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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Over 3,000 children with cancer face illness & UN shameful attitudes
Over 3,000 children with cancer face illness & UN shameful attitudes
Over 3,000 children with cancer face illness & UN shameful attitudes
[Sun, 05 Feb 2023 21:41:58 +0300]

SANA'A February 05. 2023 (Saba) -Shocking numbers and statistics about the increasing number of cancer patients in Yemen as a result of the internationally prohibited weapons used by the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition in targeting residential neighborhoods.
While the world celebrated World Cancer Day yesterday, Saturday, there are approximately 80,000 cancer patients in Yemen, during the years of aggression, as a result of the use of internationally prohibited weapons, according to the Ministry of Public Health and Population.
A report issued by the ministry indicated that there are 9 thousand cases of cancer annually, and 15 percent of them are children, pointing to the death of 12 thousand cases as a result of this disease.
The report confirmed that 3,000 children in Yemen suffer from cancer and are at risk of death as a result of the continuation of the aggression and siege, pointing to the increase in cases of leukemia among children from 300 to 700 cases in the capital Sana'a in addition to the injury of 1,000 children in the rest of the provinces.
It also indicated that over 300 children with leukemia need to travel urgently to receive treatment abroad, blaming the aggression coalition for the deaths of children as a result of preventing the entry of their medicines.
Furthermore, the report stated that the cure rate is high for leukemia, but the interruption of medicines entry leads to the death of many sick children.

The official spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Anis Al-Asbahi, explained that the aggression and blockade have caused a health disaster, the largest in the world referring to the severity of the aggression countries' criminality through the use of various internationally prohibited weapons on cities and residential neighborhoods.
 Which caused the emergence of various types of cancerous diseases, with an increase of 50 percent, in addition to congenital deformities.
The report noted that the continuation of the blockade led to the lack of more than 50 percent of medicines for cancer patients, especially targeted chemical medicines, and the reluctance of many pharmaceutical companies to import medicines that require special transportation conditions for refrigeration.
 It indicated that before the aggression, there were 38 scientific names for medicines, including Hundreds of brand names.
Dr. Al-Asbahi stressed that the blockade exacerbated the suffering of cancer patients by preventing the entry of radioactive iodine to treat thyroid tumors and preventing the entry of radiotherapy equipment supplies and stopping them due to the poor efficiency of the radioactive source, which caused a decline in the recovery process for cancer patients, in addition to preventing the entry of helium gas and scanning supplies atomic parts.
Cancer is not the only tragedy facing Yemenis. Poverty, economic challenges, lack of medicines, irregular chemotherapy sessions, and the inability to travel abroad for treatment are all factors that contribute to patients' pain and loss of life.
This human tragedy is matched by a shameful, negative and inhumane stance by the United Nations organizations, which did not move a finger towards lifting the blockade and allowing the entry of medicines, supplies and equipment, or opening Sana'a airport so that the sick could travel for treatment abroad.
According to the Health Ministry, more than 320,000 patients were unable to travel for treatment due to the closure of the airport, while more than 28,000 cancer patients died as a result of the lack of medical supplies, while thousands of people with special needs could have been treated and their condition remedied, if only they were able to travel outside Yemen for treatment.
Also, the report pointed out that more than 60 percent of the health sector's infrastructure has been destroyed, while the blockade has led to poor capabilities and the lack of safe medicine for patients in many cases.
The report stated that the aggression coalition deliberately prevented the entry of spare parts for medical devices, radiological examination devices, etc., which led to many of these devices and equipment stopping working and preventing the entry of radioactive iodine, which is extremely important for treating cancer patients.
Moreover, the report pointed out that the aggression used prohibited weapons among civilians, which led to a multiplication of congenital malformations and an increase in the number of people with tumors.
Head of the Association of Cancer Patients, Hamid Al-Yadaei, stressed that cancer patients are on the rise and the prevalence of the disease is on the rise as a result of the aggression and blockade, which greatly affects the exacerbation of the suffering of patients and their families.
He called on the concerned authorities to provide more support, coordination and support for cancer patients, to pay attention to their suffering in all provinces, and to raise the level of awareness among citizens on a large scale with everything related to cancer, from early detection and prevention of its causes to treatment steps and adherence to them for an early recovery.
Al-Yadaei also called on the United Nations and international organizations working on the humanitarian and health side in Yemen to work on providing radioactive sources for the tumor's treatment, introducing radioactive iodine, atomic scanning, and providing medicines and medical supplies. As well as putting pressure on the aggression coalition to lift the siege, open Yemeni airports and ports, and allow devices and medicines entry for cancer patients beside other chronic diseases in Yemen.

resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300