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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Status of women in Islam: Report
Status of women in Islam: Report
Status of women in Islam: Report
[Sun, 22 Jan 2023 10:12:11 +0300]

SANA'A January 22. 2023 (Saba) - The Islamic religion came to raise the status of women and recommend all their rights, not as some haters and patients declare that the Islamic religion made women equal to nothing in society.

In the face of all these dissertations, Sayeed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi presented an Islamic Quranic vision for women, their role in life and their place in Islam.

Thus, we find that God Almighty honored the woman, cherished her status and destiny, and drew for her one life and path so that she could set out with her brother, the man side by side.

As Sayeed Hussein Al-Houthi and Sayeed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi affirmed that the Qur’anic vision is one for men and women, all of which are based on the same divine discourse addressed to men and women.

Despite knowing, understanding and examining all these facts, today's woman is still finding her place. The dignity of a woman, the distinction she has in the form of a woman is nowhere to be seen and today's woman must understand that the freedom she seeks in the present age is in fact total slavery.

Islam is the only religion that has brought women out of humiliation and disgrace and given them degrees of greatness and exaltation. Moreover, Allah Almighty declared in Surah An-Nisa' that both men and women are created from a single soul.

This is the grace of Islam, which has made women as active and effective as men. The Beloved Prophet (SAW) is the first and the last person through whom Allah (SWT) enriched the woman with a wealth of dignity and honor, and made her a mark of respect, love and sincerity.

He (SAW) made her the center of honor and sanctity in Muslim society by adorning her with the ornaments of femininity by wearing the robe of seventy, the Hijab, modesty and nobility, and humanity. In many places in the Qur'an and Hadith, their prominent place and status have been determined, and their dignity and respect have been emphasized.

If we come to look at the Arab Muslim woman and the Yemeni woman today in light of all these events and what their role is, we will prove to the world that the Yemeni woman is a noble model and a good example for all Arab Muslim women.

As the whole world knows the Yemeni woman through the brutal aggression against her in Yemen for a period of eight years, was not idle, but rather she proved that she is a patient mujahid woman who stood with all courage and fierce in the face of the Saudi-American aggression.

Because the issue of Arab women in general and Yemeni women, in particular a sensitive topic and one of the most dangerous topics in this era, especially because the enemy now moving against women and made it a means of intellectual and moral to target Islam.

Islam presented to the world a comprehensive model of life that brought the woman out of the abyss of humiliation and placed her at the pinnacle of greatness and sanctity and also moderated the natural limits of humanity.

As a result, the Islamic system of chastity, today undoubtedly carries with it immense wealth, eternal mercy and infinite blessings. And the woman, with whom it was considered a disgrace to be brought to the level of humanity in the age of ignorance before the advent of Islam, was given pride and dignity by Islam. It was the bounty of Islam, which not only gave woman a high position and status but also, set her the highest stages of development under the banner of Islam.

Islam wisely eradicated all kinds of social and obscene evils and laid the foundation of a virtuous and pure Islamic society.

Almighty Allah has endowed women with many qualities and has opened up many avenues for their attainment. That she can do the greatest thing without the resistance and competition of men. Islamic history bears witness to this that woman has fulfilled their role and responsibility in the reconstruction of humanity and in all kinds of social and religious services in the best possible way.

The infidel West has often sought from the Jews and is still striving today, with all its various means, to present Muslim women who belong to Islam as persecuted and marginalized and have no rights or status. This is one of the most insidious types of war practiced by the enemies of Muslim women.

The enemy knows very well that the metamorphosis of Muslim women is not easy, because they have enough principles and values to protect them from falling and deviation, so effort, work and repetition are often exerted to dislocate Muslim women.

The methods of the enemy are qualitative and multiple, and one of these methods is that they have absent great Islamic personalities from our educational and educational means, such as the personality of Fatima Al-Zahra, peace be upon her, Zainab Al-Hawra, peace be upon her, and Khadija bint Khuwaylid, peace be upon her.

Al-Sayeed Abdulmalek Al-Houthi, may God protect him, explains that the West and the Jews are not keen to give rights to anyone, neither to men nor to women, and that their goal is to take the rights of everyone and violate them.

Jews and the West are the first to oppress women, and we see in this time how they manipulate women's issues and use them for advertising and present them in a humiliating way as a commodity for corruption.

The Islamic religion, it gave full rights to women from birth to death and honored them, one of them is that it is recommended that a woman should have an inheritance and that she should have a dowry upon marriage, and the man should spend on her and provide her with housing, food, and medicine, protect and care for her, and be forbidden for her to travel alone, This is Islam.

Written by Mona Zide


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300