SANA'A- SABA : Every year in the month of Rajab, Yemenis receive prominent events and an immortal memory that was, is and will remain a faith station with their entry into Islam through the Prophet's envoy, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, to Yemen, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him.
When Imam Ali arrived in the city of Sana'a, specifically in the Halqa market, the people of Yemen gathered around him and listened to him when he recited to them the message of the Seal of the Prophets, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, inviting them to enter Islam, and their response to this call and their conversion to Islam.
Occasions of Month of Rajab:
In the holy month of Rajab, there are consecutive occasions, such as the Eid of Rajab Friday, the anniversary of the Yemenis' conversion to Islam and the consolidation of the faith identity, the anniversary of the birth of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may God honor his face, and the anniversary of the Isra and Mi'raj, upon him and his family, the best prayers and the purest peace.
Yemenis annually commemorate the first Friday of the month of Rajab, due to its status and importance in their conscience, the anniversary of their entry into Islam in droves, as they are the ones who supported the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, and carried the banner of the Islamic faith and conquests and contributed to spreading the religion in the corners of the world.
Yemenis take Friday of Rajab as a religious holiday in which they express their gratitude to God and thank Him for the blessing of Islam and rejoice in it with celebrations, supplications, religious songs and chants and remembrance of God, considering it part of their cultural heritage and faith identity that confirms the depth of their connection to the Muhammadan message that Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah honor his face, brought to Yemen.
The people of Yemen have been accustomed to celebrating this fragrant anniversary since they entered Islam, to renew their connection to religion and strengthen their faith identity, religious values and principles and recall what the early Yemenis became, especially what is related to visiting family and relatives and maintaining family ties and others.
Since ancient times, Yemenis have inherited the celebration of "Friday of Rajab", based on customs and traditions that strengthen faith identity, and celebrating it in mosques and mosques by giving lectures and holding religious circles, especially in light of the enemies' attempts to obliterate the authentic Yemeni faith identity.
The diversity of manifestations of the Eid of Rajab Friday
The celebration of the Eid of Rajab Friday is growing and the manifestations of reviving this fragrant occasion are diverse in the capital Sana'a and the governorates, due to its status linked to the entry of the people of Yemen into Islam and the arrival of the envoys of the Noble Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, Imam Ali, may Allah honor his face, to the city of Sana'a and the noble companion Muadh bin Jabal, may Allah be pleased with him, to the Al-Jund area in Taiz Governorate to carry the message of Islam to the Yemenis who have all entered the religion of Allah.
Official and popular visits:
Since the beginning of the current month of Rajab, the city of Sana'a has witnessed unprecedented official and popular visits by state leaders and officials of institutions and bodies to view the historical and archaeological landmarks that abound in the old city within the framework of the activities of the Eid of the month of Rajab and its first Friday for the year 1446 AH.
Based on the specificity of the month of Rajab, visitors learned about the symbolism of the Halqa Market, which was named after the Yemenis who gathered around Imam Ali, peace be upon him, in this place.
They also learned about the religious landmarks in the Great Mosque of Sana'a and the historical significance and place it holds in the hearts of Yemenis, and learned about the Imam Ali bin Abi Talib Mosque.
On the morning of the first Friday of Rajab, the General Authority for Endowments and its office in the capital’s secretariat annually commemorate this anniversary with a celebratory event in the courtyard of the Grand Mosque in Sana’a for its symbolism and Islamic specificity, which was built by order of the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, through his envoy to Yemen, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him.
The celebratory events are accompanied by chanting segments from the popular heritage and poems in praise of the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, to the people of Yemen, their morals and the human values and principles they possess, their tolerance and forgiveness throughout history, as well as their response to the call of the Noble Prophet to enter the religion of Allah in droves.
The importance of visiting the Al-Kabeer Mosque:
The importance of visiting the Al-Kabeer Mosque in Sana'a lies in its connection to religion, the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, Islamic sanctities, faith identity, and the flags of guidance from the family of the Prophet, may Allah bless them and grant them peace, headed by Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him.
