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  US-Saudi Aggression
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  Revolution Leader
Revolution Leader congratulates Islamic nation on Eid Al-Fitr occasion
Revolution Leader congratulates Islamic nation on Eid Al-Fitr occasion
Revolution Leader congratulates Islamic nation on Eid Al-Fitr occasion
[Wed, 10 Apr 2024 09:24:29 +0300]

SANA'A April 10. 2024 (Saba) - The Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, extended his congratulations and blessings to the entire Islamic nation, in particular the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen in Gaza Strip, on the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Fitr.

In his twenty-fifth lecture , Sayyed Leader also extended his congratulations and blessings to the dear Yemeni people and their dear Mujahideen stationed on all fronts.

He pointed out that the Mujahideen in Gaza combined the virtue of fasting and the virtue of good deeds with the virtue of jihad as they faced the enemies of God and the enemies of humanity in a holy battle and in the most honorable field.

He said, "We extend our congratulations and blessings to the sons of the dear Palestinian people stationed in Al-Aqsa Mosque, -Quds, the West Bank, and all parts of Palestine."

The Revolution Leader pointed out that Eid al-Fitr is an occasion to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and love between Muslims and relatives, and other Islamic values, stressing the importance of taking care to pay Zakat al-Fitr, which is obligatory and legitimate, to console the poor on the day of Eid.

He stated that one of the indicators of the acceptance of fasting is the positive psychological effect that a person feels in himself , thus in the reality of his life and actions. He said, “It is from the grace and grace of God Almighty that He has enabled our people to contribute to the victory of the Palestinian people and carry the banner of jihad.”

The Leader pointed out that the Yemeni people are waging an actual battle against the enemies of God and the enemies of humanity. He added, “We are in the reality of a war against the Israeli enemy and a jihad against the Americans and the British who are aggressors against our country.”

He stated that the American and British are attacking our country to support the Israeli enemy and protect its crimes and siege on Gaza Strip. He also pointed out that the military position, mobilization, and the weekly exit of millions are what God has enabled the Yemeni people to do, in contrast to the failure of most Islamic countries.

He stressed the importance of everyone being keen to move and beware of laziness, considering that going out on a weekly basis is an available work that integrates with the rest of the work.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi expressed his thanks to all those who organized and contributed to the success of the second conference, “Palestine is the Nation’s Central Issue,” which was held in Sana’a with participation from various continents. He pointed out that it is important to return the mobilization activities that stopped during the month of Ramadan on a greater level.

He considered paying attention to agriculture a very important issue, and everyone should pay attention to agriculture, especially with the arrival of the agricultural season, as well as seeking to reclaim more land, cultivate it, benefit from the rainy season, and initiate the construction of more barriers and dams.

The revolution leader pointed out the importance of activating the agricultural associations that were established, addressing the obstacles to their activity, activating social initiatives during the planting season, creating barriers, reclaiming lands, providing seeds and plowing... urging the official side to be cooperative and contribute to activating the associations.

He warned farmers to beware of buying solar energy units through usurious methods, pointing out that selling through usurious methods is dangerous, and the official side should prevent it, while farmers should beware of buying using usurious methods.

He said, "Farmers must pay attention to paying zakat and realize that one of the most important things that helps with blessings and good things is paying zakat."

The revolution leader called on the official authorities and the private sector to absorb the local product in their factories and transform it into local manufactures, and merchants should accept the local product in purchasing and distributing it instead of manufactures imported from abroad.

He stressed the need to pay attention to summer courses after the month of Ramadan because of their great benefit in caring for the emerging generation, providing them with knowledge and awareness, and protecting them from misguidance and negative influences.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300