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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Rural water in Hajjah... Touched tasks & advanced steps in developing services
Rural water in Hajjah... Touched tasks & advanced steps in developing services
Rural water in Hajjah... Touched tasks & advanced steps in developing services
[Wed, 22 May 2024 12:13:04 +0300]

HAJJAH May 22. 2024 (Saba) - The directives of the Revolution Leader , Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, during his meeting with the leadership and notables of Hajjah province in mid-2022, to focus on implementing sustainable projects, most notably water projects in deprived areas, represented a turning point in this sector.

Since then, the province has witnessed a qualitative leap in rural water projects and the delivery of service to directorates that were forgotten by governments and whose suffering doubled with the aggression and siege.

The General Authority for Rural Water Projects in the province has achieved advanced steps in improving the level of performance, developing and expanding the circle of services and delivering water to citizens.

The directives of the Revolutionary Leadership received great attention from the Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, the Deputy Prime Minister of the caretaker government for economic affairs, the Minister of Finance, Dr. Rashid Abu Lahoum, the province leaders , Hilal Al-Sufi, the General Authority for Rural Water Projects, Adel Bader, and the Supreme Council for Coordination and Administration of Humanitarian Affairs, Ibrahim Al-Hamli.

The Revolutionary Leader's directives also embodied the level of societal awareness enjoyed by the people of the province through their sense of responsibility in supporting the state’s efforts in the construction , development process , the remarkable response and response they showed in translating it on the ground.

Due to the province's lack of water projects in a number of districts, the local authority and the Rural Water Projects Authority focused on translating the directives of the revolutionary leadership and the directives of the President of the Supreme Political Council into reality.

The work was initiated in accordance with the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state and the plans and programs of the local authority in the province and the General Authority for Rural Water Projects in coordination with the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit at the Ministry of Finance and the Supreme Council for the Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Coordination between the local authority in the province and the General Authority for Rural Water Projects resulted in establishing a mechanism for managing and operating water projects in rural areas, financing preliminary and detailed studies to establish new water projects in the province for the most deprived areas, as well as areas that need to provide water sources to establish projects in, which represents a priority, and preparing studies. It was obtained by the authority’s branch in Hajjah.

The features of achievement were represented in correcting water projects for remote and isolated areas that had been deprived for decades through the approval of 126 projects at a total cost of 5 billion, 259 million and 480 thousand riyals to alleviate the suffering of 614 thousand and 454 people. This represented a glimmer of hope for implementing a package of service projects in other sectors.

The Governor of Hajjah, Hilal Al-Sufi, expressed his appreciation, through the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), for the interest of the Revolution Leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the head of the Supreme Political Council, in the water sector in the province, which was translated into generous support from the Deputy Prime Minister of the caretaker government and the Minister of Finance, which was clearly demonstrated in a number of projects.

He noted the role of the General Authority for Rural Water Projects , the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in directing humanitarian work partners to a number of districts that lack such projects.

Governor Al-Sufi stressed that the water sector is one of the most important sectors that receives the attention of the local authority despite the scarcity of capabilities, stressing the local authority’s keenness to cooperate with the Rural Projects Authority to expand water projects and cover the needs of the people of the province for pure drinking water.

He pointed out that the province has committed to developing the necessary solutions to complete the implementation of rural water projects, especially the stalled projects, and to address the causes of their faltering, which will contribute to alleviating the suffering of the province’s residents in light of the repercussions of the aggression and siege that have lasted nine years.

Al-Sufi praised the follow-up of local councils in the districts and overcoming the difficulties that stand in the way of these projects, and the community’s interaction and initiative in implementing a number of projects in this sector.

For his part, the head of the Rural Water Projects Authority, Adel Bader, explained that these projects come in implementation of the directives of the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and the leadership of the Ministry of Water and Environment to pay attention to rural water projects in various provinces, most notably Hajjah province.

He pointed out that the implementation of water projects comes within the framework of the Authority’s strategic plan for 1444-1447 AH and in accordance with the minutes of the partnership agreement between the Authority and the Ministry of Finance, represented by the Central Interventions Unit, to finance rural water projects to improve water services.

Bader stressed that the Authority was keen to provide the requirements for Hajjah province, follow up on obtaining the necessary funds to implement rural projects and improve water services in the province, and oblige the entities implementing the projects to adhere to technical specifications, standards and legal requirements in order to ensure the application of quality and efficiency standards.

He pointed out that the Authority has worked and is still working to overcome difficulties in order to ensure the completion of rural water projects, pointing to the facilities provided by the local authority in the province, the cooperation of the local councils in the districts, and the great interaction of the community in implementing the projects.

A report issued by the branch of the General Authority for Rural Water Projects in the province, received by the Yemeni news agency Saba, explained the completion and implementation of 57 projects at a cost of two billion and 345 million and 463 thousand riyals, benefiting 302 thousand and 15 people in the districts of Aslam, Abs, Al-Shaghadhra, Washahah, Al-Mahabsha, Kahlan Al-Sharaf, Bani Al-Awam, Al-Muftah and Mustaba.

The Yemen, Ka`idna, Bani Qays, and Kashhar were successful, and the Levant, Qara, al-Maghribah, Najra, al-Jumaimah, Sharas, and the countryside of Hajjah, Kahlan, Afar, Wadrah, and Qalf al-Shamr were successful.

According to the report, 23 projects are still under implementation and will contribute to alleviating the suffering of 102,755 people in the districts of Al-Humayma, Mastaba, Kahlan Al-Sharaf, Qara, Kushar, Washah, Bani Qais, Al-Muftah, Abs, Sharas, Aslam, Najra and Ka`idna, at a cost of one billion and 411 thousand riyals.

