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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Al-Aqsa Support Committee calls on Yemeni people to participate widely in next Friday's marches
Al-Aqsa Support Committee calls on Yemeni people to participate widely in next Friday's marches
Al-Aqsa Support Committee calls on Yemeni people to participate widely in next Friday's marches
[Wed, 24 Apr 2024 20:34:55 +0300]

SANA'A April 24. 2024 (Saba) - The Supreme Committee of the National Campaign to Support Al-Aqsa confirmed that the massacre and the mass and secret burial of hundreds of patients, wounded and medical staff of Nasser Hospital in the Gaza Strip in the vicinity of the hospital are serious war crimes, which will remain a stain in the face of the lagging Arab regimes and the hypocritical world.

The committee pointed out in its weekly meeting today under the chairmanship of the advisor to the President of the Supreme Political Council - Chairman of the Committee, Allama Muhammad Muftah, that the horrific and heinous massacre committed by the Zionist enemy forces confirms the criminal tendency inherent in this usurping entity.

It explained that the American and European colonial regime are participants in the massacre that affected civilian crews in one of the most protected humanitarian professions in the world and its humanitarian laws, as well as the rest of the daily massacres, which they bear the burden of and its moral and criminal consequences.

The Committee stressed that the free regimes and the free people of the world are required to continue to condemn the fascist behavior of the Zionist enemy and to exert pressure by various means on the Western regimes that support the Zionist entity.

It urged the national media system to redouble its good efforts to keep pace with events in Gaza and to continue media coverage of the daily massacres committed by the Zionist enemy against the people of Gaza, as well as through programs and explanatory paragraphs of the nature of the existential conflict with the usurping entity and the Zionist project in general, its aggressive approach against the nation, its ambitions for its resources and its plans to undermine its faith and cultural identity, values and morals.

The Committee noted the multiple positive effects, direct and indirect, of the military operations of the Yemeni armed forces and naval forces against the ships of the Zionist enemy and other ships heading to the ports of occupied Palestine through the Bab al-Mandab Strait, the Red Sea, the Arab Sea and the Indian Ocean, on the economy of the Zionist enemy and its citizens and the disruption of the port of um al-Rashrash, as well as on the interests of the American and British enemy.

The Higher Committee for the Support of Al-Aqsa reiterated the importance of escalating military operations against the depth of the Zionist enemy, its ships and ships and frigates of the American and British enemy in the Bab al-Mandab, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian and Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and preventing ships from reaching the ports of occupied Palestine by all available means.

In its meeting, the committee approved its program to go to summer schools as part of its mobilization and awareness activities related to the central cause of the nation of Palestine and supporting the mujahideen in Gaza, the West Bank and the rest of the occupied territories.

The committee also approved the program of the Great March, which will be held next Friday afternoon in the Seventy Square Square in the capital, and similar marches in the capitals of the governorates and directorates on the same day.

In this regard, it saluted the participation of one million in the previous marches, which had an important moral and political impact in supporting the cause and supporting the Palestinian resistance factions and confronting them valiantly against the Zionist enemy, as well as its importance in continuing to draw the attention of world public opinion to the daily massacres committed by the Zionist entity and its deadly starvation of the brothers in the besieged Gaza Strip.

It called on the Yemeni people to continue their honorable march next Friday in response to the call of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the call of the Palestinian resistance to the Yemeni people and all free peoples in Arab and Islamic countries and free people around the world to continue manifestations of support and support for the resistance and condemn the massacres of the Zionists.

The committee stood in front of the important positive effects of the popular boycott campaign for Zionist and American goods and products and companies supporting the Zionist enemy, on the path of supporting Gaza and the Palestinian cause, praising the level of interaction of the Yemeni people with the boycott campaign.

The Committee stressed that the widespread popular boycott of those goods embodied the faith of the Yemeni people and their keenness to carry out their religious, moral and humanitarian duties in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the occupied territories, who are subjected to grave Zionist aggression with Arab and international complicity.

The Committee called upon the Yemeni people to continue their boycott of those goods and products whose prices are used to support the Zionist entity and to purchase weapons and ammunition with which our brothers in Gaza, the West Bank and the Palestinian territories are being killed today.

The Higher Committee for the Support of Al-Aqsa reviewed and approved the minutes of its previous meeting.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300