History books and most narratives confirm that Al-Kabeer Mosque in Sana'a is considered the first mosque built in Yemen, and the first mosque built in Islam outside Mecca and Medina, and the third mosque in Islam after the Quba Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque. What increases its value and status is that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, is the one who ordered its construction, determined the location of its foundation and the direction of its qibla, and the Yemenis called it the "Holy Mosque."
According to history books, al-Kabeer Mosque of Sana'a is an Islamic university and a scientific school from which the great scholars, imams, and thousands of memorizers of the Holy Quran graduated. To this day, many scholars, students, and mujtahids still graduate from it.
The importance and status of al-Kabber Mosque is highlighted by the fact that it represents a symbol of the faith identity of the Yemenis, which was expressed by the Chosen Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, when he said, "Faith is Yemeni, wisdom is Yemeni, and jurisprudence is Yemeni." Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, began building this scientific, religious, and Islamic edifice after the Yemenis converted to Islam at his hands in the place designated for him by the Seal of the Prophets.
The books of biography mentioned that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, ordered Imam Ali, when he sent him to Sana'a to invite the Yemenis to Islam, to build al-Kabeer Mosque. Imam Ali established and built it in the garden of Badhan between Al-Hajar Al-Mamlam and Ghamdan.
The garden of Badhan is the garden that belonged to the ruler of Yemen at that time. It is narrated that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, ordered that the qibla of al-Kabber Mosque in Sana'a be towards "Jabal Dhain", which is a mountain located north of the city of Sana'a in the Ayal Sarih District of Amran Governorate, 32 kilometers away. Many consider the Prophet's precise determination of the qibla of al-Kabber Mosque as evidence of his prophethood and one of his miracles.
Landmarks of al-Kabber Mosque:
What is called Al-Masmoura and Al-Manqoura appeared in two pillars of al-Kabber Mosque in Sana'a, and it was named by this name, as the books of biography and history narrated, because of the nail and chisel in these two pillars, so that the first mosque founded by Imam Ali, peace be upon him, would remain known to the Yemenis generation after generation, so that its features would not be obliterated and its traces would not be lost, and so that the place would remain a witness to the interest of the Noble Prophet in the people of Yemen.
It was narrated somewhere between Al-Masmoura and Al-Manqoura that supplication in them is answered, so whoever turns to Allah from distressed or worried sincerely, Allah will relieve him, and also the people of Sana'a in particular and Yemen in general, when disputes or conflicts occur between them and they are resolved by an oath, the majority of them ask for it in this place.
What is common and believed by people and the famous experience is that whoever swears by Allah between "Al-Masmoura and Al-Manqoura" a wicked oath will not survive three days until he is afflicted with leprosy or the fall of his limbs or a great illness in his organs.
One of the landmarks of the al-Kabber Mosque in Sana’a is the tomb of the Prophet Hanzala bin Safwan, which is located in the western compartment next to the western minaret. It has been mentioned in a number of historical references and interpretations, and it is said that a tablet was found in his tomb on which was written: I am Hanzala bin Safwan, the Messenger of Allah. Allah sent me to Himyar and Hamdan.
The al-Kabeer Mosque Library:
The al-Kaberr Mosque contains a library that is considered one of the greatest Islamic libraries, as it contains precious scientific books, the most famous valuable manuscripts, and works in various sciences and arts. The number of manuscripts in it is estimated at more than three thousand manuscripts, distinguished by containing the rarest international manuscripts, such as the “Mushaf of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him,” and manuscripts written in the handwriting of their authors and works that are not found in any libraries in the world.
Imam Ali's Mushaf:
In al-Kabeer Mosque of Sana'a, there is the "Imam Ali's Mushaf", which he wrote in his own handwriting, and presented to the people of Sana'a and sent with his governor of Sana'a at that time, Ubayd Allah ibn Abbas. It has been in Yemen since his time until today, and this Mushaf remained preserved in the Mosque of the Two Martyrs since that period until it was transferred to the library of the al-Kabeer Mosque.
