged to fight the American project in the region.

Had it not been for al-Sayyed the truth would not have justice would have prevailed, and people would have returned to the religion of God in droves and had it not been for what he brought from the truth, the reality today would have been worse than it was yesterday.

Martyr leader Mr. Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the beacon of sacrifice and fatherhood, the one who did not submit to the oppressors even with a single word.

The martyr leader moved at a time when countries, regimes and parties were subdued to global arrogance, he presented the Qur'anic methodology at a time when the light of God Almighty was absent with what he brought of the truth.

The enemies of forces of evil thought that the killing of al-Sayyed Hussein would kill his jihadist movement against America, Israel and their collaborators in the region.

The project of the martyred leader has brightened and expanded to more than one spot on the planet, many of the sons of the Arab and Islamic nations have learned and graduated after their relentless research and to find out who this man who killed like his grandfather, Imam Hussein Ibn Ali, peace be upon them .

Sayyed Hussein's supporters and fans realized through what they learned the danger of the American Zionist-Masonic project in the region and the huge amount of their malice, and the management of intrigues, disputes and conflicts in this world.

It is no secret to everyone that we Yemenis were in a deep slumber, and limitless heedlessness until God honored us with that great al-Sayyed Hussein and brought us out of darkness into the light, and revived in us the spirit of dignity, pride and honor.

One of the priorities of the ally of the Qur'an was the issue of Palestine, which he considered and made us see as the central issue at the heart of this nation, his first lecture was (International Jerusalem Day).

As if Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi is directing the compass to the essence of the great project, which is hostility to America and Israel.

When commemorating the anniversary of the martyr leader, may God be pleased with him, it is only to recall the magnitude of that sacrifice he made. In order for the nation to rise from its slumber and be a proud father who does not accept humiliation and humiliation.

Today, thanks to God and Mr. Leader, Yemenis and others have enough awareness of this Quranic march, and everyone who belongs to it and carries it will be a great and dear human being.

Finally, It will be a model human in his morals, religion, and strength against invaders and arrogant, so congratulations to everyone who joined this great march and was one of its sons.

Writing by Mona Zaid


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300