The report added that there are 46 projects under implementation, contracting with contractors, technical analysis, and announcement for tender, study and review, and they will be implemented during the coming period at a cost of one billion and 913 million and 605 thousand riyals.

The report stated that the projects under implementation will contribute to benefiting 208,648 people in the districts of Qafil Shammar, Aslam, Kashar, Ka`idna, Mustaba, Al-Mahabsha, Abs, Al-Shaghadara, Khairan Al-Muharraq, Al-Jumaimah, Mabin, Bani Qais, Wadhra and Najra.

Partnership with the Emergency Interventions Unit

The report explained that the Authority, in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, represented by the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit at the Ministry of Finance, implemented 25 projects, including 13 implemented, 11 under implementation, and one project under process, at a cost of 866 million and 59 thousand riyals.

The report stated that the implemented projects included drilling 13 new artesian wells at a total cost of 440 million and 635 thousand riyals, and included drilling 3 wells in Al-Mahabshah, 2 in Al-Muftah, and 2 in Aflah Al-Yemen, and an artesian well in each of Kashar, Qara, Kahlan Al-Sharaf, Mustaba, Al-Maghribah, and Aflah Al-Sham, benefiting from it. 93 thousand and 900 people

According to the report, the projects under implementation in partnership with the Intervention Unit include drilling 8 new artesian wells and supplying and installing pumping units at a cost of 388 million and 133 thousand riyals.

It includes drilling two artesian wells in the Washha district, the same in Al-Jumaimah, 2 in Kahlan Al-Sharaf, and a well in each of Mustaba, Qara and Kashar, serving 56,000 people, in addition to two projects for supplying and installing 4 solar-powered pumping units in Al-Kabbah and Al-Sharqi in the Najra District, benefiting 12,255 people.

According to the report, the projects under implementation and under announcement, in partnership with the Interventions Unit, include a project to dig an artesian well in Qafel Shammar District, which will benefit more than 10,000 people, at a cost of 37 million and 290 thousand riyals.

Coordination with humanitarian affairs

The report indicated that the General Authority for Rural Water Projects, in coordination with the Supreme Council for the Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, directed humanitarian work partners to finance and implement 101 projects, of which 44 have been completed, 12 are under implementation, and 45 are under process, at a total cost of 4 billion and 173 million riyals.

It pointed out that the implemented interventions included 7 projects to complete the construction of tanks, supply , installation of pipes , pumping units, 29 rehabilitation projects, and 7 source improvement projects, targeting 208,115 beneficiaries in the districts of Kahlan Al-Sharaf, Aslam, Abs, Mustaba, Al-Shaghadara, Bani Al-Awwam, Bani Qais, Ka`idna, Washha, Al-Jumaima, Sharas, Najra, Hajjah, and Kahlan Afar. Wadhara, Al-Muftah, Al-Mahabsha, and Qafil Shamar.

According to the report, the interventions under implementation include 5 completion projects, 6 rehabilitation, expansion, source improvement projects, and a new project, benefiting 24,500 people in the districts of Bani Qais, Abs, Al-Muftah, Sharas, Aslam, Ka`idna, Najra, and Mustaba.

The projects under implementation, according to the report, include 15 completion projects, 19 rehabilitation and 10 expansion projects, in addition to an environmental sanitation project in the districts of Kushar, Aslam, Ka’idnah, Mustaba, Al-Mahabsha, Abs, Al-Shaghadara, Khairan Al-Muharraq, Hajjah, Al-Jumaimah, Mabin, Bani Qais, Wadhra and Najra, serving 199,684 people.

Community contributions and initiatives

The report reviewed the community’s interaction, contribution and initiative in supporting 38 projects funded by humanitarian partners, which consisted of digging wells or giving up existing wells, of which 15 were completed, 12 were under implementation, 11 were under process, at a cost of 220 million and 300 thousand riyals.

According to the report, community initiatives were concentrated in the projects implemented in the districts of Aslam, 5 projects, Washha 5, Kahlan Al-Sharaf, two projects, Abs, two projects, and Mastaba, one project, at a cost of 100 million and 900 thousand riyals, benefiting 25,100 people.

The report added that there are 12 projects under implementation in the districts of Abs, Al-Muftah, Aslam and Sharas, which consist of digging artesian wells that will benefit 16,800 people, at a cost of 48 million and 500 thousand riyals.

The report stated that the projects are underway in which the community participates in 11 well-drilling projects in the districts of Aslam, Mustaba, Al-Mahabsha and Abs at a cost of 71 million and 400 thousand riyals and will contribute to providing service to 25 thousand and 700 people.

While the Director of the Authority’s branch in the province, Engineer Saleh Al-Falahi, explained the training of 20 administrative bodies for water projects in the districts of Al-Shaghadara, Hajjah countryside, Al-Muftah, Kahlan Al-Sharaf, Kahlan Al-Sharaf, Kahlan, Abs, Washah, Kahlan Afar, Bani Al-Awam, and Bani Qais.

He pointed out that the training included providing members of the administrative bodies of 20 projects with skills in management, accounting, maintenance and operation, in addition to providing 17 administrative bodies with maintenance bags.

Al-Falahi stressed the keenness to strengthen the oversight system on the performance of projects and adopt a strategic policy in coordination with local councils in this aspect to address imbalances in order to preserve projects and ensure the continuity of service provision to citizens.

He appreciated the interaction of the province’s leaders and the head of the General Authority for Rural Water Projects in overcoming all difficulties facing the implementation of projects, the role of local councils and the community in the success of project implementation, the support of the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit at the Ministry of Finance, and the efforts of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300