Dome of Al-Awsaja:
One of the archaeological and historical landmarks of the al-Kabeer Mosque, "Dome of Al-Awsaja", which is located in the southwestern corner of the mosque, this place was a cemetery separate from the mosque and was included in it and named Dome of Al-Awsaja, and Al-Awsaja is a tree or plant ranging in length from 2.5 meters - 3 meters.
The Dome of Al-Awsaja includes a group of shrines of imams and scholars, namely Imam Al-Mahdi Muhammad bin Imam Al-Mutahhar bin Yahya "Shaded by the Clouds" bin Al-Murtada Al-Hadi Al-Hasani, Imam Al-Wathiq Billah Al-Mutahhar bin Imam Al-Mahdi bin Muhammad bin Imam Al-Mutahhar bin Yahya, Imam Yahya bin Al-Hussein bin Yahya, the owner of "Al-Yaqouta", and Imam Muhammad bin Idris Al-Hamzi, the owner of "Ghalat Al-Sadi".
Al-Jund Historical Mosque:
Thousands of people from Taiz Governorate and various governorates of the Republic flock to Al-Jund Historical Mosque, which annually witnesses large crowds to celebrate the events of Rajab Friday, the anniversary of the Yemenis' conversion to Islam, and the accompanying dhikr sessions, studies, research, and scientific, religious, and legal lectures, to express the greatness of Rajab Friday and its virtues and to renew the connection to the divine approach and the prophetic guidance and adherence to the authentic faith identity with the participation of academics, scholars, and religious sheikhs.
Al-Jund Historical Mosque occupies a religious position and specificity because it represents a scientific beacon in spreading Islam in Yemen and a platform for spreading knowledge, and a reminder of the envoys of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib and the noble companion Muadh bin Jabal to Yemen.
As part of the celebration of this religious occasion, religious lectures, hymns and praises of the Prophet are held in the historic Al-Jund Mosque, which enhance the status of the Eid of Rajab Friday and the rooting of the faith identity, its meanings, concepts and cultural and intellectual dimensions, and the consecration of the values and principles of Islam in society.
In this regard, the member of the Yemeni Scholars Association, Sheikh Fouad Naji, explained that the Yemenis’ celebration of Rajab Friday is a thank you to Allah for the blessing of Islam and a renewal of the covenant and faith identity that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, addressed when he was informed of the Islam of the people of Yemen, so he greeted them three times.
He considered the entry of the people of Yemen into the religion of Allah a decisive victory for the Islamic nation and a transformation in the history of the message and a qualitative addition to the Islamic nation at the hands of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
He pointed out that the Yemenis continued to defend Islam and faith even after the death of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, and their relationship with Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah honor his face, is strong.
In turn, Sheikh Saleh Al-Khawlani, a member of the Yemeni Scholars Association, stated that the celebration of the Friday of Rajab Eid embodies the Yemenis' connection to their religion and faith identity.
He considered the Friday of Rajab an occasion in which the values of truth, sacrifice and giving are manifested and a medal that the Messenger of Allah has bestowed upon the people of Yemen, describing them as the most tender-hearted and softest-hearted of Yemeni faith and Yemeni wisdom, indicating that the people of Yemen are the first incubator of Islam and Muslims since the dawn of the Islamic call.
Al-Khawlani pointed out that the Yemeni people's celebration of the Eid of Friday of Rajab expresses their pride in the authentic identity and spirit of faith, especially in light of the Zionist, American and British aggression that the Yemeni people are exposed to, targeting dignitaries, civil facilities, cadres, children and women.
He spoke about the implications of the faith identity embodied in values, morals, principles, steadfastness, resilience, challenge and victory for the oppressed and relief of the wronged, noting that the Yemenis today are triumphing for the faith identity by standing with Gaza and all of Palestine and their victory for the central and first cause of the nation.
The Friday and month of Rajab remain a Yemeni holiday that connects the Yemenis to their religion, their prophet and their faith identity, no matter how much the enemies of the nation try to obliterate the faith identity and replace it with an alien identity and a false culture.

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